Writing Prompts and Activities: President's Day

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Writing Prompts and Activities: President's Day

Looking for a compelling writing activity that pays tribute to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln? Dive into this comprehensive set tailored for President’s Day, brimming with writing prompts and activities. Especially beneficial for History educators, this Writing Prompts and Activities: President's Day resource ensures that Middle School students don't just acquire factual knowledge about these iconic presidents. They'll delve deeper, interpreting Washington’s Rules of Civility and mulling over Lincoln's renowned quotes.

Timelines, invaluable learning tools, are incorporated in this Writing Prompts and Activities: President's Day to further enrich their understanding. After perusing a concise history of each president, students will be tasked with populating a timeline and crafting a summary based on their notes or the timeline itself. But we've gone beyond just summaries, recognizing that they can sometimes be monotonous. To inject creativity, engaging task cards are at your disposal to ignite students' imaginative flair.

In today's world where empathy is in dire need, this Writing Prompts and Activities: President's Day resource presents a unique opportunity. Students will imaginatively step into the shoes of Washington and Lincoln, penning narratives from their viewpoints. We, as educators, are acutely aware of how writing can sometimes be a daunting task for both the teacher and students. However, this resource is meticulously designed to streamline the process, making teaching and learning a more enjoyable experience.


◈RESEARCH has shown◈ 
◈ It’s essential to set the purpose for writing because it influences the decisions students make about style.
◈ Writing helps foster the imagination, artistic expression, clear thinking and identity.
◈ Graphic organizers are visual tools that help children learn and understand.
◈ Writing is a process, in addition to pre-writing, students need to learn how to proof-read properly.

◈ It’s important for kids to learn empathy for others, putting themselves in someone else's shoes helps them do that. 

◈ It’s crucial for our children to learn history so that they understand the changes that caused our society to be what it is today.

◈ The old adage, not to know what happened in the past will cause history to    repeat itself is so also an important reason to learn about those who came before us..

◈ This is what you’ll get ◈.

1. Complete Lessons for George Washington and Abraham

    Lincoln activities.

2. Graphic Organizers

3. Pre-Writing Worksheets

4. Timelines

5. Rough Draft Activities

6. Grading Rubric

7. Final draft black/white and colorful writing pages

8.  Student handouts

9.  George Washington

       a. Short history

       b.  Timeline

       c. Essay  writing from history notes

       d. 110 rules of Civility and Decent Behavior that includes

           a lesson plan and task cards with story starters.

10.  Abraham Lincoln

       a.  Notes and references,.

       b.  Lincoln’s quotes

       c.  Making a timeline from notes.

       d.  Essay writing about quotes.

       e.  Task cards and story starters.

11.  Contact Information


PERSONALLY, I loved teaching HISTORY/ ELA to my students. A great way to kill “two birds with one stone,”  was to have them write a narrative, expository, or creative paper by placing themselves into a certain time period and writing about it.  Believe it or not, I  enjoyed reading their papers.  It always amazed me to see the improvements they made from the beginning of the year, they amazed themselves too.  .


✔This bundle can be used for:
✔ Middle School
✔ Upper Elementary
✔ English Classes
✔ History Classes
✔ SPED Classes


 Copyright©2016 Deann Marin (Socrates Lantern)

Resource Tags

President's Day Writing Prompts Language Arts History Timeline

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