Unit: The Little Prince
About This Product
Unit: The Little Prince
This is a no-prep packet of study for The Little Prince Novel study.
It includes vocabulary, comprehension, predictions, critical thinking, connections to text, and creative assignments all separated by chapters.
For each chapter students will be engage in the following five activities:
1. Vocabulary: Students will lookup each vocabulary word in the dictionary, and write the definition below. Then, use each vocabulary word in a sentence. Vocabulary words in each chapter varies, therefore towards the end of their study students will have built a great list of learned vocabulary words!
2. Comprehension: Students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills by answering open-ended questions based on each chapter.
3. Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate critical thinking abilities by answering a question that requires them to think beyond factual information provided in the story.4. Connection to the Text: For each chapter, students will demonstrate the ability to connect what they are reading to their everyday life.
5. Assignment: After every chapter, students will complete one assignment of their choice! Students will be able to choose from creating a song, creating a poster, writing a poem, writing a comic strip, writing a journal entry that the narrator may have written, or creating a scrapbook with hand drawn pictures and captions.
Students will be completely engaged during every chapter that they read while showing reading comprehension skills, and being able able to explain in their own words their understanding of the content of the novel.
This resource can be used for in-class work, independent work, or for homework. Answer sheet is included for educators' convenience.
What's Included
A PDF with 41 pages.