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Kindergarten Flashcards

Support your kindergarten classroom with flashcards focused on building literacy and numeracy skills. These resources include sight words, simple math, and phonics. Use them to enhance learning through repetition and visual stimulation.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

Alphabet Flashcards | Printable Phonetic Flashcards

Alphabet Flashcards | Printable Phonetic Flashcards
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

A beautiful set of 26 alphabet flashcards complete with my own hand-painted watercolor wildlife illustrations. Each card features the upper case, lower case, and the animal's name in either print or pre-cursive handwriting font - Ideal for children to use as copy work. To create a tactile finished item I highly recommend printing onto high-quality paper, I like to use watercolor paper as this also allows the children to add their own paintings to the pages they create and means that every piece looks and feels like an original painting.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Alphabet , Animals

Farm Animals Flash Cards

Farm Animals Flash Cards
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

This set of animal flashcards features hand-painted watercolor images lovingly with pre-cursive labels. These make a stunning addition to nature tables or classrooms, providing a wealth of learning opportunities. To create a tactile finished item, I highly recommend printing onto high-quality paper. I like to use watercolor paper as the texture is beautiful to handle.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Farm, Animals, Poster, Watercolor, Farm Animals Cards, Farm Animal Cards

African Savanna Animals

African Savanna Animals
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

African Savanna Animals Flashcards for Young Learners This set of 12 vibrantly illustrated flashcards depicts African wildlife set against savanna backdrops. Each oversized card features a beautifully hand-painted watercolor image of an animal commonly found roaming the grasslands and woodlands of Africa. Creatures illustrated include elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, rhinos, hippos, warthogs, ostriches, antelope, crocodiles, meerkats, and leopards. An identification poster is also included, allowing children to match animals to their names. These cards are ideal for whole-group lessons, small groups, learning stations, or individual review. Print on textured paper for a tactile, visually engaging set children will love to handle. Use to build vocabulary, science knowledge, visual discrimination skills, and more in preschool through early elementary grades.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Flashcards, Africa, Savanna, Watercolour, Animals, Savanna Creatures

Kelp Forest Wildlife

Kelp Forest Wildlife
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

<h3>Kelp Forest Wildlife Flashcards Set</h3> <p>The Kelp Forest Wildlife flashcards set is a intricately designed educational resource, capturing learners' interest and stirring curiosity about the natural world. The set consists of <b>12 hand-illustrated watercolor wildlife flashcards </b>, each presenting a unique species found in kelp forests. With captivating illustrations and legible species names, it serves as an valuable learning instrument for children from preschool to grade five.</p> <p>This collection of aesthetically pleasing learning aids serve as an innovative method in structuring appealing science and zoology lessons across various educational levels. Adding to its pedagogical value is an accompanying <b>ID poster featuring all the animals</b>, providing students with a holistic view of kelp forest creatures.</p> Specifications The Kelp Forest Wildlife package comes as singular PDF file. The product delivers digitally, making it easy for educators to access. For an enriched learning experience, printing onto high-quality paper (watercolor paper suggested) augments user interaction due to texture. Potential Applications Ideal during whole group lessons on zoology or life science when introducing Kelp forest dwelling animals. Suitable in focused group or personalized sessions helping students explore these fascinating creatures intimately. A fitting homework assignment allowing students studying independently or alongside family members at home. In Conclusion... Kelp Forest Wildlife resource blends perfectly with teaching both scientific concepts and art appreciation – thus endorsing principles of interdisciplinary education. Brimming with artistry and educational aptness alike, it stands as a versatile tool within your teaching repertoire, ready to stir up young children's inquisitiveness about nature.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Kelp Forest, Wildlife, Flashcards, Zoology Lessons, Watercolor Illustrations

Pumpkin Patch Phonics Flashcards

Pumpkin Patch Phonics Flashcards
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

Pumpkin patch phonics with two gameboards. Place the pumpkins on the blank board and ask children to 'pick a pumpkin that makes the .... ' sound to practice pronunciation. Use the pumpkins to allow your children to create and read their own words in the pumpkin patch or use the background with letters on to help your children match upper and lower case letters.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Pumpkin, Phonics, Letters, Printables

Wildlife of Israel Flashcards

Wildlife of Israel Flashcards
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

A beautiful set of twelve cards featuring my own hand-painted watercolor illustrations of animals and birds found in Israel. This pack also features an ID poster with all 12 species on (2 versions one titled wildlife of Israel, one titled wildlife of the Holy Lands). The species depicted here correspond to the ones that can be found in my Nativity storybook. To create a tactile finished item I highly recommend printing onto high-quality paper, I like to use watercolor paper as this means that every piece looks and feels like an original painting.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Wild Life, Isreal, Watercolour, Flash Cards, Animals, Wildlife In Israel, Wildlife Of Israel

