The Age of Exploration World History Unit

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The Age of Exploration World History Unit provides middle school students with a comprehensive study of this pivotal time period. Through informative readings, analysis questions, projects, and visuals, students will gain knowledge about the origins, voyages, exchanges, trades, and economic impacts.
The unit covers six key topics: the beginnings of exploration, famous voyages, the Spanish Armada, the Columbian Exchange, the Triangular Trade, and mercantilism and capitalism. Modified versions of the readings, flashcards, a presentation, crosswords, note-taking alternatives, homework, lesson plans, and a test give multiple ways for students to interact with the content. Teachers can implement the resources for whole group instruction or individual practice. This unit brings history to life with engaging materials that build student understanding.
Resource Tags
World History Unit
Age of Exploration
Crossword Puzzles
History Cards
History Assessment
Reading Worksheets
Google Classroom
Spanish Armada
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