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Vaping and Peer Pressure SEL Lesson

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Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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About This Product

In this lesson, students will first listen to an NPR podcast of vaping and the teenage brain (link in slides included). They will also read and analyze a story that has to do with a fictional character who ends up vaping and interacts with a number of different people.

Students will need to assign responsibility and blame in terms of what happened to Susan.

Students will also need to explain why they ranked the way they did for each of the characters in the story.

Nobody can have 0% nor 100% in the ranking students decide.

There is a ranking order sheet on the second page of the story that can be used for this purpose. This is a higher-order activity where students will be analyzing different peer pressure situations to assign responsibility to different people and there is no right or wrong answer.

There is also a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation to guide the lesson from start to finish as well as a lesson outline. The lesson can be taught within a 30-45 period class based on the amount of discussion you encourage.

At the end of the lesson students will have a chance to share their ranking and state their reasoning.

What's Included

A ZIP file with a Powerpoint presentation, an activity called The Party and Ranking Each Person's Responsibility and Directions.

Resource Tags

vaping health drugs and alcohol SEL peer pressure social emotional learning school counseling special education peer pressure lesson

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