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High School Experiments

Provide your high school students with experiments that offer in-depth exploration of complex scientific concepts. This collection includes lab investigations in chemistry, physics, and biology. By integrating these high school experiments into your teaching, you can prepare students for college-level science and inspire future careers in STEM fields.

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Apps & Social Media Vocabulary - Flash Cards, Word List + Quiz, Games and MORE!
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Apps & Social Media Vocabulary - Flash Cards, Word List + Quiz, Games and MORE!
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Grade 1, 2, 3, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

This resource is a comprehensive lesson that uses 20 app-related vocabulary words. First off, you can introduce these words by using the PDF -based presentation. With the arrow keys, you just move from one word to another to make your students familiar with them. Next, You can hand out the vocabulary lists. Beware that these are made with color, so in order to be eco-friendly you might want to use black and white ink. Once the students have taken these lists home, they can do the vocabulary test in their next class. They can practice with the words by utilizing the included flash cards. These just need to be printed, laminated, and cut. Beware of sharp edges though. You can use the curved edges version to avoid annoying pinches. Finally, use the Wacky Words activity to have a really good time in class. With this, all the letters are mixed up. Students love this.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Apps, Social Media, Vocabulary, Flash Cards, Digital Activities

FREE DOMINO GAME | Emojis Themed
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FREE DOMINO GAME | Emojis Themed
, Not Grade Specific, Games, Activities

Hello and welcome to the EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS resource store. I tell you that most of my resources are presented for free because our purpose is to help teachers and/or children who want to learn in a didactic way. That's why we make these products in the most attractive way possible, so take advantage of the fact that most of these resources are free to download them now. Please read the following information carefully so that you know what this document is about: 2. Title of the pedagogical resource: The title of this resource is "12 dominoes" 3. Topic to work on: This game will help you develop children's intelligence, as well as other cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and visualization. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: You can apply this game in multiple areas of knowledge. 5. Number of pages contained: This document is made up of 3 pages, on each page you will find 4 dominoes, which means that in the end you have 12 dominoes. 6. Is it available in color or white/black? This educational document is available in color to make it much more attractive for your children. 7. What version is it available in? This educational document is available in PDF version, A4 size. 8. Editable/Not Editable: This educational resource is not editable. 9. Age at which it can be applied: You can apply this educational document to children from 4 to 8 years old or in general to any age who is interested in playing dominoes. 10. Tags or keywords that describe the content: domino, domino game, game for children, brain games . 11. Ways to print: Print this document, then cut out each of the pieces, also, if possible, laminate them to make them more resistant. 12. Forms of application in class: Apply this document in groups of children of approximately 2 to 3. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.


Tags Domino, Domino Game, Domino Puzzle, Free Resources

Free Download

Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

HELLO THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING HERE! Learning numbers has never before been as fun as using this fabulous little book to learn to count from 1 to 10, with a bee theme. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK: Print this book in color and laminate it. Also, cut out each of the bee figures that you see, then ask your students to fill in the boxes with each of the bee drawings according to the proposed quantity, be it 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ,9,10. Ready, you will have a bee-themed notebook of numbers. KEYWORDS OF THIS PRODUCT: Number books, numbers, learn to count, counting exercises, numbers from 1 to 10, numbers, number exercises. -DESCRIPTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT: Now through the following questions we are going to provide information about this product so that you are encouraged to download it. 1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom? Didactic number books are valuable tools for children to learn mathematics better, and they also bring other benefits such as: - Reduces mathematical anxiety and stress. - They help children better understand mathematical concepts. 2. What is the name of this document? The name of this product is "Counting numbers from 1 to 10 thanks to the bee theme" 3. What topic will you address in this resource? The numbers from 1 to 10. 4. For what ages is it recommended? Recommended for children from 3 to 7 years old who are learning their first numbers. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author of this document is the publishing house ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. COME UP NOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS COMPLETELY FREE DOCUMENT. ALSO REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE OTHER BOOKS AVAILABLE ON MATHEMATICS, LANGUAGE, SPANISH, AND BRAIN EXERCISES THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD. CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES: 40 DIVISION CARDS: 40 MULTIPLICATION CARDS: 40 ADDITION CARDS: 40 SUBTRACTION CARDS:


Tags Numbers, Numbers 1 To 10, Numbers Counting, Numbers Book, Counting Numbers 1 To 10

