Colour A Mallard

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About This Product

A delightful hand-drawn picture of a male Mallard Duck for young children to colour.

The study of the natural world is the foundation for the later study of science.

The colouring of pictures of natural things, be it plants or animals is more than a pastime activity. It is a means of familiarising young children with these everyday subjects.

The colouring of this Mallard Duck picture can of course be used as a pastime, or even as part of a creative lesson - the picture looks super framed. But it has the potential to teach much more.

The UK National Curriculum for Science expects children to be taught to use the local environment to study plants and animals, throughout the year. What better than to use familiar subjects - such as the Mallard Duck, which is a familiar feature of park lakes and ponds, to teach much about the natural world? Children can be taught this is the male duck. Can they find out what the female (hen) Mallard duck looks like?

It is best if children colour the Mallard Duck picture either following a sighting of the duck on a visit to a nearby lake, pond or river or from reference books.

Who is this colouring picture of a Mallard Duck for?

Anybody. Older children will extend the activity further than younger ones,

Uses for the colouring picture of a Common Frog

Uses for these colouring sheets

Use to help children learn the name of Mallard Ducks and to recognise them.

Use as part of a science lesson, comparing living things in the local environment and learning to name them.

Use for a basis for collage work

Paint or colour.

What is included in the pack?

1 sheet to be coloured

1 sheet giving an example of how the picture could be coloured.

What's Included

1 PDF file: 1 colouring picture and 1 coloured picture to aid in colouring.

Resource Tags

Birds K Birds Kindergarten birds for kindergarten Mallard duck for K Mallard duck for EYFS Birds to colour EYFS

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