Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12

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About This Product

Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12

This educational resource is carefully designed for middle and high school educators, both in public schools and homeschool environments. It specifically targets teachers dealing with students from grades six to twelve, aiming to develop a practical understanding of money matters applicable in daily life.


  • Various subjects under mathematics
  • The topic of money, including basic monetary value real-life skills such as planning a budget and calculating expenses at restaurants or grocery stores.
  • Advanced topics such as understanding sales tax and gratuities.

Unique Learning Approach:

Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12, takes learners further into their financial education journey by discussing different forms of payment prevalent in Canada's economy today. This resource comprises user-friendly materials, including reading passages and graphic organizers aimed at catering to different learning styles.

Interactive Resources:

  1. Crossword puzzles
  2. Word searches
  3. Real-world activities

This tool was developed not only with academics in mind but also focuses on fostering life skills crucially relevant beyond classrooms boundaries. Its content aligns with Provincial Standards and adheres closely to Blooms Taxonomy — outlining clear expectations towards reaching defined learning objectives successfully.


This plan is supplied in PDF format within a single product file for easy access and convenience; suitable for whole group instruction scenarios, small grouped activities or even invigorating homework assignments.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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