Circulatory System – Lab Station Activity

Circulatory System – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Human Body, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on the Circulatory System is meant to get your kids out of their seats and engaged in the content. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.), but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class, This lab activity covers: - Circulatory System - Circulatory System Disorders - Prevention of Cardiac Disorders ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don't have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it's not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ---------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production • Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement • Mass, Volume, Density, & Buoyancy • Work and Energy • Renewable Energy • Plate Tectonics • The Rock Cycle • Natural Disasters • Pressure, Volume, and Temperature • Forces • Power • Liquids and Gases • Fossils and Geologic Time • Earthquakes and Volcanoes Coming Soon: - Work = F x d - Nonrenewable energy sources - Projectile Motion - Momentum, Conservation of Momentum and Impulse - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills • The Different Types of Clouds • Meteorology Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations • Meiosis • DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Alleles • Genetic Disorders • Fats • Reproductive Technologies • Muscular and Skeletal System • Integumentary System Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system - Carbohydrates and Lipids Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter • Pure Substances and Mixtures • Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Circulatory, System, Body, Health, Lab Stations, Lab 11 The Circulatory System, Circulatory System Lesson Plans High School, Circulatory System Word Search Answer Key, Circulatory System Activities For Middle School

Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement – Lab Station Activity

Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement Lab Station Activity This editable high school physics lab station activity allows students to get out of their seats and actively engage with content on average speed, velocity, and displacement. The stations offer unique opportunities to test knowledge through hands-on tasks like drawing, answering questions based on videos, and more. Students are equipped with a recording sheet to document their work. The activity covers topics like scalar vs vector quantities, distance vs displacement, velocity, GPS and speedometers. Bonus word scramble and word search activities ensure students stay busy. An answer key is provided. Use the stations as a lab activity or test prep. With little prep required besides printing, the lab stations provide a valuable learning experience for students to complement your average speed and velocity instruction.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Speed, Velocity, Displacement, Physics, Lab Station, Speed Activity, Distance And Displacement Lab Activity Answer Key, Distance And Displacement Lab Answer Key

Mutations – Lab Station Activity

Mutations – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on Mutations is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. This activity was designed for High School Biology students. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.) but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. This lab activity covers: - Mutations Overview - Small-scale Mutations - Missense Mutations - Nonsense Mutations - Silent Mutations - Frameshift Mutations - Large-scale Mutations - Causes - Mutagens ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don't have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it's not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ----------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system - Carbohydrates and Lipids - Meiosis Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production Coming Soon: - Calculating average speed, velocity, and displacement - Work = F x d - Renewable energy sources - Nonrenewable energy sources - Projectile Motion - Momentum, Conservation of Momentum and Impulse - Power - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Mutations, Mutagens, DNA, Cancer

Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Lab Station Activity

Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Lab Station Activity
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Science, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lab Station Activity Bring earthquakes and volcanoes to life in your middle or high school science classroom with this engaging lab station activity . Students will rotate through 9 stations, each offering a unique hands-on opportunity to build their knowledge. Activities include designing models, conducting research, answering discussion questions, analyzing readings and videos, and more. The activity covers key concepts like fault lines, earthquake prediction, volcanic eruptions, and the connection to real-world events. It aligns to multiple NGSS standards. Includes station description cards, student recording sheets, and answer keys for easy implementation. Challenge your students to think critically about earthquakes and volcanoes while keeping them actively engaged with this multifaceted, high-interest lab. Download, print, and start shaking up your science lessons today!

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Natural Disasters, Weather, Lab Station, Volcanoes Lab, Earthquake And Volcano Worksheets

Energy Flow In Ecosystems – Lab Station Activity

Energy Flow In Ecosystems – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Energy Flow In Ecosystems Lab Station Activity Students get hands-on with the flow of energy through ecosystems in this engaging lab station activity. As they rotate through 9 stations, learners strengthen their understanding of topics like photosynthesis, cellular respiration, food chains and webs, ecological pyramids, and more. The activity covers producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores while connecting concepts to real-world applications. With a variety of learning modes including drawing, research, assessment , reading passages, and video, the stations offer something for all types of learners. The activity comes with station description cards, student recording sheets, word scrambles and searches to prevent downtime, and answer keys for the teacher. This versatile resource works for whole group, small group, or independent learning structures.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Scavenger, Food Chain, Energy, Flow, Ecosystems

Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations – Lab Station Activity

Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations Lab Station Activity This editable lab station activity covers describing chemical reactions, balancing chemical equations, and types of chemical reactions. Students rotate through 9 stations, including getting hands-on to draw models, researching topics, writing explanations, answering questions based on videos, and more. It is designed to engage students in the content in a fun and meaningful way. Use it to complement your chemistry curriculum as an in-class lab or review activity before tests. With minimal prep required and an answer key provided, implementing this activity into your chemistry lesson plans is seamless. Your students will love moving through the stations while solidifying their understanding of chemical reactions and balancing equations.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Ionic, Forces, Reactions, Chemical, Lab Stations, Balancing Equations, Describing Chemical Reactions Lab Answer Key

Thermoregulation – Lab Station Activity

Thermoregulation – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Thermoregulation – Lab Station Activity : Interactive Teaching Resource The primary objective of this multifaceted and fully editable Lab Station activity is to foster student engagement and create an interactive learning atmosphere. It uses several instructional methods, providing a dynamic approach to learning the critical subject of thermoregulation. This comprehensive Lab activity covers: Maintenance of body temperature Ectotherms and endotherms Metabolic responses to external temperatures Hibernation and cold conditions responses Torpor periods Estivation during hot weather scenarios etc. The lab showcases seven participatory stations along with two resting stations for reflection or preparation. Bonus activities such as word scrambles or searches further reinforce essential vocabulary associated with thermoregulation. An Organized Layout for Seamless Learning: All teachers need to do is print out the cards and arrange them throughout their classroom. The structured layout allows students an effortless transition between different activities, enhancing productivity while minimizing prep work on your end! Included Answer Key & Flexible Use Advantage: •An available answer key enhances this lab station's usability. •This thermoregulation resource can be used not only for lab activities but also as a performance assessment tool or revision resource. •Catering predominantly to Grade 8 – Grade 10 students studying Biology, it can be implemented in diverse educational settings ranging from whole-group instruction to small cluster teaching or even home assignments. Thermoregulation – Lab Station Activity not only makes learning about body temperature regulation engaging and impactful but is also versatile, catering to different teaching strategies and student learning styles.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Thermoregulation, Lab Activity, Interactive Learning, Body Temperature Regulation, Biology

Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion – Lab Station Activity

Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Newton's 3 Laws of Motion Lab Station Activity Students will learn Newton's three laws of motion through engaging lab stations. This hands-on physics activity allows small groups to rotate through 8 stations testing their knowledge of concepts like inertia, momentum, and equal-and-opposite forces. Stations feature building challenges, research questions, videos, and multiple choice assessments . A recording sheet tracks student progress as they navigate stations. This customizable resource works for middle and high school grade levels. Use it to introduce, reinforce or review Newton's laws of motion.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Motion, Newton, Forces, Objects, Lab Station

Atomic Model, Structure and Notation – Lab Station Activity

Atomic Model, Structure and Notation – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Atomic Model, Structure and Notation Lab Station Activity Engage students in learning atomic model, structure, and notation through this customizable lab station activity . Students move through various stations testing their knowledge about topics like atomic theory history, the Bohr-Rutherford atomic model, subatomic particles, calculating atomic mass/numbers, and more. Activities include drawing models, researching questions, writing explanations, watching videos, answering test questions, and even formulating their own questions. Recording sheets provided for students to document their work. Use this as an introductory or review lab activity in individual, small group, or whole class settings to bring interactive chemistry learning to life. Modifiable with answer keys. 7th-10th grade. Chemistry.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Atomic, Model, Structure, Notation, Lab Station, Simple Atomic Model

