Phrasal Verbs Advanced ESL Lesson Plan

About This Product
Phrasal Verbs Advanced Lesson Plan teaches high-level English language learners and native speakers essential phrasal verbs. Students explore the nuances between literal and figurative meanings to build vocabulary. Then they apply this knowledge by completing focused exercises assessing comprehension, spelling, and grammar skills. This resource suits small group direct instruction or independent practice. Answer keys support self-assessment. Implementation ideas include pretesting to identify knowledge gaps, whole class introduction with shared examples, small group peer discussion, and reflections synthesizing personal meanings. This engaging 7-page PDF lesson plan on phrasal verbs strengthens language mastery for both ESL students and native speakers ready for advanced concepts. Answer keys support diverse learning needs when used for individual, small group, or whole class instruction.
The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 32+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.