5,495 products added recently
Country Project
Take your students on a virtual journey around the world with country projects that promote cultural awareness. Activities include researching traditions, creating presentations, and sharing authentic experiences. By integrating these projects, you can enhance global understanding and appreciation.
Country Research Project | Countries Research Report
Social Studies, Geography, Research, Grade 4, 5, 6, Projects, Activities
Engage your students with this fun and comprehensive, 27 page resource to help your students produce a research report on a country or countries. It makes report writing easy! This report template can be used for your students to create, develop, write, edit, illustrate, and assess your students’ country report. This template can be used as the actual formal report to be turned in, or you can utilize this template as a study guide or rough draft prior to your students typing the report. This packet contains the following: Report Template includes: 1. Introduce your country and its location 2. Country Sketch 3. Geographical Features 4. Climate 5. Environment 6. Language and Educational System 7. History 8. Customs, Religions, Beliefs 9. Government 10. Economy and Resources 11. Interesting Facts 12. Current Events 13. Similarities and Differences between the country you studied and the country of your origin 14. A Day in This Country 15. Flag Illustration 16. Extra Line Paper 17. Additional Information Page 18. Finding your information page 19. Resources 20. Bibliography 21. Student Checklist 22. Rubric
Author The Teacher Team
Tags Social Studies Research, Research Project, History Research Report, Economy Writing, Flag Illustration, Country Report Example, Research Country, 5th Grade Research Project Template, Country Research Projects
All About My Country Project
Social Studies, Geography, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Projects
Introduction- This is a My Culture/Country Project that your students will love making. This activity will allow students to creatively research and display information about their country and or culture. These make great displays on your bulletin boards or can also be used as a presentation project. In addition, students can work on this activity during class or it can be assigned as a take home project. This is a fun way for students to show what they know, as they write about traditions, famous people and more! Order, Outline and Steps- very simple, just print and go! Helpful to model how to put the parts together for students before they get started so they have an idea of how to do it themselves. Grades or Ages- can be used from 2nd grade to upper 4/5th grades. Implementation Format- can be implemented during special culture days celebrated or research projects in social studies class. You may also assign countries to students or this can be completed any time you are studying a new country. How to use and Variations- this can be used at any time of the school year, especially during "international/culture week or day" at school. This activity takes a few lessons/days to complete. File Types- this file comes as a PDF that can be printed on a standard sheet of 8.5"x11' paper. Total Number of Pages- 12 pages are included Project Focus Areas: Country Flag- section to draw and write about the country flag, colors, symbols, and meaning of the flag. Country Food- a plate to draw some food Country Clothing- section to draw some traditional country clothing Country Map- includes area to daw the country, population, and size Holidays Famous Landmarks Famous People/Person Fun Facts Language Currency Climate Important products produced
Author CraftEdPrints
Tags Social Studies Project, Geography, All About My Country, Traditions, Holidays
Country Study on Canada - Project - Cards + Worksheet - North America
Social Studies, Geography, First Peoples (Native), History, History: Canada, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Projects
Country Study on Canada - Research Project - Cards and Worksheet This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on Canada. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Canada (North America Country Study) aims to make learners discover Canada (history, geography, economy, Ottawa and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Canada Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Canada How does this Country Study on Canada Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Ottawa and green for Canadian Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Canada, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "The Iroquois", blue card on geography on "Animals in Canada", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Ottawa on the Parliament Hill and a green card on Canadian Culture on the Inukshuk) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Canada teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Canada PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Canada and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Canada, Country Study, Geography, Social Studies, Project, Research, Cards, Worksheet, Printable, North America
Country Study on the United Kingdom - Project - Worksheet + Cards
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Europe, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Projects
Country Study on the United Kingdom - Project - Worksheet + Cards This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on the United Kingdom. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on the United Kingdom (Country Study) aims to make learners discover the United Kingdom (history, geography, economy, London and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on the United Kingdom Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on the United Kingdom How does this Country Study on the United Kingdom Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for London and green for British Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on the UK, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Henry VIII", blue card on geography on "Scotland", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on London on the Big Ben and a green card on British Culture on the Afternoon Teatime) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on the United Kingdom teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on the United Kingdom PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce the UK and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags United Kingdom, European History, British, Great Britain, Country Study, Geography, Social Studies, Project, Worksheet, Cards
Country Study on Chile Research Project - Worksheet + Cards Printable
Social Studies, Geography, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on Chile Research Project - Worksheet + Cards Printable This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on Chile (South America). This Printable Resource can be great for Geography and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Chile (country Study, South America) aims to make learners discover Chile (history, geography, economy, Santiago de Chile and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Chile Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Chile How does this Country Study on Chile Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Santiago de Chile and green for Chilean Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Chile, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Spanish Conquest of Chile", blue card on geography on "Climate in Chile", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Santiago de Chile on the "Palacio de la Moneda" and a green card on Chilean Culture on Chilean Literature) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Chile (South America) teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Chile PDF Printable Research Project on Chile Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Chile and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Chile, South America, Project, Research, Printable, Worksheet, Cards, Geography, Country Study, Social Studies
Country Study on China - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Asian, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on China - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (9 Slides) on China. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, Asian History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on China (Country Study) aims to make learners discover China (history, geography, economy, Beijing and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on China Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 56 Cards to fish for this Research Project on China (Continental China) How does this Country Study on China Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Beijing and green for Chinese Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on China, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Chinese Dynasties", blue card on geography on "Rice Production in China", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Card on Beijing on Tiananmen Square and a green card on Chinese Culture on Confucius) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on China teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on China PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (9 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce China (Continental) and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags China, Asia, Asian History, Geography, Social Studies, Research, Project, Cards, Worksheet
Country Study on France - Reseach Project + fishing Cards + Worksheet
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Europe, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Projects
