3D Shapes Booklet

About This Product
3D Shapes Booklet. 65-page PDF file.
When students begin to learn about shapes, it opens up a whole new world to math that many of our students come to love. Geometry is filled with so many components that we have to take our time as we introduce and review them all! This is a 3D Shapes Booklet that will give your math students a fun way to learn and review 3D shapes.
What You Get:
This 3D Shapes Booklet is a 65-page PDF complete with a variety of options to choose from to meet your classroom’s needs.
Part 1 consists of the mini booklet that can be printed two-sided or single sided. The booklet’s cover page is offered in color or black and white.
Part 2 consists of the answers to each page in the booklet.
How To Implement The 3D Shapes Booklet:
Directions are included for how to print the 3D Shapes Booklet printed for your students. Students will name the shape, find symmetry, identify angles and so much more. This is a great math activity to be implemented when students have begun their 3D shapes unit or are at the end of the unit. You’ll have to be sure to carve time out for students to complete their booklets.
I hope you enjoy!
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