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Math > Numbers | Grade 6 | Worksheets

Ratio - 6th Grade

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Grade 6





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About This Product

This comprehensive math resource takes students on a structured journey to develop an understanding of ratios. Starting with visual aids and progressing to word problems, it guides learners through the key concepts and skills needed for ratio-based problem-solving.

The resource begins by introducing the powerful tool of tape diagrams (also known as bar models). These visual representations allow students to clearly see the relationships between quantities in a ratio. By coloring and manipulating the diagrams, learners develop an intuitive grasp of how ratios work and change.

You will have a series of worksheet sets that gradually increase in difficulty. These worksheets guide students through ratio calculations, starting with small numbers and moving up to larger, more complex values. The worksheets cover a range of tasks, including:

Sets 1-3: Finding the Value of One Unit and Sharing the Original Quantity

Students are given the initial quantity and the ratio, then must determine the value of one unit and divide the original amount accordingly.

Sets 4-6: Solving for the Initial Quantity

These worksheets provide the ratio and one of the final shared amounts, challenging students to work backwards to find the original quantity.

Sets 7-9: Determining Tape Diagram Widths

In addition to a mix of ratio calculations, these worksheets require students to first determine the appropriate widths for the tape diagrams before coloring them in.

Word Problem Practice

The resource culminates in two sets of word problem worksheets, allowing students to apply their ratio skills in real-world contexts. These problems cover a range of scenarios, including sharing a given quantity, finding the original quantity from a shared amount and ratio, and determining the simplest form of a ratio.

How many worksheets are in each set ?

Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers change  which allows you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers etc) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated .

There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. 

Answers found on the second page of every worksheet are automatically generated when you create a new worksheet.

Self Checking Interactive Presentation

Ideal for a whole class activity as an introduction to the worksheets or as a resource to review ratio at a later date. Pupils can come to the Whiteboard and enter solutions and get immediate feedback.

These resources are PDF documents and work with the official  Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard.

Resource Tags

math ratio tape diagrams bar model ratio and proportion word problems 6th grade worksheets interactive whiteboard Jeff's Notebooks

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