Sometimes, I Need To Leave The Classroom, Social Skills Story and Activities

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Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3





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About This Product

"Sometimes, I Need To Leave The Classroom, Social Skills Story and Activities"

This is a valuable educational resource designed to help address the anxiety and worries students may feel when needing to leave the classroom for therapies, breaks or other services. It provides an understanding as to why it's okay to temporarily step out of class.

Addressing Concerns:

The resource addresses concerns about missing ongoing classroom activities while away. It offers engaging narratives that help students process their emotions in a constructive way. This layered approach makes this material adaptable for various teaching scenarios - from group discussions, individual instruction or as take-home assignments.

  • A color social story for multiple uses throughout the year across different classes as required.
  • A coloring book companion version that engages students in active learning roles.
Skill Builder Activities:
  1. 'My Daily Schedule' that offer full-page schedules and mini desk versions promoting routine familiarity
  2. 'My Make-Up Plan' outlines strategies on how missed work can be promptly addressed upon return from stepping out of class temporarily
  3. 'My Calm-Down Plan' targeting self-soothing methods during overwhelming situations within classrooms or elsewhere

This comprehensive package is suitable for Kindergarten through Grade 3 levels and fits well into life skills education curriculum components.Served in an accessible PDF file type, with worksheets included; this resource doubles as a teaching aid and a valuable learning companion providing coping strategies and reassurance to young learners.

What's Included

Included Please Find: 26 Pages

1 Color Social Story {great for years of use in the classroom}

1 Coloring Book Companion {black & white story, great for coloring in while teacher is reading and for sending home for generalization}

Skill Builder Activity 1: My Daily Schedule {1 full page schedule and mini desk schedules}

Skill Builder Activity 2: My Make-Up Plan {1 full page plan and mini desk plans}

Skill Builder Activity 3: My Calm-Down Plan {1 full page plan and mini desk plans}

Resource Tags

social skills anxiety classroom coping strategies self-soothing

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