Catching Rubric
About This Product
Catching Rubric - A Comprehensive Physical Education Assessment Tool
The Catching Rubric is a teacher's indispensable tool for assessing students on their physical education competencies, aiming to alleviate assessment-related stress. This resource falls under a larger series of readily available rubrics designed to grade specific skills in an efficient and straightforward manner. Besides being practical and user-friendly for educators, this rubic also offers an accessible key for students' understanding.
This comprehensive rubric encompasses evaluation of various locomotor skills including:
- Running
- Skipping
- Leaping
- Galloping
- Side slidingr
- Jumping horizontally
- Hopping> However its focus lies mainly on the skill of catching-an integral component in many sports activities that demands good hand-eye coordination and accuracy.
The Catching Rubric goes beyond simple assessment by providing engaging activities paired with visual aids that cater to the entire spectrum of elementary and middle school grades. It pre-empts the need for colorful posters as it comes printer-ready for immediate display or distribution among students.
Ease-of-understanding instructions alongside setup diagrams make the Catching Rubric effective year-after-year.: Consider this comprehensive physical education resource as your ally in shaping physically confident children while helping manage your assessment duties stress-free!
What's Included
1 PDF with 2 ready to print pages