Beginning Sounds Picture Cards

An educational teaching resource from Lilibette's Resources entitled Beginning Sounds Picture Cards downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

This is a bumper pack of picture/letter cards to help you to teach initial sounds, or beginning sounds.

It can be used by many different groups of people: parents, home educators, private tutors, ESL teachers, EFL teachers, SEN/D teachers, and generally in the Pre-K, or K classroom.

The Initial sounds Teaching Pack contains over 170 picture cards, spread over 20 pages. It is in full colour. All vowels are marked in yellow to help children to recognise these important letters.

In the pack you will find:

An alphabet chart which can be used for display, or even laminated to make a placemat. Children love to use this to check their progress and see the letters they have learned and can recognise.

Then we have 3 plus pages of pictures with the sound underneath, followed by the same cards without pictures so that pictures can be matched to the letters.

Then we have picture cards for each letter of the alphabet; we provide 2 sets of these to minimise the chance of children memorising that 'a' is for apple without really hearing the sound at the beginning of the word.

These are followed by 26 lowercase letters and 26 uppercase letters. These can be matched to each other, or to the pictures. Simple games can be made - can the child find the lowercase letter, the uppercase letter and both pictures that begin with that sound?

Finally, we have two strips of vowels - one with picture cues and one without for children to practice the al important vowel sounds before moving onto blending and to use as a handy reference while learning to blend.

Laminate the cards for durability.

This pack will make your life so much easier!

Teacher instructions and suggestions for activities are provided.

The ability to hear the initial/beginning sound of a word is a vital skill that is overlooked by many modern phonic programmes in the rush to get children to blend, but such a rush often leaves many children unable to blend as they cannot hear the initial sound of a word to start with. In turn, this leads to children who memorise CVC words, and from there on, learn to guess. Many of these children then do not make progress in reading, So this pack is very important to help make sure that every child not only knows the sound each letter makes but can hear that sound at the beginning of words.

What's Included

1 PDF with 20 useable pages and over 170 picture and letter cards

Resource Tags

initial sounds beginnin gsounds beginning sounds initial sounds picture cards alphabet pictures alphabet picture cards initial sounds teachgin resource initial sounds teachgin resources

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