5 SEL Fall Themed Coping SEL Coloring Pages-3 Halloween Images

About This Product

In this collection of fall-themed coping by coloring pages, your will receive 3 Halloween-related images, 1 Turkey, and 1 Scarecrow. The objective for this resource is to teach students a variety of coping skills to choose from in an engaging way. This is something that students can bring home and use as a resource when they are having big emotions, there is a situation of loss or change, or a way to help students self-regulate and self-manage.

The cute Halloween images are a Jack O Lantern, A cat on a broom, and a witches hat. There are 15 coping skills highlighted in this collection of coping skills coloring sheets. They are 1) Use a stress ball, 2) Take a walk, 3) Go out in nature, 4) Bake, 5) Read, 6) Draw or write, 7) Play with an animal or stuffy, 8) Play a sport, 9) Ask for a hug, 10) Talk to an adult, 11) Play a game, 12) Play with friends, 13) Breathe, 14) Listen to music, and 15) Think of a peaceful place. While students are coloring these sheets, you can engage students in conversations about which coping skill they have tried out and used, which skill worked or did not work, and which skill(s) they might be willing to try out the next time they need a way to calm down and regulate. Students can share out their ideas and examples of when they have used these with a partner, small group or in the whole classroom setting. These sheets are wonderful for whole classroom social-emotional learning (SEL) lessons, small groups, centers, and in individual counseling with students. This resource is for teachers, parents, and students.

If you enjoy these sheets, check out my other coping coloring sheets here: https://teachsimple.com/product/coping-skills-sel-coloring-sheets

And a fun Spot it-like game called Race To Match The Coping Skill: https://teachsimple.com/product/race-to-match-the-coping-skill-an-sel-game-played-like-spot-it

Resource Tags

coping skills sel Halloween fall-themed coloring handouts school counseling SEL coloring pages self-regulation social emotional learning

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