The Rise of Political Parties: PowerPoint & Guided Notes
About This Product
The Rise of Political Parties: PowerPoint & Guided Notes
A high-quality, in-depth teaching resource, that provides an engaging and comprehensive educational package for educators aiming to explain the early political settings of the United States.
- An extensive overview of debates over ratification of the U.S. Constitution, resulting in formation of early political parties like Federalist Party and Democratic-Republican Party.
- Covers iconic figures like Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, & James Madison - making key historical milestones understandable for Grade 6 to Grade 10 students.
- Guided note pages synced with PowerPoint presentations - facilitating easy follow-through during both class sessions and independent work (homework).
- Sufficient material without the need for additional reading - covers crucial moments such as Washington cabinet's formation and landmark disputes like Jefferson vs Hamilton regarding national bank establishment.
A standalone lesson plan that also works well when paired with reading materials to give a broader understanding of America’s politics from inception till today's two-party system predominated by Democrats & Republicans.
- Multiple file formats including PDFs and PPTs – teacher versions suitable for presentation, student versions good for note-taking alongside key points discussion.
In conclusion—high-quality education made enjoyable!
Serves all dedicated teachers aimed at elucidating USA’s rich history—a subject included under Social Studies' curriculum. Wonderful depictions via clip arts from Prince Padania adds a delightful visual touch making learning all more engaging!
What's Included
Teacher version
Student version