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Black History Month Templates
Black History Month Templates are invaluable resources for teachers aiming to honor and educate students about the significant contributions of Black individuals throughout history. These templates offer a variety of activities, such as biographies, timelines, and fact sheets, which can be integrated into lesson plans across subjects. Using these templates, you can create engaging presentations, worksheets, and projects that highlight influential figures and pivotal events. They are designed to deepen students' understanding of cultural diversity and social justice, fostering meaningful discussions in the classroom. Incorporate these templates to celebrate heritage and promote inclusivity during Black History Month and beyond.
Black Pioneers in Food Science and Technology - Mega Activity Pack
Social Studies, Biographies, Research, Holidays, Holiday & Seasonal, History, Creative Arts, Black History Month, Not Grade Specific, Workbooks, Worksheets & Printables, Task Cards, Presentations, Teacher Tools, Templates, Writing Prompts
Most people have heard of George Washington Carver. However, there are many other amazing Black Americans who have made incredible contributions and who deserve recognition. As a Registered Dietitian, this is why I chose to create this Black History Month project to recognize the Black Americans who have contributed to the food and nutrition industry. 12 Pioneers in Food Science and Technology are included in this Black History Month project. The activities pack is stuffed with fun activities. There are activities for all learning styles. Activities include: File number one (18 pages) includes: Biographical information with photos in pdf format as well as birth and death information, which can be shown to students in full screen like a slideshow. This file also includes multiple links to references for further, more in-depth research. File number two (59 pages) includes: Clickable Table of Contents Goals and Objectives and Activities ideas with link to a YouTube video on how to make a lapbook Improvements to Food Supply Overcoming Obstacles Obstacles and Gender Compare and Contrast Lined Note card templates complete with pictures of each pioneer (4 to a page), to print, cut and fill out according to specific assignment. (Designed for those who prefer to write with words and/or those who need to work on writing skills. Various templates, including bookmark, flippable booklet, 4-petal books, cut and paste projects galore. Extra pictures of each pioneer, in appropriate sizes to fit in/on the templates. Lots of hands-on, no writing required, activities. BONUS Recipe Templates with the style of Creole/Cajun/Soul/Africa in mind. Links and information to study the differences between Creole, Cajun, Soul, and African cuisines. Various templates including mini folders, and booklets. Research ideas. BONUS food planner, journal, diary, and more! The following Pioneers are included: George Washington Carver Leah Chase Alfred L. Cralle George Crum Lloyd Augustus Hall James Hemings Joseph Lee Edna Lewis Marie Maynard Daly Frederick McKinley Jones Norbert Rillieux Malinda Russell Total pages 70+, two separate pdf files in zip format. Answer key is included for matching questions.
Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom
Tags Black History Month Crafts, Black History Month Lesson Plans, Black History Month Writing Prompts, Black History Month Bulletin Board, Women's History Month, Character Outline Template, Pre-reading Templates
Black History Month Jamboard Templates
Holiday & Seasonal, Holidays, Black History Month, Not Grade Specific, Templates, Teacher Tools
These are Black History Month Jamboard Templates that are accessed under Google Drive. These templates feature a variety of famous figures. This is an engaging way for students to enjoy the holiday. Directions are included.
Author Creativity Overload
Tags February, Black History, Jamboard, Google Classroom, Creative Writing