Country Study on France - Reseach Project + fishing Cards + Worksheet This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (10 Slides) on France. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on France (country Study) aims to make learners discover France (history, geography, economy, Paris and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. If you need some help to introduce your Social Studies + Geography students and learners to France and French Culture, then you can't miss this Teaching Resource Country Study Presentation on France Within this Country Study on France Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 64 Cards to fish for this Research Project on France How does this Country Study on France Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Paris and green for French Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on France, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "The Gauls", blue card on geography on "Weather in France", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Paris on the Musée du Louvre and a green card on French Culture on Debussy) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on France teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on France PDF Printable Research Project on France Teaching (10 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce France and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags France, Country Study, Research Project, Europe, European History, Geography, Social Studies, Cards, Worksheet, Printable
Country Study on Poland - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Europe, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on Poland - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (10 Slides) on Poland. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Poland (Country Study) aims to make learners discover Poland (history, geography, economy, Warsaw and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Poland Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 64 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Poland How does this Country Study on Poland Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Warsaw and green for Polish Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Poland, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Warsaw Uprising in 1944", blue card on geography on "Bisons in Poland", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Warsaw on the Royal Castle and a green card on Polish Culture on Fryderyk Chopin) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Poland teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Poland PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (10 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Poland and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Poland, Europe, European History, Geography, Social Studies, Research Project, Printable, Worksheet, Project, Cards
Country Study on South Korea - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards
Social Studies, History, History: Asian, Geography, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on South Korea - Research Project - Worksheet + Cards This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (9 Slides) on South Korea. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, Asian History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on South Korea (Country Study) aims to make learners discover South Korea (history, geography, economy, Seoul and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on South Korea Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 56 Cards to fish for this Research Project on South Korea How does this Country Study on South Korea Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Seoul and green for Korean Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on South Korea, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Gwanju Uprising", blue card on geography on "Rice Production in South Korea", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Card on Seoul on Dongdaemun Design Plaza and a green card on Korean Culture on K-Pop) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on South Korea teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on South Korea PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (9 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce South Korea and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags South Korea, Asia, Research, Project, Worksheet, Cards, Asian History, Geography, Social Studies, Country Study
Country Study on New Zealand Research Project with Cards and Worksheet
Social Studies, Geography, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on New Zealand Research Project with Cards and Worksheet This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on New Zealand. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on New Zealand (country Study) aims to make learners discover New Zealand (history, geography, economy, Wellington and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on New Zealand Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on New Zealand How does this Country Study on New Zealand Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Wellington and green for New Zealand Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on New Zealand, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "the Suffragette Movement in NZ", blue card on geography on "Climate in NZ", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Wellington on the Beehive and a green card on Kiwi Culture on the Maori Language) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on New Zealand (Aotearoa) teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on New Zealand PDF Printable Research Project on New Zealand Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce New Zealand and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags New Zealand, Oceania, Geography, Social Studies, Research, Research Project, Project, Worksheet, Printable, Cards
Country Study on Ukraine - Project - Worksheet + Cards - Easter Europe
Social Studies, History, History: Europe, Geography, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Projects
Country Study on Ukraine - Project - Worksheet + Cards - Easter Europe This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on Ukraine (Eastern Europe). This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Ukraine (Geography and Social Studies Country Study) aims to make learners discover Ukraine (history, geography, economy, Kyiv and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Ukraine Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Ukraine How does this Country Study on Ukraine Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Kyiv and green for Ukrainian Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Ukraine, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Kievan Rus", blue card on geography on "Dnipro River", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Kyiv on the Golden Gate and a green card on Ukrainian Culture on Traditional Embroidery) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Ukraine teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Ukraine PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Ukraine and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Europe, Ukraine, European History, Country Study, Social Studies, Geography, Worksheet, Cards, Teaching Resource, Eastern Europe
Country Study on Germany - Research Project + Cards + Worksheets
Social Studies, Geography, History, History: Europe, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on Germany - Research Project + Cards + Worksheets This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (10 Slides) on Germany. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Germany (country Study) aims to make learners discover Germany (history, geography, economy, Berlin and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Germany Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 64 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Germany How does this Country Study on Germany Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Berlin and green for German Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Germany, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Gutenberg Bible", blue card on geography on "the Rhine River", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Berlin on the Brandenburg Gate and a green card on German Culture on Immanuel Kant) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Germany teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Germany PDF Printable Research Project on Germany Teaching (10 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Germany and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Germany, Country Study, Research Project, Europe, European History, Geography, Research, Social Studies, Printable, Worksheet
Country Study on Japan - Research project with Worksheet and Cards
Social Studies, Geography, Research, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Projects, Activities
Country Study on Japan - Research project with Worksheet and Cards This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (9 Slides) on Japan. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade. This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on Japan (country Study) aims to make learners discover Japan (history, geography, economy, Tokyo and culture). Little preparation can be helpful. Within this Country Study on Japan Research Project, it is offered: 2 worksheets to write research outcomes 56 Cards to fish for this Research Project on Japan How does this Country Study on Japan Teaching Resource work? learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for Tokyo and green for Japanese Culture) each student or group makes their personalized Research on Japan, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombs", blue card on geography on "Climate in Japan", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on Tokyo on Tokyo Tower and a green card on Japanese Culture on the Japanese Ramen) Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on Japan (East Asia) teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets Why is this Teaching Resource worth using? By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to: make unique randomized research projects focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers' This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Japan PDF Printable Research Project on Japan Teaching (9 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Japan and its Culture. Learning with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Never Forget! If you want to browse more of my Teaching Resources, click here Learning with Alan!
Author Learning with Alan
Tags Asia, Asian, Japan, Japanese, Country Study, Social Stusies, Geography, Culture, Project, Worksheet