8 SEL Posters and Classroom Decor Items
About This Product
In this resource, you will receive eight colorful and kid friendly SEL posters. These are 8.5 By 11 inches. They can be used to classroom decor, bulletin board ideas, handouts after an SEL lesson to reinforce at home, calm down areas, and door decor. The titles for each one are 1) Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset (about growth versus fixed mindsets), 2) THINK before you speak (The THINK acronym stands for Is it True, Is it Helpful, Is it Inspiring, Is it Necessary, and Is it Kind), 3) It's OK To...(make mistakes, ask questions, not know it all, ask for help, be yourself, start over again, and have a bad day), 4) Things To Remember (positive affirmations like my opinions matter, I have great ideas, I choose to be happy, there is always hope, I am loved and worthy, my best is enough, I am beautiful and valuable, my feelings matter, I can overcome any obstacle, it's o.k. to start again), 5) 6 Things To Try When You Are Angry (Color or draw, take a deep breath, take a break and do something you enjoy, tightly squeeze or hug a stuffed toy, use your words to tell how you are feeling, slowly count to 10), 6) How Are You Feeling (a feelings thermometer with range from 1 to 5 and strategies for each feeling), 7) The Power Of Yet (Growth mindset affirmations to help kids not give up and feel empowered to try to tackle a challenge) and 8) Things I Can Control and Things I Cannot Control.
For more SEL posters, coloring pages, SEL presentations, and SEL activities, please visit my store at:
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