Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Daily Routines & Time Management - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12

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About This Product

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Daily Routines & Time Management - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12

This comprehensive teaching tool is designed to prepare students for success beyond traditional classrooms, focusing on essential skills like time management and daily organization.

Key Features:

  • Geared towards Grades 6 to 12
  • Covers proper behaviour in professional settings
  • Tips on effective email and telephone communication
  • Guidance on planning daily routines

The resource also offers educators instructions on how to teach their students about pertinent tasks such as:

  1. Making appointments correctly
  2. Filling out different forms accurately
  3. Appropriate texting practices
  4. Balancing volunteering or using social media professionally with other responsibilities.

Ease of Use:

The material presents reading passages complemented with graphic organizers for easy comprehension. These passages are supplemented by real-world activities promoting interaction and practical application.

Evaluation Tools Included:

    All inclusive evaluation techniques provided involve crossword puzzles and quizzes highlighting key information enabling self-assessment post each unit.

This versatile tool allows utilization during whole group discussions, small group sessions or autonomous homework assignments considering varying learner pace. It can be spread over multiple lessons or focused primarily in areas of struggle based on classroom needs—making it an effective solution for homeschooling parents too when tailoring education plans at home.. The resource adheres closely to Provincial Standards incorporating benchmarks from Bloom's Taxonomy relevant across Life Skill teachings—a fundamental component of any educator’s digital toolkit striving towards holistic learning.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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