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High School Lesson Plans
Empower your high school students with lesson plans that stimulate critical thinking and engagement. This collection offers resources spanning various subjects, providing fresh ideas and structured activities. Integrate these plans into your curriculum to challenge learners and foster academic growth in your classroom.
Montessori, Special Resources, Resources for Teachers, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF TRACING LINES HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Product name: You can use this educational resource in the primary education classroom. 2. Number of pages: This document contains the following number of pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational document is not editable, because this way you can use it better and you will not have any problem with the composition or design undergoing any variation. 4. Theme: This educational resource contains a topic for the primary education of children. 5. Document version: This educational document is available in PDF version, size A4. 6. Color or black/white: This educational product is designed in color because we believe that this will be much more attractive for your children. 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 11. Ways to print: I suggest you print this document in A4 format, and check if your printer has enough ink for the printout to be of quality and so that your students can complete their worksheet without any problem. 12. Ways to apply it in class: You can apply this document both individually and as a group, it all depends on your criteria. 13. Will they need extra items to use this worksheet? Yes, perhaps your students will need a pencil, markers, etc., it all depends on the creativity of the teacher. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.
Reading Comprehension Fiction Set 2 Sample - Chasing Pheasants (Docs)
ELA, Reading, Common Core, Reading Comprehension, ESL, Language Development, Creative Writing, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Grade 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Writing Prompts, Assessments, Teacher Tools, Tests, Quizzes and Tests, Centers, Activities
Reading Comprehension Passages Fiction Set 2 Sample Overview Fascinating reading comprehension passages, each with an array of activities included. Stories are written for the modern classroom and topics are designed to promote enthusiasm from each student. Each lesson contains a mixed questions section to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise. Full answer keys are provided. For a more detailed overview, check the section under the links at the bottom of this description. Passages Include 9.Chasing Pheasants: Tony and his father have a great idea...or so they think! Docs Version This is the Docs editable and fillable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD. FULL CATALOG OF DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE Grade 2/3 Links Fiction Set 1 - Nature Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 2 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 3 - Food Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 4 - School Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 5 - Friends Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 6 - Family Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Fiction Set 7 - Sports Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 1 - Technology Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 2 - Nutrition Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Nonfiction Set 3 - Animals Google Docs Google Forms Google Slides PDF PPT Word Guided Reading Materials Reading Passages Overview Each passage is especially written for Grade 2-3 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group. Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student. These passages are perfect for the modern classroom. Whereas textbooks can become outdated in no time, any changes to technology or the world will result in updates to this product. Mixed Questions The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of fivecomprehension, vocabulary and math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions. Three of the questions will be MCQs and two will require a written response of some kind. Full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson. Spelling & Vocab Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 2-3 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words. As it can become quite mundane doing the same activities over and over, each lesson in a set will contain a different spelling and vocab activity . Writing Prompts Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story. Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help. As with the spelling/vocab section, writing prompts will vary. This includes research pieces, reading responses, poetry and creative writing prompts. Full Answer Keys Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered! Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, math questions contain the relevant workings. Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student. Additional File One lesson will have an additional file. This is something fun to extend the lesson with. For More Like This For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.
Author Cored Education
Tags Elementary, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Answers, Ccss, Common Core, Spelling, Writing
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity
Math, Graphing, Not Grade Specific, Centers, Activities
Free Spanish Interactive Math Graphs Interpretation Center Activity Practice graph interpretation in Spanish with this interactive math center activity for students. Contains 18 pages of graph problems to interpret, analyze, solve, and discuss. Covers key skills like reasoning, equation writing, and checking answers. Use for independent practice, small groups, or whole class. Print pages on cardstock and laminate for durability. Store in a folder or envelope for easy distribution and collection. Allows flexible implementation - assign particular pages or let students select problems. Aligns to curriculum standards on data analysis and problem solving. From the trusted teacher shop ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje. Other Spanish and bilingual resources available spanning K-12 subjects.
Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje
Tricky Graphs- Bias and Data: Bar Graph Worksheet Line Graph Worksheet
Math, Graphing, Life Skills, Special Resources, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
Critical Thinking and Graphing and Media Literacy all in one! This middle grades math lesson for students in grades 6-9 helps teach your class about how graphs can be displayed in tricky and misleading ways. Your students will learn how to spot these biases and re-create the graphs in a more fair manner. This is real-life learning that will serve your students long past your graphing unit. It's a crucial life skill that is often not taught in school. Here’s a real-life math lesson that will be a great addition to your middle school graphing unit! Students are shown three unique and realistic graphs Each one presents information in a biased or misleading way. With step-by-step instructions, your students will be guided through the basics: 1) Carefully reading and interpreting each graph: the axes, the scales, the data that is included 2) Noticing any biases or manipulations that may be present 3) Determining what the author probably wanted to guide them to think when reading the initial graph On the second page for each situation, students are given extra information and tasked with re-creating the graph more fairly. Blank graphs (with scales and labels) are given to students; they will use the information provided in each table to create a new graph that displays the data in an accurate way. Reflection prompt questions are also included to stimulate discussion and students explaining their ideas in words. The misleading and biased scenarios include: Choosing a truncated vertical scale to overemphasize change Not plotting enough data points for the full picture Graphing an absolute amount when a rate would be more informative The three graphs include one bar graph and two line graphs. What's Included: 8 Page PDF Ready to Print and Use! Teacher Instructions 6 Worksheets: Two Pages each for Three Scenarios (including 15 questions and 3 graphs for students to create) Complete Answer Key
Author Grace Under Pressure
Tags Bar Graph Worksheet, Line Graph Worksheet, Bias, Data Collection, Data Presentation, Graphing, Graphing Worksheet, Critical Thinking, Life Skills, Media Literacy
Inversions Advanced ESL Lesson Plan
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Grammar, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, High School, Middle School, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
Inversions Advanced ESL ELA ELL and TEFL Lesson Plan. This advanced English lesson plan helps students learn about inversions in sentence structure. It includes informative explanations and examples to build students' understanding of how to correctly use inversions. After learning when and why inversions are used, students will complete targeted exercises to practice implementing inversions on their own. Educators can use this resource with the whole class, in small groups, or as an independent practice assignment. The engaging activities and answer key make this a versatile resource for developing students' mastery of complex grammar skills. This lesson plan aims to improve students' writing and speaking by focusing on proper inverted sentence structure. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 29+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.
Tags Inversions, Adverbial, Phrases, Grammar Lesson, ESL Lesson
The Bill of Rights Unit (and a Little About Amendments 11-27)
Social Studies, Government, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
The purpose of this 49-page mini-unit is for students in grades 6-12 to develop a clear understanding of what their rights are under the Constitution, particularly our rights under the Bill of Rights. Increasingly, Americans, especially students, are not able to name many of the rights we are entitled to in the Bill of Rights. They are well aware of Amendment 2 and parts of Amendment 1, and the “I plead the fifth” clause of Amendment 5, but they are woefully uninformed of the other rights that protect us. This mini-unit is designed to give students not only a complete understanding of these rights but opportunities to put their knowledge into practice through the various worksheets and a culminating project at the end of the unit, which is available separately in my store,, “A Great Good Place for Teachers,” called The Bill of Rights: A Project to Assess Knowledge and Understanding. The ultimate goal is for them to have a healthy and complete understanding of why these basic rights are so necessary for our democracy. This mini-unit is part of my unit: “Our Living Consitution” which is designed using the Into, Through, and Beyond model of lesson planning. The lessons in the Our Living Constitution unit can be used independently or as a supplement to what you already teach or as a whole. Here is a summary of what is in the unit. Check out my store: A Great Good Place for Teachers Here are the links Into Lessons: Creating Schema Lesson 1: Overview of the Constitution of the United States of America Lesson 2: Origins of the Constitution and Essential Terms Lesson 3: The Seven Principles of the Constitution Through Lessons: Learning the Content Lesson 4: The Preamble: The Goals of the Constitution (not included in Our Living Constitution) Lesson 5: The Three Branches of Government: Articles 1, 2, and 3 Lesson 6: How a Bill Becomes a Law Lesson 7: Federalism, Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances Lesson 8: Articles 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the United States Constitution Lesson 9: The Bill of Rights Unit (and a Little About Amendments 11-27) Extras (from the Unit: Every Four Years… The Presidential Election) Lesson 10: What Are Your Political Viewpoints ? (not included in Our Living Constitution) Lesson 11: Major and Minor Political Parties (not included in Our Living Constitution) Lesson 12: A Brief History of Who Can Vote in the United States (not included in Our Living Constitution) Lesson 13: The Nuts and Bolts of the United States Presidential Election (not included in Our Living Constitution) Beyond Lessons: Summative Assessments The Consitution is a Living Document (not included in Our Living Constitution) The Bill of Rights Explained Project: A Project to Assess Knowledge and Understanding (not included in Our Living Constitution)
Author Intentional Teaching and Learning
Tags Civics, Government, Critical Thinking, Bill Of Rights, Amendments 11-27, Analysis, Test And Answer Key, Real-world Examples, Bill Of Rights Activity For Middle School, Constitutional Amendments 11 27 Summary, Bill Of Rights Lesson Plans 5th Grade, Bill Of Rights Printable For Students, Bill Of Rights Activity For High School, Amendments To The Constitution 11 27, Amendments Worksheet Bill Of Rights Answer Key, The Bill Of Rights Simplified, Amendment Summaries 11 27, Amendments 11-27 Simplified, Bill Of Rights Simple, Amendments 11 27 For Dummies, 27 Amendments Crossword Puzzle, Bill Of Rights Project For High School, Classroom Bill Of Rights, 11 27 Amendments Simplified, Amendments 11 27 Simplified, Bill Of Rights Activities For High School
Reported Speech ESL TEFL Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan Worksheet
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Grammar, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, High School, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
Upper Intermediate ESL and TEFL Lesson Plan about Reported Speech provides educators with an engaging lesson to teach upper intermediate English language learners about using reported speech. Students will learn the mechanics behind changing direct speech to reported speech and practice applying this grammar concept through targeted exercises. This resource can be used in full group direct instruction, small group practice, independent work, or homework to allow versatility. The ESL worksheet helps students understand reported speech grammar while implementing their new skills. Includes an answer key. This ESL lesson plan is available as a downloadable PDF or through Google Apps for seamless digital classroom integration. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher. Answers are included.