Power – Lab Station Activity

Power – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities

The Power-Lab Station Activity : An all-inclusive teaching resource designed specifically for passionate middle and high school educators. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a profound understanding of power physics through an engaging, interactive learning ecosystem presented via multiple activity stations, each comprising unique student engagement modes. Key Teaching Focus: Primarily focuses: On key physics concepts such as: Power Horsepower Energy efficiency Work and energy. Bonus Activities: The riveting word scrambles and searches related to the topic prevent idle-time between sessions. Diverse Stations: The Power-Lab Station Activity incorporates nine different stations. A station encourages students to "release their creativity". A station that uses technology for research purposes - enhancing their analytical skills. Incorporates writing tasks :This encourages learners' critical thinking abilities whilst getting them involved in reflective writing processes. Solely dedicated rest stations: Gives diligent learners time off or those with some extra work can catch up on unfinished tasks. Note: Last but not least another station motivates pupils creating multi-format questions stimulating strategic thought processes behind question framing consequential in collaborative educational environments. Advantageous features: One of the benefits is short readings that check comprehension by connecting the instruction with real-life applications and also testing knowledge through multiple-choice questions that require written explanations from learners. In line with today’s digital age, one of the stations compels students to watch a related video clip and dissect its aspects through inquiry-based learning techniques Ease of use: Teachers of grades 8-11 will find this package easy to use – simply print out or upload digitally! The resource is also editable and comes along with an answer key for easy assessments. The Power-Lab Station Activity : Conclusively, it meshes knowledge and creativity perfectly, making it an indispensable educational tool.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Power Physics, Interactive Learning, Student Engagement, Real-life Applications, Critical Thinking

Projectile Motion – Lab Station Activity

Projectile Motion – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on Projectile Motion is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. This activity was designed for high school physical science students. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.) but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. No prep, no formatting, no issues. Simply download, print (or upload to your class site) and you're all set. This resource is fully editable for your convenience This resource covers the following topics: - Launch angle - Kinematics equations - Solving projectile motion problems - Golf balls - Catapults Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don't have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it's not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. This activity covers the following NGSS: - HS-PS2-1 - HS-PS3-3 How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real-life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions than provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production • Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement • Mass, Volume, Density, & Buoyancy • Work and Energy • Renewable Energy • Plate Tectonics • The Rock Cycle • Natural Disasters • Pressure, Volume, and Temperature • Forces • Power • Liquids and Gases • Fossils and Geologic Time • Earthquakes and Volcanoes • Watersheds • Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, and Impulse • Nonrenewable Energy Sources • Projectile Motion Coming Soon: - Work = F x d - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations • Meiosis • DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Alleles • Genetic Disorders • Fats • Reproductive Technologies • Muscular and Skeletal System • Integumentary System • Carbohydrates and Lipids Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills • The Different Types of Clouds • Meteorology Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter • Pure Substances and Mixtures • Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. ***************************** For free resources, useful teaching tips, and tools, please visit my blog - If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Projectile, Motion, Physics, Gravity, Projectiles, Projectile Motion Labs, Projectile Motion Experiments, Projectile Motion Physics Lab, Projectile Motion Lab Physics, Projectile Lab, Projectile Motion Lab, Physics Lab Projectile Motion Answers, Physics Projectile Motion Lab Answers

Periodic Table – Lab Station Activity

Periodic Table – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on the Periodic Table is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.), but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. This lab activity covers: - The Periodic Table - The History behind its creation ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don’t have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it’s not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Chemistry, Periodic Table, Elements, Metals, Lab Station, The Periodic Table Lab, The Periodic Table Lab Answers, Periodic Table Activities, Periodic Table Lab Answer Key

Respiratory System – Lab Station Activity

Respiratory System – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Human Body, Grade 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Respiratory System Lab Station Activity Bring the human respiratory system to life in your middle or high school science classroom. This engaging lab activity includes 8 interactive stations where students can draw , research, watch videos, answer questions, and more. Cover core concepts like respiratory system structures, gas exchange, and diseases. Streamline setup with station description cards and a recording sheet for students. Boost engagement with bonus vocabulary puzzles like a word scramble and word search. Suitable for whole class or small groups as a lab activity or test review. Fully customizable and editable files provided, with answer keys included. Spans a 50-minute class period with minimal prep required. Extendable to other body systems like circulatory, digestive, nervous, and more, sold separately in my store.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Respiratory, System, Diseases, Lab Station, Organ, Respiratory System Lab Activities, Respiratory System Activities, Respiratory System Review Games, Anatomy Of The Respiratory System Lab, Respiratory System Interactive Activities

