Story Elements Flashcards

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ELA, Writing


Grade 2, 3, 4



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About This Product

Story Elements Flashcards: A Multi-purpose Teaching Resource

Suitable for grades 2, 3, and 4, these flashcards serve as comprehensive guides during writing activities. They highlight key components of a story such as:

  • Beginning
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Middle part of the story
  • Events Plot Ending Problem and Solution.

This tool actively engages students in character building exercises where they can create their own characters, defining their personalities as well as abilities. Moreover, the Story Elements Flashcards also emphasize on exploring different settings and understanding plot structures while considering potential resolutions.

Aiding Learning Through Activities

An accompanying PDF file offers variegated writing activities that allow students to apply principles they have learned from the flashcards. The PDF also includes an answer key for self-check or teacher's evaluation. This makes it a versatile teaching tool for whole group lessons, small group activities or individual assignments.


The flashcards can be revisited anytime for reinforcing major concepts and ensuring steady progress towards mastering storytelling elements .They are designed to make learning engaging and fun whilst improving comprehension skills in children. In conclusion,The Story Element Flashcards provide an interactive way to comprehend basic principles of storytelling.They focus on practical application thereby making writing more accessible.With features like these,the Flashcards make an ideal aid in language art curriculums especially focusing on improving writing skills.

What's Included

1 PDF File

Resource Tags

storytelling skills story elements character building plot structure writing activities

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