Initial Beginning Sounds - Digital Quiz and Flash Cards + Printables (PDF Only)

Initial Beginning Sounds - Digital Quiz and Flash Cards + Printables (PDF Only)
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Phonics, Vocabulary, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

Initial Beginning Sounds - Digital Quiz and Flash Cards + Printables (PDF Only) Teachers and homeschooling parents will find this product indispensable for introducing young learners to the sounds of the alphabet. The set features an interactive digital activity that kids can use online or in a classroom setting, accompanied by two sets of printable flash cards for added reinforcement. Engaging in a novel way, this PDF-based resource sparks student interest in all 26 letters of the alphabet through dynamic visuals. Each introduction of a letter features three corresponding images with words where the beginning letter has been left blank. This creates the perfect opportunity for educators to read words aloud while learners guess what that initial letter could be. The versatility shines: Interactive games can be played as a whole group experiment in classrooms or small study groups. These activities pose excellent choices as individual tasks or homework assignments. An intuitive feature making it easily accessible whether alone or supervised by an instructor is provided. Dual Mode Flash Cards - Printable & Digital A distinct highlight within this set is both printable and digital flash cards—back-pocket resources educators will find invaluable when consistently practicing everyday alphabet introduction with young learners. Additional vocabulary cheat sheets also form part of this package helping students understand each alphabetic character along with its corresponding sound. Diverse Curriculum Material: The all-encompassing nature extends further into Word List representation accounting for multiple words pertaining to each alphabetic character—for instance: 'Bb' includes ball, baby, banana etc.; 'Cc' 'features cat, cake, car etc., making it abundantly diverse curriculum material fulfilling Common Core Standards (CCSS) RF.K1d and RF.K3.'' In conclusion—it is indeed an essential teaching resource designed keeping in mind educators striving towards creating fun ways for students to learn the English Alphabet. Available Grades: Preschool-Grade 1 Relevant Subjects: Language Arts Sub-subjects: English as a second language (ESL), Phonics, and Vocabulary. Types of activities included: PDF Slides, Printable flash cards, and a Vocabulary Cheat Sheet.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Beginning Sounds, Alphabet Sounds, Flash Cards, Interactive Activity, Vocabulary

Life Cycle Of a Toad Worksheet - Animal Science Unit Study & Fun Facts

Life Cycle Of a Toad Worksheet - Animal Science Unit Study & Fun Facts
Montessori, Animals, Life Sciences, Science, Biology, STEM, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Bulletin Boards, Classroom Decor, Posters, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables, Parts of and Anatomy of, Coloring Pages, Worksheets

Have you ever seen a tiny tadpole swimming in the water? Did you know that it will one day grow legs and become a toad? In this exciting science unit, we will explore the amazing life cycle of a toad and learn fun facts about these fascinating amphibians. Get ready to learn, cut, paste, and color! What’s Inside Your Toad Life Cycle Worksheet? Toad Fun Facts – Discover where toads live, what they eat, and how they are different from frogs! Life Cycle Diagram – A simple and clear chart showing each stage of a toad’s life, from egg to adult. Cut-and-Paste Activity – Put the life cycle in the correct order by cutting and pasting the stages. Flashcards – Use these picture cards to help remember each step in a toad’s growth. Bonus Coloring Page – Have fun coloring a cute toad in its natural habitat! Why This Worksheet is Perfect for You! Makes learning about amphibians fun and interactive. Helps develop sequencing and problem-solving skills. Teaches the importance of toads in the ecosystem. Includes hands-on activities to reinforce learning. What Will You Learn? The different stages of a toad’s life—from egg to tadpole to adult toad. How toads grow, change, and adapt to life on land and in water. Why toads are important for keeping nature in balance. How to use sequencing and observation skills in a fun way! Let’s hop into learning and explore the incredible life cycle of a toad together!

