The Class System

An educational teaching resource from Ed Dynamic entitled The Class System downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

The Class System: A Comprehensive Teaching Resource

This teaching resource, The Class System, is specially designed for learners from grades 7 to 10. Combining activities, discussions, slides and assignments, it encourages curious exploration while expanding their knowledge base.

A Focus on Occupational Prestige

The initial activity urges students to analyze different American occupations in terms of prestige and recognition. The goal is to stimulate thoughtful debates among the students regarding how they perceive these occupations.

Detailed Slides

Class slides included in this resource are meticulously made keeping key content relevant for grades 7-10 curriculum in mind. Each slide effectively covers important ideas under discussion using time-tested academic strategies.

Interactive Assignments:

  • Class Notes Assignment:

  • A complementary assignment that captures essential points discussed about societal structures ensuring greater comprehension.

Main Topics of Discussion include:

  1. Social Stratification: Categorization based on economic status or occupation

  2. Occupational Prestige: Your perception tied to different jobs

  3. Wealth: Influence due to monetary advantage

  4. Power: Control gained through wealth or position

  5. Generational Advantages : Cumulative benefits due societal positioning over generations.

This teaching resource covers serious topics within Social Studies & Psychology that are highly relevant today making itself excellent for any school class handling these subject areas at the specified grade level!
Lastly, you find everything structured neatly within a Google Drive™ folder—prioritizing accessibility and usefulness. Get ready to embark on an enlightening journey with 'The Class System'!

Resource Tags

Social Stratification Occupational Prestige Wealth and Power Generational Advantages Social Mobility

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