Liquids and Gases – Lab Station Activity

Liquids and Gases – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Liquids and Gases – Lab Station Activity is a valuable educational resource designed to enhance classroom learning for middle and high school students, especially those studying physical science. This affirmative lab activity engages students with an in-depth examination of Earth's biomes, promoting student movement and interaction. What sets this comprehensive resource apart is its coverage of critical topics like: Biome Types, Aquatic areas, Grasslands, Forests, Deserts, Tundra, etc., Beyond passive learning, different stations offer tasks that engage students actively, teaching them through the process of doing. The task may range from"drawing", or"constructing at one station", to developing their own comprehension testing queries at another. The way these stations function: Drawing or Construction tasks which require creativity. Involves research where children can look into pre-set questions about relevant subjects using either classroom computers or personal devices. , Inclusion of writing activities where participants express their formulated opinions cohesively in paragraphs form. . To counterbalance workload: We've got rest stations designed for reviewing prior content or preparing for future sections. More so there are real-life-based activity sections that lean into reading articles. Testing: The curriculum is reinforced with multiple-choice quizzes. Media-based Learning: Includes video content with corresponding questionnaires to further grasp comprehension level. Create your own Quiz Station: This exciting station allows students to both answer pre-set quiz questions and devise their student quizzes by creating multiple choice true/false queries alongside short response questions! For an elevated learning experience, word scramble and word search games have been cleverly interposed between activities; this sustains learner engagement and eradicates classroom monotony. Finally, Liquids and Gases – Lab Station Activity accounts for teachers' convenience too! Without requiring any elaborate preparations or setup hassles, even fully ready to print when needed! With its interactive nature, this lab activity could be easily incorporated into whole group studies, small group explorations, pair work or given as homework assignments. This makes it is versatile enough useful whether you're a public school teacher looking to provide engaging instruction or a homeschooler seeking varied resources.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Liquids, Gases, Lab Activity, Ecosystems, Hands-on Learning

Ecosystems – Lab Station Activity

Ecosystems – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Engage students in learning about ecosystems with this interactive lab station activity . Students rotate through 9 stations, each offering a unique hands-on opportunity to demonstrate knowledge. Activities range from drawing and building models to conducting research, watching videos, answering multiple choice questions, and more. Recording sheets provided for students to document their work. Covers topics like ecosystems, populations, communities, sustainability, abiotic and biotic factors. Easily implemented for individual, small group, or whole class learning. Requires almost no prep - just print cards and you're ready. Answer keys included. Check out other science lab station activities on various biology, physics, chemistry, and space science topics.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Biotic, Factors, Ecosystem, Change, Lab Stations

Biodiversity and Invasive Species – Lab Station Activity

Biodiversity and Invasive Species – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Biodiversity and Invasive Species Lab Station Activity Students will be engaged with this editable lab station activity on biodiversity and invasive species. The hands-on stations allow students to test their knowledge through drawing, researching, explaining their viewpoint, reading applicability passages, answering questions, watching videos, and creating their own questions. Recording sheets are provided for students to document their learning. This activity covers topics like biodiversity and invasive species. Bonus activities like word scrambles and word searches are also included to reinforce learning and keep students productive. This lab station activity can be used alongside instruction on biodiversity and invasive species or as a review before assessments. With minimal prep work for teachers and engaging, student-driven activities, this resource offers a valuable learning experience for middle school life science classrooms.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Biology, Biodiversity, Invasive, Species, Lab Station, Invasive Species Activity

Interactions within ecosystems – Lab Station Activity

Interactions within ecosystems – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Interactions within Ecosystems – Lab Station Activity This science lab station activity enables students to explore biotic and abiotic factors that interact within an ecosystem. Learners will investigate concepts like symbiosis, limiting factors, exponential population growth, and predator-prey dynamics. The engaging lab stations feature creative hands-on tasks, research questions, opinion writing, applicability readings, knowledge checks, and video analysis. Students use a passport worksheet to record answers as they rotate through the self-guided stations at their own pace. This content can be used for in-class ecosystem labs or as a review before exams. Two bonus vocabulary building activities are also included to engage students. This activity covers core ecology standards and requires almost no teacher prep. Simply print and distribute the cards. An answer key is provided for applicable stations.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Ecosystems, Symbiosis, Predator, Lab Station, Activity

Easter Chemistry Bunting - Learn Chemical Elements with Festive Banner

Easter Chemistry Bunting - Learn Chemical Elements with Festive Banner
STEM, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Banners, Classroom Decor, Bulletin Boards, Door Decor, Posters, Word Walls, Labs, Experiments