Author Perfect_Printables

Tags Toad Life Cycle, Amphibian Science, Life Cycle Printables, Biology For Kids, STEM Amphibian Study, Educational Worksheets, Hands-on Science, Montessori Amphibians, , Herpetology For Kidsherpetology For Kids, Animal Life Cycles

SAMPLE Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
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SAMPLE Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Worksheets

This collection aids in the introduction, drilling, and assessment of the Tenth (10th) 100 Sight Words most commonly used, curated by Dr. Edward Fry. The sight words are sectioned into five subsets of 20 words each (based on frequency), with a distinct color allocated to each word cluster, namely: Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet. This complimentary sample presents the initial segment (Orange) of this quintuple set. Interested in what you see? Secure the FULL version here. Included in the set are: ⭐️ Fill-in-the-Blanks | Worksheets + Answer Keys Every word from Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words (1-20) is highlighted in a Fill-in-the-Blanks sentence. Each sheet accommodates 6 or 7 sentences, and an answer key is provided. ⭐️ Word Searches | 20 Sight Words per Page These Word Searches encapsulate all of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words (1-20), split into 2 sheets, each displaying 10 sight words (ordered by frequency). ⭐️ Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words | In Alphabetical Order/Color Coded This lexicon tabulates each of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words in alphabetical succession. Plus, each word is color coded to signify its original set. ⭐️ Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words | Ranked by Frequency This lexicon showcases each of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words, organized by frequency, and sorted into color coded groups. ⭐️ Printable Flash Cards | Colored/B&W - Round/Sharp Corners Multiple printable renditions of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Word flash cards (1-20) are available here. Choose the style of flash card that suits your preference! Total Contents: 14 PDF Pages ⭐️ Enjoyed this resource? Click any link below to explore this entire product line! ⭐️ 1. Fry’s First 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 2. Fry’s Second 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 3. Fry’s Third 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 4. Fry’s Fourth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 5. Fry’s Fifth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 6. Fry’s Sixth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 7. Fry’s Seventh 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 8. Fry’s Eighth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 9. Fry’s Ninth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 10. Fry’s Tenth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks For any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to email us at: . Wishing you lots of fun with this resource!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, ESL, Flash Cards, Worksheets, Fill-in-the-Blanks, Fry, Fry's Sight Words, ELA, Print, Word Search

All 1000 Fry's Sight Words - Digital + Printable Flash Cards & Vocabulary Lists

All 1000 Fry's Sight Words - Digital + Printable Flash Cards & Vocabulary Lists
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

All 1000 Fry's Sight Words - Digital + Printable Flash Cards & Vocabulary Lists This multi-faceted teaching set targets learning and reinforcing Fry's Sight Words, offering comprehensive coverage of all 1000 words that are fundamental for developing literacy skills. It is an excellent resource for teachers in classrooms, homeschooling, or any educational setting from Preschool through Grade 5. Digital & Printable Resources A heavy focus on independent learning, with digital flashcards navigable by keyboard or touchscreen tablet techniques, allowing students to explore the word lists autonomously. Both color and black & white versions of printable flashcards offering flexibility to educators based on their classroom needs and printing capabilities. Versatile Pedagogical Applications The resources align well with Common Core Standards (CCSS) RF.K.3 and RF.K.3c emphasizing reading foundational skills like decoding words - making it apt for: Whole-group lessons. Small group activities. Individual homework assignments. Inclusive Word Lists The following types of word lists are provided: An order-of-frequency list enabling learners to prioritize common words.. An alphabetically-sorted list facilitating quick referencing during classes or spelling exercises.. Learner-friendly Division into Sets Sprawled over approximately 230 PDF pages packed throughout multiple file formats (1140 slides); the collection encourages steady progression without overwhelming young readers via ten sets catering each 100-word bundle separately ensuring accessibility across different tech settings at home or school. Possessing All 1000 Fry's Sight Words - Digital + Printable Flash Cards & Vocabulary Lists greatly simplifies vocabulary instruction, making it an essential asset to any educator's toolkit.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, Vocabulary Instruction, Digital Flashcards, Printable Resources, Independent Learning

Fry's Third 100 Sight Words - Digital and Printable Fill-in-the-Blanks Quiz, Digital Flashcards + More
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Fry's Third 100 Sight Words - Digital and Printable Fill-in-the-Blanks Quiz, Digital Flashcards + More
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

Let's making learning Fry's sight words more interesting. This resources brings Fry's sight words into the digital age. Start off by introducing your students to these sight words by offering the PDF-based, Digital activity. Use the arrow keys to navigate through this resource after you opened it and displayed it on full screen. Students can even do this all by themselves. Then, test their sight word knowledge by opening up the digital fill in the blanks exercise. It works in the same way. Look at each question and press the right arrow key to reveal the answer. Do this for the entire quiz. Again, students can do this by themselves as well. If you would prefer to do this test on paper, no problem! There is a printable version as well, that comes with an answer key. Finally, there are two vocabulary lists, one in order of frequency and the other in alphabetical order. Let's do this!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, PDF, Digital, ELA, Fill-in-the-Blanks, Printable, Worksheets, Fry's Third, Vocabulary List

