Self-Sustainability Skills: Mental & Physical Health Gr. 6-12+

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About This Product

Self-Sustainability Skills: Mental & Physical Health Gr. 6-12+

The Self-Sustainability Skills: Mental & Physical Health Gr. 6-12+ is a practical teaching resource designed to empower students in middle and high school to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. This chapter slice comes from the full lesson plan titled "Real World Life Skills - Self-Sustainability Skills" and focuses on insightful topics like coping mechanisms, stress management, understanding mental health, promoting healthy relationships along with fundamental skills like self-defense and first aid.

A Multi-Faceted Approach Towards Learning

In this teaching resource, instruction becomes stimulating as it employs a multi-faceted approach towards learning. Steps for performing CPR, adapting to unpredictable situations or overcoming setbacks are presented through easy-to-understand reading passages which are then followed by various real-world activities.

  • Crosswords
  • Word Search Puzzles
  • Fundamental skills Activities such as Self-defense techniques & First Aid Training

Learner Evaluations Through Quizzes

To evaluate learners' comprehensions of studied subject matters there are comprehensive quizzes at the end of each topic unit.

Pedagogical Content Integration

This entire pedagogical content comes in a convenient form of a printable PDF. The content is aligned with state standards right into classrooms or homeschool learning spaces at an accessible grade level from seven-eight with an ultimate aim to guide the students towards living independently while growing mentally strong.
The product falls under 'Special Resources' subheading 'Life Skills', wrapping up essential aspects of life skills curriculum taught in grades six through twelve—including sixth grade, seventh grade etc till twelfth grade.

Bloom's Taxonomy Approach

Using Bloom's Taxonomy approach allows you to structure learning objectives effectively, ensuring each learner can comprehend the vital skills required in life. This comprehensive teaching resource is without excessive jargon but focuses on high-interest concepts based around daily-life applications boosting student engagement.


The teaching resource 'Self-Sustainability Skills: Mental & Physical Health Gr. 6-12+', reinforces knowledge about self-sustainability providing them a road map to become confident and resilient individuals in life.''

What's Included

A 29-page printable PDF. It can also be displayed digitally during instruction.

Resource Tags

Real World Skills Life Skills Coping Skills Mental Health Physical Health Reading Comprehension Writing Prompts Quick Writes

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