Volcano Handout -An SEL Coloring Page SEL Worksheet

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In this SEL coloring page and SEL worksheet, students will write down their anger triggers at the bottom of the volcano. There is room for 6 triggers. Then they will write down calming strategies in the 5 rain clouds. This handout is helpful in an SEL lesson about anger, in a counseling session or in small group work. For more SEL coloring pages, SEL worksheets, SEL presentations, please visit my SEL store at:


You may also like other SEL related resources to target anger management such as:

https://teachsimple.com/product/dont-let-the-gingerbread-man-snap-boom-cards-and-sel-coloring-pages (In this SEL Boom Cards resource, students will learn how to manage their anger in healthy ways versus unhealthy ways. There is a fun image of a gingerbread man cookie as a Christmas themed Boom Deck. Each card has an example of how someone managed their anger-either in a healthy way or not so healthy way. Students will click on the correct gingerbread man image. Each student will get a turn at the Boom Cards. You can also use this as a center, group activity assign it for homework.)

https://teachsimple.com/product/coping-skills-brochure-and-sel-coloring-pages (This is a coping skills brochure when students experience a big emotion. The emotion could be anger, worry, sadness, etc. There is an SEL coloring page, writing prompts about different coping skills and emotion triggers.)

https://teachsimple.com/product/self-control-quiz-show-no-prep (Self Control Quiz Show Power Point. Sometimes students who exhibit anger, have not learned or mastered the skills of self-control. In this engaging Jeopardy like game show, students will compete as a class to answer different questions related to self-control. This is a fun whole classroom SEL lesson. There is even a tip sheet to have the class go over before the quiz show and to take home to share with their family members about what they learned in class.)

https://teachsimple.com/product/28-calm-down-strategy-sel-cards-editable (28 editable calm down cards. Sometimes kids cannot think straight when they are flooded with anger. In these cards, students will get to learn about and explore different ways to calm down when they are upset. Then they can think clearly about what to do next.)

Resource Tags

anger management calming down self-regulation SEL school counseling temper anger volcano sel coloring pages SEL worksheets social emotional learning

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