Blurting in Class- Interactive Book/Printable Behavior Support SEL

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Blurting in Class - Interactive Book/Printable Behavior Support SEL

This resource is perfect for children aged 7-12 and is focused on addressing one of the most common classroom behavior issues - blurting out or shouting in class. It uses unique storytelling methods to engage with students.

  • The resource can be used for whole class instruction as well as individual remediation for those learners who need more attention.
  • Active learning is promoted by incorporating different activities such as answering questions, colouring images, drawing pictures and discussions.
  • Inclusions:

    • A full-sized printable book
    • Half-page books that are space-efficient
    • A Google Slides edition that can be projected on an ActiveBoard
    • An inclusive discussion guide for facilitating classroom conversations
    • Potential Applications:

      Whole-class Approach:

      The book can be projected onto the ActiveBoard while using the discussion guide to lead insightful conversations with students.

      In Small Groups via Counselling Circles or Tables:

      This approach can allow each student to participate actively in meaningful conversations about managing their behaviors effectively.

      In One-on-One Sessions:

      Vital information can be conveyed at a pace comfortable for individual students, providing much-needed personalized support. This promotes effective behavior intervention through tailored strategies.

      Beyond direct implementations, this vibrant storybook tool serves as an excellent take-home reinforcement aid; promoting revisits and better absorption of behavioral norms beyond school times. Other available topics include coping with emotions like sadness and anger, making friends at school, internet safety, etc., thus diversifying teachings towards a comprehensive Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program.

      This Interactive Book/Printable Behavior Support SEL is a must-have for any educator. Discuss thoroughly with your students, for real change stems from understanding encouraged through conversations.

    Resource Tags

    behavior management impulse control social emotional learning classroom support interactive activities

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