Scratch: Platform Physics (Game Mechanics #6)

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About This Product

Scratch: Platform Physics (Game Mechanics #6)


This serves as a comprehensive teaching resource specifically designed for educators to instruct learning in computer science. Ideal for students from grade 3 to 10. It aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to create custom blocks and set up physics in platform games on Scratch.

Main Features:

  • Moving a character left or right
  • Navigating through dynamics of character jumping
  • Understanding the application of gravity principles and wall/ground detection within game mechanics.

Note: This guide promotes creativity by pushing learners beyond their current limits, thereby enriching their interaction with Scratch. Prior familiarity with Scratch is suggested while using this resource.

Suitability across Various Scenarios:

  • Holistic classroom instruction
  • Small group sessions
  • Distributed as homework assignment

Format Specifications:

The package is provided as an easy-to-use PDF file, complete with clear, concise step-by-step instructions beneficial to both educators and students pursing computer science activities.

To conclude,This resource stands apart due its comprehensive content, adaptability across learner competencies & scenarios, thus assuring educators about its potential in augmenting engaged learning within computer science.

What's Included

Step by step to create custom blocks and physics

Resource Tags

Scratch Platform Physics Game Mechanics Custom Blocks Physics-Based Games simple physics game physic games download science physics game simple game mechanics

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