Easter Chemistry Bunting A Fun & Educational Decoration for Your Science Classroom! 🐰🔬 I love decorating my classroom for different seasons, but I also want my decorations to be educational and useful. That’s why I created this Easter Chemistry Bunting—it brings a bit of spring energy into the classroom while helping students get familiar with the periodic table! Each pennant features an element symbol, name, and atomic number, so students see and recognize them every day—without even thinking about it. It’s such a simple way to reinforce learning while brightening up the room! 🌸 Why This Works So Well in Class ✔ No extra work for you – Just print, cut, and hang. ✔ Students see chemistry every day – Without pressure, they start recognizing elements naturally. ✔ Festive, but not distracting – A bit of color and seasonal fun, while still focused on learning. ✔ Perfect for any science room – Whether in a chemistry class, lab, or hallway, it works anywhere. ✔ Easy to use in lessons – You can even make it interactive with a classroom game! 📌 What’s Included? 📜 127 Printable Pennants – One for each element, showing: ✔ Symbol ✔ Name ✔ Atomic Number 🎨 Colorful, Easter-Themed Designs – Cheerful and bright, but still focused on learning. 🖨 Easy to Print & Adjust – Scale it to fit your classroom space. 📎 Two Hanging Options: ✔ String them together for a banner. ✔ Attach with fasteners for a flexible display. 💡 Ideas for Using It in Class 1️⃣ Print and cut the pennants. 2️⃣ Hang them up in your classroom, hallway, or science lab. 3️⃣ Use them for a quick challenge – Call out an atomic number, and students find the right pennant! 💡 Another idea: Assign an element to each student and have them share a fun fact about it. 🐣 Why Other Teachers Like It ✔ “Students actually look at it and ask about elements—great conversation starter!” ✔ “A simple way to make the classroom feel more engaging.” ✔ “No prep, looks great, and makes chemistry more visible every day.” 🔬 Bring Chemistry into Your Easter Decorations! Instead of just hanging up generic classroom decorations, why not make them meaningful? This bunting adds a touch of spring while keeping students engaged with science. 🚀 Try it out and see how it works in your classroom! 📍 Best wishes, Heike from Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog, and together we create a positive and inspiring learning environment. 🐶✨

Author Lernfitness

Tags Chemistry, Lab, Biology, Laboratory Equipment, Lab Tools, Physics, Bunting, Pennant Banner, Classroom Banner, Chemical Elements

Nervous System – Lab Station Activity

Nervous System – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Biology, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station on The Nervous System is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.), but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. This lab activity covers: - Structure, Parts and Functions of the Nervous System - Structure, Types and Functions of the Neuron - Reflex Arc - Nerve Signal Transmission and Action Potential - The Schwann Cell and Action Potential - Sodium-Potassium Pump - Neurotransmitters and its Functions ---------------------------------------------- Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don’t have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it’s not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. ----------------------------------------------- How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions then provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusion. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Nervous, System, Neurons, Disorders, Lab Station, Nervous System Activity, Nervous System Lab, Nervous System Activities, Nervous System Activities Middle School

Atomic Theory, Structure and Isotopes – Lab Station Activity

Atomic Theory, Structure and Isotopes – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Atomic Theory, Structure and Isotopes Lab Stations Engage students in learning atomic theory, atomic structure, and isotopes with this interactive lab station activity. Students move through nine stations, including drawing atoms, watching expert videos, completing knowledge checks, reading real-life applications, and formulating their own questions.recording answers on a passport worksheet. This resource requires almost no teacher prep - just print the self-explanatory station cards with detailed student directions. The activity works well for whole group or independent work, covers core topics, and aligns to grades 7-10 science standards. Assessment at multiple stations allows students to exhibit understanding in various ways while staying focused and challenged. Extend student learning by pairing the lab stations with the included word scramble and word search.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Atoms, Atomic, Theory, Structure, Isotopes

Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Lab Station Activity

Proteins and Nucleic Acids – Lab Station Activity
Science, Chemistry, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Lab Station Activity An interactive resource for Grade 7-10 teachers enabling students to dive deep into the world of Thermoregulation. Extremely engaging with several elements: Drawing or building challenges. Online research questions. Space for expressing opinion writings on temperature regulation topics. Inclusive rest stations inbetween tasks. Note: These activities are designed so that they stimulate higher-order thinking, linking academic concepts with real-life applications. Assessment Components The lab activity also includes targeted assessments such as: Multiple Choice Questions: Providing thoughtful explanations behind their chosen solutions. Mastership Task: A station where they create two multiple-choice questions from true/false categories and a short answer query inclusive of supplying accurate answers as well. The entire lab activity is seamless for instructors; printing cards and scattering them around the learning space is all it takes. A supplied answer key adds convenience during assessment phases. Bonus Activities! To keep the engagement lively, this resource offers bonus games like a word scramble puzzle and a word search game ensuring no room for idle intervals among learners. Fruitful Knowledge Outcomes & Future Topics The resource is dedicated towards achieving solid understanding about Thermoregulation processes in living organisms while future planned topics cover broader scientific concepts including: Caveat: - Exploring Carbohydrates & Lipids. - Understanding Enzymes & Metabolism. - And many other topics spanning Ecosystems till Chemical Reactions under Chemistry realm. The Proteins and Nucleic Acids - Lab Station Activity , a teacher’s delight for enriching student's learning journey in the field of science.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Thermoregulation, Ectotherms, Endotherms, Metabolic Responses, Assessments

Magnetic Fields – Lab Station Activity

Magnetic Fields – Lab Station Activity
Science, Physics, Grade 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on Magnetic Fields is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. This activity was designed for high school physical science students. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.) but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. No prep, no formatting, no issues. Simply download, print (or upload to your class site) and you're all set. This resource is fully editable for your convenience This resource covers the following topics: •Magnet Fields •Law of Magnetic Poles •Permanent vs. Temporary Magnets •Earth’s Magnetic Field •Oersted’s Principal •The Right-Hand Rule •Magnetism and Electricity •Solenoids •Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction •Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws •Conventional Current and Electron Flow How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real-life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions than provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production • Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement • Mass, Volume, Density, & Buoyancy • Work and Energy • Renewable Energy • Plate Tectonics • The Rock Cycle • Natural Disasters • Pressure, Volume, and Temperature • Forces • Power • Liquids and Gases • Fossils and Geologic Time • Earthquakes and Volcanoes • Watersheds • Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, and Impulse • Nonrenewable Energy Sources • Projectile Motion • Magnetic Fields Coming Soon: - Work = F x d - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations • Meiosis • DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Alleles • Genetic Disorders • Fats • Reproductive Technologies • Muscular and Skeletal System • Integumentary System • Carbohydrates and Lipids Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills • The Different Types of Clouds • Meteorology Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter • Pure Substances and Mixtures • Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. ***************************** For free resources, useful teaching tips, and tools, please visit my blog - If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Magnetic, Field, Solenoids, Electron, Lab Station

Integumentary System – Lab Station Activity

Integumentary System – Lab Station Activity
Science, Life Sciences, Human Body, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Labs, Experiments, Activities