Dolch 2nd Grade Sight Word BINGO - 30+ Bingo Cards, Flashcards & Word Lists
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Dolch 2nd Grade Sight Word BINGO - 30+ Bingo Cards, Flashcards & Word Lists
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

This is a bingo game that practices all the grade 2 high-frequency sight words. Along with that, this resource features a bunch of flash cards that you can use to introduce and practice these words. You can choose to print them with sharp edges or curved ones, though I prefer the curved ones. Otherwise students might hurt themselves on the edges, which is something we'd like to prevent altogether. Now with this resource come a bunch of Bingo sheets. So just print out the flash cards and draw them one by one. The students can now cross the words off from their very own bingo cards. Once they have filled out the entire card, they can yell out the magic word, which is of course BINGO. You can decide for yourself if you also want to attach a prize to this in order to motivate your students even more. Finally, there are word lists.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, 2nd Grade, Dolch, Bingo Cards, Flashcards, Second Grade Sight Word List Common Core

Short u Vowel Sound Words - Vocabulary Lists, Tests, BINGO, and Flash Cards
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Short u Vowel Sound Words - Vocabulary Lists, Tests, BINGO, and Flash Cards
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

Want to start practicing the short U sound? This resource is all you need. So what's inside this wonderful resource? Digital Flashcards: Let students explore short vowel words at their own pace with these easy-to-use digital flashcards. Printable Word List (Short "u" Sounds): Introduce 20 key short "u" words in a clear and simple format. Printable Word List (All Short Vowels): Expand their knowledge with a comprehensive list of 100 short vowel words. Printable Quiz (Short "u" Sounds): Assess their understanding of those 20 "u" words with a focused quiz. Printable Mixed Short Vowel Quiz: Challenge them with a fun fill-in-the-blank quiz that covers all the short vowels. BINGO Bonanza!: Get ready for some serious fun with 10 picture BINGO boards, 10 text-only boards, and a blank one for customization. Flashcards Galore!: We've included a variety of flashcards with two levels and different corner options – perfect for games like Taboo and Memory! Who Will Benefit? This resource is perfect for any student starting their short vowel journey. It's also a fantastic tool for those who need a little extra help. Turn short vowel practice into a joyful experience, whether in the classroom or at home, and watch those struggling readers catch up and soar! The Fun Factor: Get students excited about learning with engaging games like Taboo and Memory using the flashcards. They'll be familiar with the words before they even know it, making the rest of the activities a breeze! Aligned to Standards: Supports Common Core Standards (CCSS) RF.K.2, RF.K.2d, RF.K.3, and RF.K.3d. Want More Short Vowel Goodness? Check out the complete 100 Short Vowel Sound Words bundle! [link to bundle] Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you! Email us at . Happy teaching!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Short U, Short Vowels, BINGO, Flash Cards, Vocabulary, ELA, ESL, Short U Sound, Worksheets

SAMPLE Fry's Fifth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
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SAMPLE Fry's Fifth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Worksheets

SAMPLE Fry's Fifth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks This educational resource is designed to assist educators and their students. It aids in teaching, practicing, and examining the frequently used Fifth 100 Sight Words outlined by Dr. Edward Fry. Targeted at preschoolers up to grade two students, it focuses on language arts, especially areas like pre-reading, spelling, and vocabulary enhancement. We use color-coding for better organization: orange for the first batch of words; yellow, green blue, and violet for other groups.This product includes only the first batch (orange) out of five batches available in the complete version. Collection Features: Fill-in-the-blank worksheets: For each word from one through twenty with solution keys included - perfect for class activities or homework tasks! Every sheet comes with six to seven sentences that enhance learning. Word Search Puzzles: For sight words one-twenty split into two puzzles - an engaging way to help visual learners understand frequently-used words. Catering Varying Learner Needs: Educators can access color-marked flashcards available in different styles - colored/black & white with rounded/sharp edges which are printable or compatible with technology-assisted teaching methods. An alphabetically organized list also including frequency sorted compilations helps teachers understand sight word appearance trends aiding them design effective lesson plans . The package contains 15 PDF pages filled with varied activities apt for entire class discussions or small group sessions but can as well be extended as study aids thus providing teachers flexibility over how best they deem fit using this resource in their instruction strategies aligning to their students' learning speed. With an aim to foster language arts proficiencies among early learners, it's a comprehensive educational tool that seamlessly merges traditional paper-based methods and modern-day digital techniques.

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, Language Arts, Vocabulary Enhancement, Fill-in-the-blanks, Word Search Puzzles

SAMPLE Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
Free Download

SAMPLE Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words Fill-in-the-Blanks
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Worksheets

This collection aids in presenting, reinforcing, and assessing the most commonly employed Sixth (6th) 100 Sight Words, as gathered by Dr. Edward Fry. All sight words are segregated into five sets of 20 words each (according to frequency), with a designated color for each word group: Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet. This complimentary preview includes the initial segment (Orange) from this five-segment collection. If it appeals to you, access the FULL Version here. The collection incorporates: ⭐️ Fill-in-the-Blanks | Worksheets + Solution Guides Each of Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words (1-20) appears in a Fill-in-the-Blanks sentence. Every sheet comprises 6 or 7 sentences, complemented by a solution guide. ⭐️ Word Search Activities | 10 Sight Words per Activity These Word Search Activities display all of Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words (1-20), partitioned into 2 activities each holding 10 sight words (sorted by frequency). ⭐️ Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words | Alphabetically Arranged/Color Indicated This word inventory accommodates each of Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words in alphabetical sequence. Additionally, each word is color-indicated, revealing its original set. ⭐️ Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words | Organized by Frequency This word catalog comprises each of Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Words, arranged by their frequency of use, and grouped into color-indicated batches. ⭐️ Printable Flash Cards | Colored/B&W - Rounded/Sharp Edges Multiple printable versions of Fry's Sixth 100 Sight Word flash cards (1-20) are accessible here. Choose the flash card style best fitting your needs! Total Content: 15 PDF Pages ⭐️ Enjoyed this resource? Click any link below to explore this entire product line! ⭐️ 1. Fry’s First 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 2. Fry’s Second 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 3. Fry’s Third 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 4. Fry’s Fourth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 5. Fry’s Fifth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 6. Fry’s Sixth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 7. Fry’s Seventh 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 8. Fry’s Eighth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 9. Fry’s Ninth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks 10. Fry’s Tenth 100 Sight Words | Fill-in-the-Blanks For any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to email us at: . Wishing you lots of fun with this resource!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Sight Words, ESl, Flash Cards, Worksheets, Fill-in-the-Blanks, Fry’s Sight Words , Fry’s, Fry, Word Search, Print

AAC Picture Description Visual Guides BUNDLE

AAC Picture Description Visual Guides BUNDLE
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Speech Therapy, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Vocabulary, Writing, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities

AAC Picture Description Visual Guides BUNDLE This versatile educational resource is designed to support various teaching scenarios. Ideal for educators in both the public school setting and those involved in homeschooling, this valuable tool aids teachers, therapists, and parents in enhancing communication skills and social interaction among students. Created with a understanding that every learner thrives on clear instructions, this bundle uses visual means to reinforce pre-reading competency as well as early-prompted literacy. It serves dual purposes: acting both as a descriptive tool itself and providing visually guided narration. Comprehensive Bundle Details: Books filled with color-coded sentence strips centered around everyday themes. Suitable for learners of varying age groups: from preschoolers through grade 1 students. Detailed page descriptions featuring real-life pictures complimented by easy-to-follow short story activities. The books also include three pages dedicated to answering queries like 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when' along with details about thoughts evoked by the image or scenario given, experience narrated through an individual's emotions (the feelings), and finally what could have transpired afterwards—all adding dimensions to understanding a situation further.(Tailored especially towards children facing learning difficulties or those identified with developmental challenges). Included Extra features: Detailed pages about attire description or appearance descriptives on selected materials accompanied by sentence strips that focus exclusively on the question theme-providing meaningful narrative sequences for young learners. Four blank pages of color-coded strips can be used individually or integrated into your centers acting as task materials-infusing an interactive aspect into learning; encouraging students' active participation. Augmentative & Alternative Communication Material: This material enhances reading comprehension while supporting sentence construction leading up to paragraph-length texts writing competently—a user-friendly approach proving integral during one-to-one educational or therapeutic sessions. Format & Use: This flexible 5-book bundle, each with a downloadable option, comes as a PDF-format making it ready-to-use for both physical and digital classroom settings—showcasing an educator's commitment to nurture well-rounded students. This essential bundle covers diverse subject areas like Special Resources & Language Arts while touching sub-subjects such as Pre-Reading, Vocabulary & Writing—a truly comprehensive tool aiding in holistic language development for our emerging learners. 5 books, each with 15 - page PDF with strips , boards and cards to use in your classroom or one to one educational or therapy sessions, aiming communication skills, language development, literacy and even short text writing .


Tags AAC, Picture Description, Visual Guides, Language Development, Communication Skills, Autism, Communication, Writing, Short Story, Words Aside

Prairie Dog Themed Frames Flashcards

Prairie Dog Themed Frames Flashcards
Math, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

Prairie Dog Themed Frames Flashcards . We highly recommend pairing these with some traditional crafts of homemade foods from the books.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Prairie, Dog, Frames, Printables, Numbers


Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Numbers, Place Value, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities

NUMBER SENSE POSTERS AND ACTIVITY MATS The NUMBER SENSE POSTERS AND ACTIVITY MATS bundle is a comprehensive teaching resource that resonates with numerical concepts from 1 to 9. This mammoth bundle offers nine separate booklets, each one illuminating an individual number by representing it various ways. Symbols. Objects to count. Traceable dots. Representations on dice and dominos. Finger counting exercises. The vibrant blend of representation makes the learning process interactive and hands-on for the students. The package includes both colored and black-and-white versions, enabling educators to tailor their teaching methodology according to learners' needs. It delivers an abundance of pictorial data, allowing young minds to thoroughly grasp core mathematical principles. A Resource Not Just For Teachers If you are involved in preschool education or grade-1 level mathematics studies – this has got you covered! The materials prove invaluable not just for school teachers but find wide-ranging applications with Speech Language Pathologists (SLP’s), Occupational Therapists (OT's), Educational Psychologists among others too! Versatility at its Best! Bulletin Boards or Math Stations: Keep as constant visual aids. Tutorial Sessions: Use during group presentations due to handy A4 size. Innovative Homework assignments: Laminate them for reuse or display on screens for more engaging assignments. */ Furthermore, task cards can be created using these templates tailored towards center activities or consider compiling them into classroom reference books successfully. The materials support creativity too - you can use markers, playdoughs finger paints stickers along cube manipulatives thus solidifying comprehension involved numbers place value themes better than ever before! What’s in the Box? With this single PDF bundle package, you’ll get over 360 pages filled with visually appealing diagrams, charts and practical activities. All dedicated to reinforcing numeracy and familiarity with numbers from 1 to 9. A perfect augmentation for basic math education – this bundle cuts down your prep time while boosting engagement levels for students. 360+ pages in 9 PDF books, one for each number concept ( from 1 to 9 ) . Various presentations and visual tools for basic numeracy teaching .


Tags Number Sense, Interactive Learning, Math Activities, Pictorial Math, Math Manipulatives, Centers, Posters, Bulletin Board, Handwriting, Words Aside

Heart Words | Fry’s Tenth 100 | Build Your Own Flash Card Set

Heart Words | Fry’s Tenth 100 | Build Your Own Flash Card Set
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

These digital flash cards don't just show Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words. They also display so-called "Heart Words". These are words that don't use the phonics rules that one might expect when reading and trying to pronounce the word. But this is not all. Also blends, digraphs, trigraphs, double consonants and many more phonetic elements are separately highlighted in each component of this resource. There are several parts to this resource. Please check out the screenshots on this page to get a better idea of the aesthetics of this resource. The included components are: 1. Digital Flash Cards (Digital PDF) This activity is offered in a PDf-Format. Simply use the arrow keys to navigate through the slides. 2. Build Your Own Set (PowerPoint) This activity comes in a PowerPoint format. This allows you to pick and choose the cards that you like to create your very own set. Just copy and paste the slides in whichever order you prefer. 3. Printable Flash Cards (Printable PDF) The same card that are featured in the previous activity also come in a printable format. Again, this is a PDF-File. Just print, laminate, and cut the cards, and you'll be ready to go! 4. Vocabulary List 1 (Printable PDF) This list shows all of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words in alphabetical order. The words are color coded so you can see from which set it originates. 5. Vocabulary List 2 (Printable PDF) This list shows all of Fry's Tenth 100 Sight Words in order of frequency. All the words are divided in 5 groups of 20 words. They have the same color code as the ones in the previously discussed list. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, feel free to contact me at Wishing you lots of fun with this resource!