Tags Speech Lesson, ESL Lesson, Language Arts, Quotes, Questions
Dinosaur Activities - Are Dinosaurs and Birds Related?
Research, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Biology, Elementary, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Centers, Activities, Projects, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
Are Birds and Dinosaurs Related? This activity pack helps students explore the scientific evidence behind the connection between birds and dinosaurs. Instead of simply presenting one viewpoint, this resource encourages students to analyze the evidence and form their own conclusions. I developed this project with my son, who has Autism, in mind. He struggles with writing and organizing his thoughts on paper. Using sorting mat activities reduced frustration and made learning more engaging. As a result, I began creating similar resources to help other teachers and parents make learning more interactive and enjoyable. What’s Included in This Activity Pack? Sorting Activities – Helps students categorize and compare information. Research and Writing Assignments – Encourages deeper exploration and evidence-based conclusions. Critical Thinking Development – Supports analytical thinking skills. Dinosaur Recognition Practice – Reinforces knowledge of different dinosaur types. Comparison of Bird-Hipped vs. Lizard-Hipped Dinosaurs – Explores their significance in relation to evolutionary theory. Bonus Activities: Realistic Dinosaur Coloring Pages Dinosaur Information Sheets for guided research Total: 41 Pages Learning Objectives By completing all activities, students will: Identify and describe at least one difference between bird-hipped and lizard-hipped dinosaurs. Name at least two bird-hipped and two lizard-hipped dinosaurs. List at least two facts about Archaeopteryx. Compare feathers and scales by identifying at least two key differences. Explain the difference between cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals. Research both sides of the "birds from dinosaurs" debate and write a five-paragraph report comparing bird-hipped and lizard-hipped dinosaurs. Analyze whether the evidence logically supports the idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs. This resource provides structured, hands-on learning that supports student inquiry and engagement.
Author Homeschooling Dietitian Mom
Tags Dinosaurs, Evolution, Birds, Hands-on Activities, Critical Thinking, Creation, Dinosaur, Dinosaur Activities, Dinosaur To Bird Evolution
Books & Literature ESL Advanced Lesson Plan
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, High School, Middle School, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
Books & Literature | Advanced Lesson Plan This advanced lesson plan resource helps students further their understanding of books and literature. Educators can implement the materials in whole group, small group, or individual settings. Students first learn more about topics related to books and literature. Next, they complete reading comprehension and grammar exercises that assess their understanding. Answer keys are provided for educators. The materials are available via Google Apps for easy distribution and completion. An audio exercise gives students a chance to practice their listening skills. This versatile resource allows educators to reinforce language arts concepts related to books and literature. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards , a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher. Answers are included in the zip file. 3 PDFs with 11 ready to print pages and one digital access file 1 MP3 file
Tags Books, Literature, ESL Lesson, Reading, Comprehension
Guided Reading Lesson Plan & Activities for Grade 9
Reading, ELA, Grade 9, Activities, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
A standard curriculum for 9th grade English language arts will feature a range of literary pieces from diverse cultures globally. Ninth graders typically do book reports, which enhance their reading comprehension and writing abilities, while also building upon the writing skills they developed in earlier grades. A few of the language arts tasks for 9th graders that your student should engage in are: - Understand how to recognize the characteristics and intentions of myths, along with comparing myths from various cultures. - Discover how to understand similes, dissect figurative language, and apply previous knowledge to forecast outcomes. - Investigating and composing on legendary figures. - Investigate the various thematic connections in the texts they read, including love, beauty, family, freedom, friendship, and the essence of human nature. - Read and comprehend progressively difficult texts that enhance knowledge in history, science, and various other subjects. - Write texts that showcase various perspectives. - Carry out research and gather data from various sources to back their claims. This comprehensive lesson outline features guided reading tasks for ninth grade that take around 90 minutes. Suggested answers are also included.
Author Collaborative Educators
Tags Guided, Reading, Lesson, Plan, