5,495 products added recently
1st Grade Writing Prompts
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Spring Narrative Writing, Spring Opinion Writing, and Spring Informative Writing Prompts with Vocabulary Words for K-2nd Grade
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Writing, Creative Writing, Seasons, Spring, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
These ENGAGING Spring Narrative Writing, Spring Opinion Writing, and Spring Informative Writing Prompts are designed for Kindergarten, First grade, and Second grade students. With 27 pages of writing activities all for Spring! Included are the following: * Three writing prompts with differentiated writing pages that provides starter words to trace to help with beginning writers. * Opportunities to draw to go along with their writing. * To help with student's writing. there are two differentiated word banks for each of the prompts to encourage students to expand their vocabulary and to enhance their writing. * Students can trace and practice writing the words on the vocabulary pages. * At the bottom of the writing pages, there is a checklist for students to check their work which includes an opportunity to check for capital letters at the beginning of each sentence, punctuation, finger spaces, upper and lowercase letters in each sentence, an opportunity to practice sounding out words, and a reminder to draw their picture. * Also included are writing organizers to help students begin their writings. These writing prompts for Spring align with the common core standards for creative, opinion, and informative/ explanatory writing. These instructions help students to know exactly what is expected of them as they write. The prompts are engaging and fun for students to be creative, and to ponder on material related to the Spring Season! It's a GREAT value with fun festive borders to display in your classroom and interesting and engaging prompts to promote creativity in your students! Included in the Spring Narrative Writing, Spring Opinion Writing, and Spring Informative Writing Prompts for Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade are: * Opinion prompt centered around Spring Activities that are differentiated with various writing pages and two different vocabulary pages. * Narrative Prompt centered around Spring Activities that are differentiated with various writing pages and two different vocabulary pages. * Informative / Explanatory Prompt centered around Spring Activities that are differentiated with various writing pages and two different vocabulary pages. * Also included are writing organizer pages for each type of writing prompt. This is a PDF file. 27 pages in all!
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Spring Writing, Informational Writing, Opinion Writing, Narrative Writing, Spring Activities, Spring Lessons, Kindergarten Writing Prompts, 1st Grade Writing Prompts, 2nd Grade Writing Prompts, Spring Writing Prompts For 2nd Grade
Journal Prompts for Daily Writing
ELA, Writing, Grade 1, 2, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
So you are trying to set up your Writing Station so it can stand alone for awhile before you have to change the prompts. Does that sound like you? It was definitely me! So...I solved this problem by giving children a choice of a few prompts to write about and then changed them every so often. TheseDaily Journal Writing Activitiesare an easy way to encouragewriting everyday.There are so many choices and posters that can be hung in your station to support young writers.In my opinion, this resource is all you will need for journal writing! I am so excited to haveupdated and completed this Set of Journal Prompts to Encourage Writing. This set is best for first and second grade. These journal writing prompts contain a plethora of writing ideas!Although this set is an update, I have added many more pages and changed the format, butI have also kept the former resource in the packet and Compiled the 2 resources together just incase the older resource’s format was more appealing to you! Ever since I started teaching 30+ years ago and encouraged my first graders as well as my own children to write letters to grandparents, thank you notes to friends and love ones and grocery lists for me, I have believed that every scribble had an intense meaning and when I would encourage my students or children to “read” back what their scribbles, labels, words and sentences said, the kiddos knew the meaning of these symbols, scribbles and letters! I am a firm believer that “Kid Writing” is an important piece of emergent reading and writing and the more you read, the better you read and vice versa! What’s Included: ✎Over 200 writing prompts with starter ideas with room for a picture and writing. ✎Covers and prompts categorized into the following sections: ✎All about School….16 pages ✎All about ME ………37 pages ✎All about Feelings...14 pages ✎Special Days ………23 pages of prompts that span from Halloween to Father’s Day ✎Seasons and Weather…….22 pages ✎Other Fun Writing Ideas …….13 pages ✎Letters, Notes, Lists, Memos and a few more….30 pages National Holidays to Write about…54 pages taking writing through January to December ⭐Pages are NOT numbered so you can differentiate for your student needs. ⭐Covers are included for each of the sections above. ⭐Please note the section about Notes, Letters, Memos etc. may present a higher level of difficulty for younger students. ✎ An anchor Chart On How to Spell a Word. ✎ 5 small posters with words to help young writers. I can… I like…When I Grow Up I want to be…My Favorite thing to do…My Favorite Color… ✎ 64 original writing prompts from the older resource with starter ideas with room for a picture and writing ✎ One complete page with writing lines to run off 2-sided with prompts. This way if students want to write more they can. ✎ Cards with writing ideas, pictures and words to assist young writers. These I put in a basket or “Treasure Chest” to choose ideas. ✎ Ideas to last a LONG Time that are aligned with Common Core!! Ideas for Use: ✐Morning Work ✐Stations/Centers ✐Writing Workshop for special learners ✐To differentiate your writing files and support more reluctant writers in other ways. ✐To easily encourage Journal Writing. ✐For homework ✐Homeschool ✐For parents to support their children with write
Author Sunshine and Lollipops
Tags Journal Writing, Journaling, Creative Writing, Daily Writing, Writing Prompts
Zoo Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Lesson Plans, Presentations, Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Elephants for K-2. Engage young students in reading, writing, and science with this 19-page informational writing project on elephants. Students will read fascinating facts, examine real-life photos, color images, draw habitat scenes, organize information with writing organizers, and compose their own informative writing piece on elephants. Three differentiated writing levels are included to accommodate varying abilities. When completed, the project can be bound into a printed book for the classroom or home library. This elephant unit can be implemented in whole groups, small groups, or as an individual student project. Pair it with the 7 other available animal projects for a cross-curricular writing program. Suitable for kindergarten through 2nd grade. Teachers appreciate the ready-to-use animal units covering reading, note-taking, drafting, illustrating, and publishing. Engage your class in meaningful informational writing with this standards-based project on monkeys. Plus, there are many more zoo animals to research as well in my store: K-5 Treasures! For additional Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Zoo Animals, Report On Animals, Report On Zoo Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Elephants, Report On Elephants
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Seals for K-2nd Grade. Students will read age-appropriate information about seals and examine real-life photos of these ocean mammals. After learning about seals' physical features, habitat, diet, and behaviors, students will complete a range of activities to demonstrate their knowledge. Differentiated materials allow students of all abilities to participate. Young learners will color a cover page, habitat scene, and seal picture. Two writing organizers help students take notes and sort facts. Differentiated writing pages scaffold the research paper process for emerging writers. A self-checking writing page allows independent work. This engaging 19-page unit encourages reading, creativity, and informational writing. It can be used individually, in small groups, or for whole-class instruction. Other animal units are available for additional research opportunities. Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, Report On Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Ocean Animal Research, Seals, Report On Seals, Ocean Animal Report
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Coloring Pages, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Shellfish for K-2nd Grade. Students will learn about shellfish through reading, writing, coloring, and drawing activities in this 19-page packet. After examining photos of real shellfish, students will read factual information presented in a color-coded key for easy comprehension. Next, they will color their own shellfish drawings and create habitat scenes. Two differentiated writing organizers help students take notes and sort information. The writing portion includes leveled writing pages so students of all abilities can succeed composing paragraphs on shellfish. A self-checking writing page assists developing writers. This engaging project promotes creativity, reading, writing, and science skills. Use it for whole-group, small-group, independent, or homework assignments. Click the author links above for other animal research units spanning land and sea creatures. Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Ocean Animal Research, Shellfish, Report On Shellfish, Report On Lobsters, Report On Crabs
Zoo Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Coloring Pages
This Animal Research Project on Tigers is for Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade. This 19-page informational writing resource guide will enhance student's learning about these amazing zoo animals: Tigers! Differentiated materials make it perfect for various ability levels. Students will read tiger facts, color tiger pictures, examine photos, draw a habitat, organize information, and write using scaffolded writing pages. Higher-level students can write paragraphs while struggling writers use sentence frames. When complete, pages can be compiled into a printed book. This engaging project promotes creativity, reading, writing, and science skills. Pair with other animal units or use independently to motivate young learners. Check out companion resources on hippos, elephants, monkeys, pandas, giraffes, dolphins, octopus, orcas, seals, shellfish, sea turtles, and whales. For more Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Ocean Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite Ocean animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Zoo Animals, Report On Animals, Report On Zoo Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Tigers, Report On Tigers
Adding Details to Sentences
ELA, Writing, Grammar, Language Development, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Writing Prompts, Activities, Centers
One important skill for students to learn is to write sentences. Sometimes students have difficulty adding details to sentences. This activity gets students to practice adding extra details to sentences by working with adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases. By adding details to their sentences, students will write more interesting and engaging stories What is Included: This activity includes two practice pages where the additional details are already given to the student. Students will practice handwriting by tracing the sentences that show students how to add the details to the sentences. Also included are word cards (for nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases) to help students come up with ideas to create their own sentences. Blank writing pages are also provided for students to write their own sentences by writing the details in each step. When to Use: Literacy or Writing Center - The worksheets and word cards can be placed in a literacy center for students to write interesting sentences. Morning Work - The teacher can give the students a simple sentence to start with and use the blank pages to add details to that sentence while their classmates arrive at class. Homework - The blank pages can be sent home for students to practice adding details with their parents. Skills Assessed: Students will practice adding more details to their sentences by adding descriptive language. The worksheets included in this resource are no-prep. They just need to be printed out and given to students to complete. The teacher may choose to give students a simple sentence to start with or the students can use the word cards to build a sentence. The word cards are low prep, needing to be printed and cut apart. The blank pages can be laminated to become a reusable write and wipe activity. The cards will store nicely in a task box.
Author The Connett Connection
Tags Adding Details, Adding Details To Sentences, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Prepositional Phrase, Grammar
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Dolphins for K-2nd Grade. Engage young learners in reading, writing, and science with this 19-page informational writing unit on dolphins. Students will read leveled texts and examine real life photos to learn facts about these playful marine mammals. Next, they will organize the information using color-coded graphic organizers. Finally, students will write their own informational report on dolphins using differentiated writing pages for K-2. Extension activities allow creativity through coloring, habitat illustration, and cover page design. Implementation ideas included for whole group, small group, centers, or individual work. Check out companion units on whales, seals, sea turtles, and more ocean animals from Teach Simple! Plus, even more units on zoo animals! Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Report On Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Dolphins, Report On Dolphins, Ocean Animals, Sea Life
Second Grade Reading Comprehension - Don't Let the Pigeon Stay up Late
ELA, Children’s Literature, Literature, Language Development, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Creative Writing, Writing, Community Building, Resources for Teachers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Centers, Activities, Read Alouds, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables, Novel Studies
Mo Willems is the author of the Pigeon book series. The books contain large amounts of vocabulary designed for k-2nd graders. However, the pictures are so simple and adorable, they can be enjoyed by people of all ages. I adore this series so much that i have collected all of them despite that my son is almost 20 years old. As a result, I created the first of what I hope to be a series of reading comprehension and guided reading activity packs to make learning more fun for early elementary students as well as special education students and those with special needs in the areas of speech and communication. The book, "Don't Let the Pigeon Stay up Late," is required reading in order for students to complete all of the activities. It is available for purchase at Amazon and at Mo Willems own website. You can also find it at your local library to check out. Students will practice reading and learn about grammar, spelling, and increase vocabulary. Activities include: Open-ended questions, writing prompts, based on the text in the book. Sight word recognition activities 32 Spelling Words 32 Vocabulary Words Alphabetization Fill-in-the-Blank Drawing And More Students will be given the opportunity to search for: 14 CVC words found in the book 14 nouns found in the book 18 sight words found in the book Great for: Reading Centers Literature Centers Guided Reading Read aloud activities Practicing Social and Emotional Skills Pigeon books are written so that the reader is directly being spoken to by the Pigeon. Such fun books! Answer key is included, pdf downloadable, printable file. 15 pages Table of contents is included. Links for further activities beyond this guided reading project are also included.
Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom
Tags Guided Reading, Reading Comprehension, Early Reading, Second Grade Reading Comprehension, 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension, Reading Strategies
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Coloring Pages
Whales Animal Research Writing Project for K-2nd Grade. This 19-page informational writing unit on whales is perfect for kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade students. It includes differentiated reading passages, data collection organizers, and writing pages about whales so all students can successfully complete the project. Students will read illustrated information about whale appearances, habitats, eating habits, and more. Then they will organize the facts using color-coding and graphic organizers. Finally, students will draw, color, and write their own informative paragraphs about these amazing ocean mammals. The whale unit can be used for whole-class, small-group, or individual assignments. It promotes reading comprehension, creative writing, and drawing skills. Display the finished whale books in your classroom or compile them into a classroom book for all to view. For more animal research projects, see our units on dolphins, seals, sea turtles, and other ocean creatures. Visit my store: -K-5 Treasures to discover more engaging resources for K-2 students. Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Ocean Animal Research, Whales, Report On Whales, Learn About Whales, Ocean Animal Report
Writing Prompt Journal, 45-Days Warm-Up, Editable #3
Special Resources, ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Writing, Creative Writing, Grammar, Seasons, Summer, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Ready to get your learners working in a more gentle on-ramp to your class time? Maybe your homeschool already includes instruction, but a gentle warm-up to your learners' writing instruction is a great way to keep them motivated to learn more! It's recommended kids get 30 minutes of writing practice each day. Sometimes this seems overwhelming for the adults in the room, as it requires planning, formatting, and thoughtful composition. This resource has you covered! Choose to print or use the digital version. Objective: Provide done-for-you writing prompts for both younger and older learners. Formats: Use the provided PowerPoint format, or upload the PPT to Google Slides and have students respond by typing their responses. This is a great motivator for students who enjoy typing more than writing by hand. It also provides a more streamlined checking feature for teachers and supervising adults. Grades: Designed for native speakers in grades 2-5, but applicable for learners in grades 6-12 who are beginning their English-learning journey. Variations: This resource is also available in French and Spanish. What you'll get: This resource contains a PowerPoint file with 64 pages. It also has instructions, spaces for writing, and a certificate of completion. What people are saying: "Fun writing prompts. They really encouraged my child to keep writing beyond the first simple sentence! Great resource. Thank you!" -Jessica P. Looking for more English resources? Be sure to check out my debate activities, critical thinking games, and vocabulary lessons and games on Teach Simple! Topics include: -A Superhero's Toolbox -"Bigger & Better" debate -"I Have, Who Has" card game and vocabulary lesson on: food & drink, weather & landforms, numbers, colors, and patterns, Christmas, calendar, and school & classroom vocabulary. Got a request? Feel free to get in touch on socials @melissaisteaching . Happy teaching!
Author Melissa Is Teaching
Tags Writing, Homeschool, Writing Fluency, Writing Stamina, Daily Writing, Writing Prompts, Editing, Summer
First Grade Winter Writing Prompts
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Writing, Handwriting, Seasons, Winter, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Transform your first-grade classroom into a hub of creativity with our Printable Writing Prompts designed for simplicity and engagement. These ready-to-go worksheets cater specifically to first-grade students, featuring lined pages that make handwriting practice a breeze while sparking imaginative expression. Witness your students flourish as confident and creative writers. 📝☃️❄️ What is Included? 5 Writing Prompts with Lined Pages and Fun Illustrations Each Writing Prompt is a PDF File that is two pages long. Key Highlights: Handwriting Practice: Our winter writing prompts provide perfectly lined pages, making handwriting practice a seamless and enjoyable experience. Simple and effective, these pages help students develop their writing skills effortlessly. Engaging Winter Illustrations: Bring the magic of winter into your classroom with charming illustrations accompanying each prompt. These visuals are designed to captivate young minds, fostering creativity and maintaining an enjoyable learning atmosphere. Effortless Integration: Designed with busy educators in mind, our worksheets require no additional prep work. Dive straight into engaging activities without the hassle of extensive preparation, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your students. Versatile Winter Themes: Explore various winter topics, from snowy adventures to festive traditions. Our prompts cover a range of interests, ensuring every child discovers inspiration for their own unique stories. Advantages of Writing Prompts and Handwriting: Stimulate Creativity Easily: Spark creativity effortlessly with engaging prompts that encourage critical thinking and imaginative storytelling. Enhance Language Skills Simply: Develop vocabulary, sentence structure, and effective communication through straightforward writing exercises. Boost Cognitive Growth Simply: Foster cognitive development by engaging brain regions involved in motor skills, memory, and creativity through the simplicity of handwriting. Encourage Personal Expression: Promote confidence and individuality as students express their thoughts in a structured and straightforward manner. Elevate your teaching experience this winter with our Teach Simple First Grade Winter Writing Prompts.
Author Teacher Jenny
Tags First Grade Winter Writing Prompts, First Grade Winter Writing Prompts No Prep, Printable First Grade Winter Writing Prompts, Winter Writing Prompt No Prep, Second Grade Winter Writing Prompts, Writing Prompts, First Grade Writing Prompts
Zoo Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Coloring Pages, Presentations
Animal Research Writing Project on Pandas for K-2nd Grade. Introduce young students to pandas through this engaging 19-page informational writing project. Students will read panda facts, examine real-life photos, color pictures, draw a panda habitat, organize information using a color-coding system, and write about what they learned using differentiated writing pages for various ability levels. This versatile resource can be used for whole group, small group, or individual work. Encourage creativity, reading, research, and writing skills with this panda-themed project. Extend the learning by creating a whole classbook with students' final writing and artwork compiled together. Compatible for kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade. Click the author link to see other animal-themed writing project units spanning topics like tigers, dolphins, whales and more. Teachers appreciate the ready-to-use animal units covering reading, note-taking, drafting, illustrating, and publishing. Engage your class in meaningful informational writing with this standards-based project on monkeys. Plus, there are many more zoo animals to research as well in my store: K-5 Treasures! For additional Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Zoo Animals, Report On Animals, Report On Zoo Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Pandas, Report On Pandas
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
Sea Turtle Animal Research Writing Project for K-2. Engage your K-2 students in learning about sea turtles with this 19-page animal research writing project. Students will read age-appropriate information about sea turtles, examine real-life photos, color pictures, draw a sea turtle habitat, organize facts using writing organizers, and write an informational report on sea turtles. This unit is differentiated for various abilities and for ages K-2nd grade. This project promotes reading, creativity, and early research and writing skills. Use it for whole-class instruction, small groups, or individual assignments. With fun borders and opportunities for students to be creative while building knowledge, this packet offers multi-day engagement to learn about the amazing sea turtle! Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Report On Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Sea Turtles, Report Of Sea Turtles, Ocean Animal Report
Thanksgiving Endless Creative Writing Prompts
ELA, Writing, Grade 1, 2, 3, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Never come up with a creative writing prompt again with this Thanksgiving-themed storytelling unit! Using the 'somebody wants but so then' (SWBST) approach, this comprehensive LOW PREP resource includes Thanksgiving cards, creative writing graphic organizers, writing rubrics, and more. It makes a great addition to your Thanksgiving or holidays unit studies; writing lessons or centers ; or just for fun. Perfect for first grade, second grade, and third grade classrooms, homeschool families, and cooperatives. After printing the cards, select which graphic organizers you would like students to use, review the rubric with them, and send them off to write. This can be done individually or in small groups so they can bounce ideas off of one another. Students will submit their finished creative writing stories for teacher assessment.
Author Heather Huhman
Tags Creative Writing, Writing, Beginner Writing, Early Writing, Thanksgiving, Elementary Writing
Zoo Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Hippos for K-2. The Animal Research Writing Project on Hippos provides differentiated materials to guide K-2 students through reading informational text, collecting data, and writing about hippos. Students begin by examining real-life photos of hippos to color and give a creative title for the cover page of their report. They read age-appropriate information about habitat, diet, appearance, behavior, and other hippo facts. A color-coded key helps young learners organize the information into categories. After reading, students draw and color the hippo habitat based on what they learned. Two options for graphic organizers allow them to sort facts before writing. Differentiated writing pages scaffold the writing process for emerging writers. A self-checking writing page helps beginning writers reflect on their work. When complete, the project can be compiled into an engaging book that displays student creativity. It promotes reading comprehension, information sorting, and writing skills in an interactive way. The 19-page unit also encourage drawing, coloring, and imagination inspired by the unique traits of hippos. Teachers can implement this versatile resource whole-group, small-group, or as an independent writing activity. It bundles an entire animal research writing unit into one differentiated package. Teachers appreciate the ready-to-use animal units covering reading, note-taking, drafting, illustrating, and publishing. Engage your class in meaningful informational writing with this standards-based project on monkeys. Plus, there are many more zoo animals to research as well in my store: K-5 Treasures! For additional Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Zoo Animals, Report On Animals, Report On Zoo Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Hippos, Report On Hippos
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Presentations, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Orcas for K-2nd Grade, Discover fascinating facts about magnificent orcas with this complete animal research project for young learners. Budding marine biologists in kindergarten through 2nd grade will love learning about the physical characteristics, habitats, behaviors, and lives of these intelligent creatures through engaging activities. The customizable 19-page learning packet guides students step-by-step through the research process with leveled reading passages, real-life photos, coloring pages, multiple graphic organizers to sort information, and differentiated writing templates to fit all ability levels. Extension ideas for incorporating the material into centers, whole class instruction, or independent work are included as well. Watch student creativity and confidence blossom as they synthesize their learnings into an illustrated informational booklet on a favorite sea mammal. This versatile cross-curricular resource builds key skills in reading, writing, science and more in an authentic way. Download this unique, Common Core-aligned unit today to set your young marine biologists on an exciting learning adventure! Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, Report On Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Orcas, Report On Orcas, Ocean Animal Research, Ocean Animal Report
Ocean Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts
Octopus Research and Writing Project for K-2nd Graders. Engage young students in reading, writing, and science with this 19-page octopus research and writing project. Ideal for kindergarteners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders, this cross-curricular resource can be used for whole group instruction, small groups, or individual assignments. The project begins with real-life photos of the octopus to capture students' interest. Appropriately leveled informational text teaches students about the octopus' appearance, habitat, diet, and other facts. A color coding system helps students organize the information as they read. Next, students get creative by coloring their own octopus picture and drawing an underwater habitat scene. Two versions of graphic organizers allow students to sort the facts at their own level. Finally, differentiated writing templates scaffold the writing process and help all students create an informational report on the octopus. A self-checking writing page is included for the youngest writers. The end product can be compiled into an octopus book to display your students' learning. This engaging project seamlessly combines science, reading, and writing for a cross-curricular octopus unit. With grade-appropriate vocabulary and content, it is designed specifically for K-2 students. The differentiated materials ensure all students can participate and be successful as they read, research, and write about the octopus. Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade Want to teach your students all about Zoo Animals? Check out all these interesting facts about these favorite zoo animals. With the same great photos, facts, habitat drawings, and more. It is a great way to help students to get interested in writing. For Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, Report On Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Ocean Animals, Ocean Animal Research, Octopus, Report On The Octopus, Ocean Animal Report
Transportation Writing Prompts and Writing Paper
Holiday & Seasonal, ELA, Seasons, Fall, Writing, Preschool, Grade 1, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Inquisitive minds can embark on an engaging writing center or activity with these transportation themed writing prompts. This collection of writing activities, intended for kindergarten and first grade students, has a fun and engaging transportation theme. With this resource at their disposal, educators can strengthen and fine-tune the creative and critical thinking abilities of their pupils. What is Included: There are 4 question and answer writing prompts. These are differentiated where students can either make up their entire sentence or finish the prompt given. There are 6 different writing papers featuring a different transportation theme. Students get to imagine riding in different modes of transportation and write about what they think it will be like, as well as write opinion pieces on what they like more. When to Use: Morning Work - These writing prompts make a great morning work activity for students to work on while waiting for their classmates to arrive to class. Homework - Students can write stories at home and bring them back to class to share with the group. Writing Center - The prompts and papers can be placed in a writing center to allow students to get creative with their writing. Independent Writing Practice - Students can write their own stories on their prompt page independently at their desks. Display - The writing paper can be used to write finished writing projects in students' neatest handwriting and hung up for display in the classroom or hallway. Students will have fun being creative with these writing prompts. They can use their imaginations to explore modes of transportation, even if they have never actually experienced them for themselves. Each writing prompt page and writing paper sheet are no prep. They just need to be printed off and handed to students to complete, whether it is in the writing center or for independent practice.
Author The Connett Connection
Tags Writing Prompts, Transportation Writing, Writing Paper, Writing Center, Independent Writing, Would You Rather
Acorn Writing Prompts
ELA, Holiday & Seasonal, Writing, Seasons, Fall, Preschool, Grade 1, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Acorn Writing Prompts Inquisitive minds can embark on an engaging educational journey with the Acorn Writing Prompts. This assembly of writing activities, intended for Kindergarten and first-grade students, exhibits a delightful fall theme that brings forth a sense of enthusiasm in young learners. With this resource at their disposal, educators can strengthen and fine-tune the creative and critical thinking abilities of their pupils. This package contains 8 unique writing prompts, targeting the development of both factual and opinionated writing skills along with two seasonal acrostic poems. The Content ranges from simple questions like 'Acorns are _______' to inspiring prompts such as 'If I plant an acorn _____', encouraging children not only to learn but also to imagine. Versatility of Acorn Writing Prompts The versatility of this resource is one of its finest attributes. Teachers may choose to incorporate it as part of individual assignments at a fall-themed center or foster collaborative learning by facilitating group discussions based on these prompts. Serves as an excellent tool to initiate creative discourse among small groups or even during whole classroom sessions. The user-friendly design permits teachers simply print out the pages, distribute amongst students, and let their minds wander into unseen realms; effortlessly infusing these prompts into daily academic schedules- whether during morning work sessions or clocking them for seat activities during school hours. Bonus Features: The inclusion picture-drawing sections accompanying each prompt page. These visual elements not only reinforce learning but also nurture artistic talents in young creators; fostering comprehensive skill development. It can also be used as well-conceptualized homework assignments - allowing learners an opportunity for uninterrupted thought processing at home settings while furnishing productive sub plan content. This teaching resource squarely fits into categories like Language Arts reflecting thematic relevance around holidays such as Autumn while being suitable for versatile implementation methods. Delivered digitally in a PDF format, the Acorn Writing Prompts is an essential tool for educators to kindle the imaginative spark within their students.
Author The Connett Connection
Tags Fall-themed, Writing Prompts, Creative Discourse, Artistic Talents, Versatile Implementation
100th Day of School Writing Prompt - If I had $100 I would buy
ELA, Writing, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Celebrate the 100th Day of School with this differentiated writing activity for students to imagine what they would purchase if they had $100. Students respond to the prompt "If I had $100, I would buy..." by writing a word, tracing and writing the prompt, or writing a complete sentence. The 3 leveled pages allow teachers to differentiate for students at various skill levels. After responding to the prompt, students illustrate their answers. Use this no prep resource during writing centers , morning work, or as a 100th Day activity. Assess student writing skills like sentence structure, spelling, comprehension between text and illustrations, and letter formation. Display finished pages around the classroom for students to present and explain their 100th Day purchases.
Author The Connett Connection
Tags 100th Day Of School, 100th Day Celebration, 100th Day Writing Center, 100th Day Writing Prompt, Writing Prompts
Zoo Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade
Life Studies, ELA, Writing, Creative Writing, Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Writing Prompts
Animal Research Writing Project on Monkeys for K-2nd Grade. Engage young learners in reading, writing, and science with this 19-page informational writing project on monkeys. Students will examine real-life photos, read age-appropriate facts, color images, draw habitat scenes, and organize information using writing organizers. Differentiated writing pages allow kids to write at their level. When finished, students and the entire classroom can bind everything together into a customized book. This monkey-themed unit promotes creativity, reading comprehension, and nonfiction writing skills. Implement as whole class, small group, centers, or individual work. Suitable for homeschools or grades Kindergarten, first grade classrooms., and for second graders. Click the links below to view similar units on other zoo animals and to do research on zoo animals. Teachers appreciate the ready-to-use animal units covering reading, note-taking, drafting, illustrating, and publishing. Engage your class in meaningful informational writing with this standards-based project on monkeys. Plus, there are many more zoo animals to research as well in my store: K-5 Treasures! For additional Zoo Animal reports, click on the following links below: Animal Research Writing Project on TIGERS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on MONKEYS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on PANDAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on HIPPOS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ELEPHANTS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on GIRAFFES for K-2nd Grade Here are even more informational resources on report writing for OCEAN ANIMALS. Click on the links below: Animal Research Writing Project on WHALES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the OCTOPUS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEA TURTLES for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on ORCAS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on the SHELLFISH for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on DOLPHINS for K-2nd Grade Animal Research Writing Project on SEALS for K-2nd Grade
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Animal Research, Informational Writing, Writing Report, Zoo Animals, Report On Animals, Report On Zoo Animals, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Monkeys, Report On Monkeys
Little Red Riding Hood | Diary Writing Prompts
ELA, Writing, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables
Little Red Riding Hood Diary Writing Prompts This is an engaging, stimulating resource developed for budding writers from Kindergarten to Grade 3. A perfect amalgamation of classic literature, imaginative thinking and language arts skills. Concept The resource inspires students to assume the role of characters from Little Red Riding Hood. Four diverse writing prompts guide learners through this process, pushing them recall story details and write diary entries packed with unique thoughts and emotions. This helps in cultivating storytelling abilities in young learners, promoting their language acquisition and critical thinking abilities. Versatility Schools: The prompts can be used in a whole classroom scenario where every student writes based on the same prompt followed by sharing activities. Homeschooling: It makes for excellent group brainstorming sessions or individual homework assignment enhancing independent thinking skills. Digital Delivery & Alignment with Standard Requirements All materials are delivered digitally via 1 PDF file (containing four sets of prompts) and 1 PowerPoint presentation (with eight total slides). Teachers will appreciate that this resource meets foundational requirements for learning areas such as writing conventions. If you're looking to initiate a comprehensive study unit on Little Red Riding hood or just want to ignite creativity amongst your pupils, these Diary Writing Prompts provide unique ways of achieving your goal thus fortifying students' comprehension and empathy towards each character. A Transformational Learning Experience Crafting a story from diverse viewpoints fosters critical thinking regarding characters' behaviours, thereby instilling a profound love for narratives. This influential learning experience is set to enthral young minds - crucial in shaping mindful scholars and compassionate individuals who look beyond mere words when encountering stories both within and outside academia.
Author Good Human Project
Tags Little Red Riding Hood, Diary Writing, Prompts, Creative Thinking, Storytelling
SUMMER ESL Writing Prompts and Drawing for K-2nd Grade
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Creative Writing, Research, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
This SUMMER ESL Writing Prompts and Drawing is perfect for Kindergarten through 2nd grade! You can use it for summer school, at home to keep your kids engaged and to practice up on their writing skills, and a fun way to inspire creativity in your child or student. The prompts that are differentiated for all writers. All students are different learners and there are pages for beginner writers and more advanced writers. These pages encourage them to have guidance as they check off the boxes for sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, word spaces, and capitalization at the beginning of each sentence. This packet also includes writing organizers, and a page to draw and color to add to their writing. Included are 7 Journal Prompts: •Write about Summer Activities •Write about your Favorite Summer Food •Write about Summer Vacations •Write about Relatives to Visit •Write about 4th of July Activities •Write about Beach Activities •Write about Camping Activities It's a GREAT value with fun festive borders to display in your classroom or at home, plus you can put it all together into a book. This is an AMAZING activity to promote creativity in your students and engage them in writing! It is also a FUN way to encourage drawing as they think and write about their memorable summer experiences! There are 66 pages included in this AMAZING writing unit! For many writing units for 3rd - 5th grade students and K-2nd grade that are specifically from the K-5 Treasures author of these products that are perfect to use with this rubric, click on the links below: Fall | Back to School Writing Prompt BUNDLE! 3rd-5th Grade Thanksgiving Writing Prompts for 3rd-5th Grade Winter Writing Prompts for 3rd-5th Grade Christmas Writing Prompts for 3rd-5th Grade Martin Luther King Jr. Writing Prompts for 3rd-5th Grade Valentine's Day Writing Activities for 3rd - 5th Grade: Narrative, Opinion, and Informative President's Day Writing Activities for 3rd - 5th Grade: Narrative, Opinion, and Informative Spring Narrative Writing, Spring Opinion Writing, and Spring Informative Writing Prompts for 3rd - 5th Grade Easter Narrative Writing, Easter Opinion Writing, and Easter Informative Writing Prompts for 3rd - 5th Grade K-2nd Grade Writing Units SUMMER ESL Writing Prompts and Drawing for K-2nd Grade Spring Narrative Writing, Spring Opinion Writing, and Spring Informative Writing Prompts with Vocabulary Words for K-2nd Grade For other rubrics for more grades, click on the links below: Writing Rubric BUNDLE for 3rd Grade with Checklist Writing Rubric BUNDLE for 4th Grade with Checklist Writing Rubric BUNDLE for 5th Grade with Checklist
Author K-5 Treasures
Tags Informational Writing, Writing Report, 1st Grade Writing, 2nd Grade Writing, Summer Writing Prompts For 2nd Grade, Esl Journal Prompts, Esl Writing Prompts, Kindergarten Writing, Summer Writing Prompts