This fully editable Lab Station Activity on the Integumentary System is meant to get your students out of their seats and engaged in the content. This activity was designed for middle and high school biology students. Each station not only offers a unique opportunity to test your students' knowledge (offer an opinion, answer questions based on a video or reading, draw, etc.) but also provides a fantastic learning opportunity where your kids are learning through assessment. Each station comes with a description card while some also contain more detailed instructions, a reading, questions to answer, etc. Students are equipped with a recording sheet (passport) to write their answers. There is almost no prep for you. Simply print the cards, lay them out around the room and you're all set. An answer key is also provided where applicable. This resource covers the following topics: - Skin layers - Hair - Sweat - Skin color - Sunburn and tanning - Nails Bonus Activities: To ensure your students don't have any downtime between stations, your lab also includes a 10-word word scramble and word search, both with an answer key. You can use them as part of their mark, as a bonus so it's not mandatory, etc. However you choose to use it, it will ensure that your students are always busy and never idle. Note: For stronger classes, I give the word scramble and for weaker ones, the word search. How do the Lab Stations work? Each station is specially designed to be a unique complement to the material while at the same time, provide a valuable learning experience. Below is an overview of how each station works. In your activity , each will be tailored to the specific content. Station 1: Get Hands-On – using their creative skills, students are required to draw or build. Station 2: Research – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must research a specific question/issue surrounding the topic. Station 3: Explain yourself – students write down an opinion to a question in paragraph form. Station 4: Rest Station - students can use this time to catch up on work they didn't have time to complete at a previous station or prepare themselves for an upcoming one. Station 5 - Applicability reading – students read a short passage from an article, website, etc. which directly connects the classroom content to a real-life application. Station 6: Test your knowledge – students answer 5 multiple choice questions than provide a written explanation for how/why they came to their conclusions. Station 7: Learn from the expert – using a classroom computer or their own device, students must watch a short video clip and answer the associated questions. They may stop, rewind and restart as often as they like during the time frame. Station 8 - Rest Station. Station 9: Become the question master – Students must create 2 multiple-choice questions, 2 true/false questions and 1 short answer question. Students must also supply the answers. ------------------------------- You might also be interested in my other lab station activities Biology: • Cell and the Cell Theory • The Human Digestive System • The Circulatory System • The Human Respiratory System • Mitosis and the Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume I • Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong - Volume II • Cell Membrane and Transport • Hearing and the Human Ear • The Human Eye • Genetic Material: DNA and RNA • The Nervous System • Energy Flow In Ecosystems • DNA Manipulation and GMOs • Transcription and Translation • Cellular Respiration • Thermoregulation • Proteins and Nucleic Acids • Mutations • Meiosis • DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, and Alleles • Genetic Disorders • Fats • Reproductive Technologies • Muscular and Skeletal System • Integumentary System Coming Soon: - Excretory system - Endocrine system - Carbohydrates and Lipids Physics: • Newton's Three Laws of Motion • Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy • Current Electricity and Circuit Diagrams • Static Electricity • Light Optics and the Production of Light • Sound, Sound Energy and Speed • One and Two-Dimensional Motion • Uniform Acceleration • How Planes Fly • Refraction • Friction • Energy and Its Forms • Density and Buoyancy • Electricity Production • Calculating Average Speed, Velocity, and Displacement • Mass, Volume, Density, & Buoyancy • Work and Energy • Renewable Energy • Plate Tectonics • The Rock Cycle • Natural Disasters • Pressure, Volume, and Temperature Coming Soon: - Work = F x d - Nonrenewable energy sources - Projectile Motion - Momentum, Conservation of Momentum and Impulse - Power - The Doppler Effect and Supersonic Travel Chemistry: • Atomic Model, Notation and Atoms • Chemical Reactions and Balancing Equations • Molecular and Ionic Compounds • Physical and Chemical Properties & Changes • Acids, Bases, and Neutralization Reactions • The Periodic Table • Single and Double Displacement Reactions • Balancing Chemical Equations • Synthesis, Decomposition and Combustion Reactions • Atomic Theory, Atomic Structure and Isotopes • Types of Bonds and Intermolecular Forces • The Mole/Avogadro's Number • Density and Buoyancy • The Particle Theory and the Classification of Matter • Pure Substances and Mixtures • Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures Coming Soon: - Periodic table group properties General Science: • The Scientific Method and Science Skills • The Different Types of Clouds Ecology and the Environment: • Ecosystems • The Classification of Living Things • Biodiversity and Invasive Species • The Carbon and Water Cycle • Climate Change • Photosynthesis • Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis • Ecological Succession • Plant Sexual and Asexual Reproduction • Earth's Seasons • Interactions Within Ecosystems • Physical and Behavioral Adaptations Space Science: • The Life and Death of Stars • The Moon and its Phases • Life In Space • Our Solar System • Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Earth's Seasons • Asteroids, Comets and Meteors These station cards are meant to be used as a lab activity but can also be utilized in a review task before a test or a quiz. Used either way, your students will love it! I know mine do and I'm telling you from first-hand experience as I've used this activity in my own class. Thank you for your interest in my products. If you have any questions, please send me an email -

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Integumentary, System, Functions, Structure, Lab Station, Lab 8 Integumentary System Answers, Excretory System Labs

Climate Change – Lab Station Activity

Climate Change – Lab Station Activity
Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Science, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Labs, Experiments, Activities

Climate Change Lab Station Activity Dive deep into climate change with this engaging lab station activity . Students will rotate through 9 stations, each offering a unique hands-on opportunity to learn about topics like greenhouse gases, global warming, and the greenhouse effect. Activities range from drawing models to conducting research, watching videos, and even creating their own questions. The self-guided format promotes inquiry-based learning, while the recording sheets let students document their progress. This versatile resource works for whole groups, small groups, or independent work. Modify it to fit your class's needs. An answer key is included for applicable stations. This activity covers core climate change concepts, connects them to real-world impacts, and gets students out of their seats. Use it to inspire curiosity about this urgent topic.

Author Teach With Fergy

Tags Climate, Change, Global Warming, Scientist, Lab Station