Author Tom's Talk

Tags Fry, Fry's, Fry's Sight Words, Flash Cards, Flashcards, Sight Words, Printable, PDF, PPT, PowerPoint

Owls  Flashcards | Birds of Prey Prints

Owls Flashcards | Birds of Prey Prints
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

Owls Flashcards | Birds of Prey Prints Birds of Prey Prints is a distinguished and rare educational instrument that features a set consisting of 12 hand-drawn watercolor prints. Remarkably, these flashcards illustrate an extensive assortment of owls from various global regions. They serve as an excellent supplement to any curriculum ranging from preschool through grade 5, particularly in Science or Zoology units. The value in these flashcards manifests in their adaptability. In whole-group lessons, they can serve as visual stimuli during nature study classes and stimulate group conversations about the unique characteristics and habitats of the varied owl species. Additionally, educators can employ them in small clusters or even one-on-one sessions for focused learning experiences. Moreover, learners can use them individually for self-study reinforcement or as homework assignments to be completed at home. Educators should encourage pupils to investigate more into each owl's traits and surroundings to cultivate a sincere admiration for wildlife diversity. If we talk about printing quality, it is advisable to print these flashcard materials on premium paper based on their usage. Opting for watercolor paper could be an ideal choice because it has a textured surface that superbly aligns with the artistic depictions while simultaneously adding tactile fascination. This product comes available in digital format: one PDF containing all 12 flashcard materials ready for immediate download and flexible printing whenever needed. Seeing as they are not grade-specific resources; hence they offer wide-age range flexibility making this teaching tool adjustable according to your particular classroom requirements. The Purpose of Owls Flashcards | Birds of Prey Prints The Owls Flashcards | Birds of Prey Prints strive beyond just being general identifiers; they intend to build a stronger connection between students and nature by offering teachers enriched visuals that could provoke productive discussion about the marvels of biodiversity.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Owls, Birds Of Prey, Flashcards, Educational Resource, Watercolor Prints

North American Raptors Flashcards | Birds of Prey

North American Raptors Flashcards | Birds of Prey
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

North American Raptors Flashcards | Birds of Prey Delve into the captivating world of North American birds of prey with this set of 12 compelling flashcards. Each card showcases unique, hand-illustrated watercolor drawings showcasing a variety of eagles, vultures, and hawks in their natural ecosystems. This resource serves both as engaging visual aid and effective teaching tool for a range of grades from kindergarten to fifth grade. The inherent beauty and realism in these finely detailed illustrations allow educators to expand on zoology lessons by staying true to the distinctive features that make each raptor species identifiable. When using these cards for nature studies or any science-related activity, children will have an opportunity to explore: Physical attributes Diet Habitats Their role in the ecosystem Designed for easy storage and repetitive use, one simple download yields a PDF file that can be printed onto high-quality paper or even textured watercolor paper in order to enhance the overall tactile experience during learning sessions. Coupled with lessons or educational discussions on North American raptors specially crafted by teachers themselves creates an environment where active learning thrives; providing opportunities for discover-based interactions whether it's through whole class demonstrations or small group discussions. Alternatively utilising these flashcards as homework assignments can also prove beneficial as self-study aids; further encouraging students’ curiosity while solidifying important concepts covered during class. In essence these distinctive flashcards serve multiple purposes; not only advancing understanding within the subject matters at hand but also promoting learner involvement across different platforms which ultimately paves way towards more enriching educational experiences. Suitable For All Learners! Whether you are a public school teacher aiming at integrating more interactive science modules or a homeschooler looking forward adding vibrancy into your lesson plans – The North American Raptors Flashcard Set exemplifies resourcefulness tied together with aesthetic appeal making it an ideal choice for learners everywhere!

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Birds Of Prey, Flashcards, Zoology, North American, Science, Birds Flash Cards, North American Raptors, Raptors Of North America

Alphabet Crafts - Dinosaur Activities - Bible Read Aloud

Alphabet Crafts - Dinosaur Activities - Bible Read Aloud
ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling, Strategies, Reading, Kindergarten, Preschool, Worksheets & Printables, Coloring Pages, Worksheets, Drawing Templates & Outlines, Flashcards

I created this activities pack because so many kids like dinosaurs, and learning the alphabet is such a foundational skill, sometimes one that isn't learned easily by kids. Teach your pre=readers and reinforce struggling readers learning the alphabet with bright colors and fun dinosaur pictures. Each letter of the alphabet is on a separate page to color as shown in the preview. There are 26 different Bible verses that students can trace and learn and even memorize. And 26 different flashcards with each letter of the alphabet on a separate card, the alphabet in the flashcards is a dinosaur font and can be colored in. Most of the products I create are designed for multiple ages in mind. For example, this product contains simple super large letters of the alphabet that can be colored in even by a toddler who can hold a crayon. Also, this product also contains 16 different dinosaur outlines that can be traced and/or colored. Each is on a separate page and includes the name of the particular dinosaur. Dinosaurs have long names, so these pages can be used to familiarize children with different dinosaurs and even be used for a spelling test where your students have to be able to correctly spell the dinosaurs. Or they could be asked to alphabetize the dinosaur sheets in order. Also included in this awesome dinosaur and alphabet activity pack is 16 different dinosaur outlines to color (one on each page) with the name of the dinosaur spelled out in a font that can be colored in. Dinosaurs included: Acanthopholis Ankylosaurus Dilophosaurus Diplodocus Gallimimus Iguanodon Ouranosaurus Parasaurolophus Pteranodon Saurolophus Stegosaurus Styracosaurus Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Rex Valdosaurus Velociraptor As you can see, the dinosaur names are challenging even for the best spellers, including me! Even though there are no specific questions regarding these dinosaurs in this product, you could assign specific dinosaurs to your older students, to look up and research and write an essay.

Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom

Tags Dinosaur Activities, Bible Read Aloud, Alphabet Activities, Abc Coloring Pages, Abc Poster, Literature Flashcards, Alphabet Crafts, Pre Reading, Tracing Worksheets, Tracing

Flashcards Bundle: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Quantities for S

Flashcards Bundle: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Quantities for S
ELA, Kindergarten, Preschool, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

Flashcards Bundle: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Quantities for Special Ed This Flashcards Bundle: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Quantities is designed for kids with Autism and Dyslexia in mind. It uses the OpenDyslexic typeface by Abigail Gonzalez. This resource includes five crucial learning areas: Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Shapes, and Quantities. The Alphabet cards help children link letters with sound and common words. The Number cards connect numerals with word forms and visual representations. The Color cards pair vibrant swatches with color names. The Shape cards illustrate geometric forms with their corresponding names. The Quantity cards (1-10) helps with and demonstrates one-to-one correspondence. This is designed to support different learning styles for every child. This resource is made for Early intervention, Preschool, Pre-k, Kindergarten students within the special education classrooms or in an inclusive setting and even homeschool. This worksheet is available in PDF format and has 31 pages in total. It is also aligned with Common Core ELA & Math Standards: RF. K1 for demonstrating understanding of the organization and basic features of print, RF. K1.d for recognizing and name all upper- and lowercase letter of the alphabet, LK. 1a for print many upper-and lowercase letters and K. CC.B4 for understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality, KG A2 for correctly naming shapes regardless of their orientation or overall size, KG A3 for identifying shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional. This material is available in black and white upon request. If you are looking for more resources similar to this, please visit my Teach Simple storefront! If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email us at . Thank you!

Author The Special T. Store

Tags Special Education, Pre-K, K-2, Printables, Numbers, Alphabet, Math, Shapes, Colors

Initial Sound Clip Cards

Initial Sound Clip Cards
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards

Product Title: Initial Sound Clip Cards The Initial Sound Clip Cards are a must-have resource for educators striving to instill phonics foundation in young learners. This product catered specifically to the age groups that fall under Early Learning, Preschool, Kindergarten and span until Grade 2. It is designed purposefully for those seeking teaching resources related to Language Arts. These phonetic knowledge-tuning clip cards have three printable pages available in PDF format . They ensure an interactive learning experience for students by offering hand-drawn and painted illustrations that capture the intrigue of pupils at an early stage of learning whilst molding their pronunciation skills concurrently. The Key Features: Serves as efficient teaching aids. Can be utilized during whole group activities where every student engages with his or her card. Lends themselves well as tools for small group exercises. Allows personalized approach towards each child's reading trajectory when refining their grasp on initial sounds. These flashcards can also be useful tools for parents who home-school or tutors providing remedial assistance at home post regular school hours. By turning homework into fun with elements of tactility and vivid imagery complementing scholastic content. The common challenge associated with teaching foundational literacy skills like identifying initial sounds is turning such complex issues into accessible bite-sized chunks aptly suitable for young learners' cognition capabilities; this is precisely what our "Initial Sound Clip Cards" , aim to achieve. In conclusion, these tangible recapitulation tools lend stability to your teachers' arsenal by ensuring seamless integration into any lesson plan while committing wholly towards making foundational language arts an exciting domain rather than a mundane task. Thus introducing your pupils to the importance of everyday learning could be if bolstered correctly; these cards promise essentials hidden within subtleties – wrapped memorably via stimulating visuals. The Initial Sound Clip Cards are indeed a subtle yet keenly thoughtful way of ensuring young learners grasp exceptionally well the basics of phonics and language arts.

Author Fiddleticks Education

Tags Initial Sound, Clip Cards, Phonics, Language Arts, Interactive Learning