Employment & Volunteering: Job Interview Basics Gr. 9-12+

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

Employment & Volunteering: Job Interview Basics Gr. 9-12+

This comprehensive teaching resource focuses on equipping students with vital skills needed for job acquisition and retention. Aimed at grade levels 9 through 12, it's an ideal tool for educators in high schools or homeschool environments.

Job Acquisition Skills

A significant focus of the material is practical training on securing a job, including:

  • Filling out applications
  • Crafting compelling resumes

The resource introduces learners to typical interview questions and guides them in preparing effective responses.

Workplace Communication Skills Development

The resource promotes the development of essential workplace communication skills such as communicating with coworkers, peers, and supervisors.

Promotion of Volunteerism

Beyond work hours, volunteerism is promoted as a means of giving back to the community while acquiring valuable personal and professional experiences.

Lesson Plan Structure

The structure includes engaging reading passages, graphic organizers along with real-world activities. It utilizes simplified language while delivering high-interest concepts. Interactive elements like crossword puzzles are included for additional learning enjoyment. Basic comprehension quizzes evaluate progress over time.
Adhering to state standards and rooted fundamentally in Bloom's Taxonomy ensures that learners acquire relevant knowledge sufficient to prepare them for life after school successfully.
This invaluable educational asset can be utilized either individually or cooperatively during classes alike either whole group sessions, small instructed lessons or possibly as enriching homework assignments.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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