Storytelling Pictures VALUE PACK Gr. K

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ELA, Reading





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About This Product

Storytelling Pictures VALUE PACK Gr. K

Storytelling Pictures VALUE PACK Gr. K is an inclusive educational resource designed specifically for kindergarten educators in both scholastic and homeschool settings. Comprising of 96 printable pages spanning four exclusive units, it aims to activate young learners' imaginations while strengthening their language arts abilities.

"Storyboard Stories for Spring"

The first unit empowers you to make storytelling a delightful journey with storyboard stories pertinent to spring season. From engaging with scenic avian wonders in "Five Little Chickadees", being part of pulsating exploits in "Jack in the Beanstalk" or discovering nature's inherent charm with "Five Peas in a Pod"—each story adds an element of intrigue besides offering ample learning opportunities—ideal for both isolated or collective group activities.

Story Picture Resource

The second unit provides versatile story picture resources that not only amplify storytelling but also aid learners visually comprehend diverse narratives more effectively. The convenience of assembling these pictures makes them the perfect accompaniment for repeated storytelling sessions.

'I Love My Learning Centres'

In the third unit, 'I Love My Learning Centres,' you're equipped with illustrative materials essential to establish 24 unique classroom centres, presenting innovative ways of allotting distinctive zones within classrooms towards specific learning engagements—this aids better student participation through orderly environments.

Bonus Record Sheets

  • Apart from being tools to manage class records efficiently, our bonus record sheets offer visual delight infused into everyday tasks via their pleasing design aesthetics without obstructing their core purpose.

Complementary Big Books Creation Instructions

In addition, instructions on crafting Big Books as part of innovative language art lessons complement each unit. These books augment students' comprehensive reading growth by exhibiting larger text coupled with illustrations—an ideal approach that supports group learning whilst accommodating individual comprehension capabilities.

Wrap Up

To conclude, Storytelling Pictures VALUE PACK Gr.K—with its range of components—becomes an indispensable companion for educators, honing skill development while bringing life to classrooms wherein every Kindergartener would warmly embrace learning.

What's Included

1 PDF with 96 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

storytelling story pictures bonus records spring stories reading activity

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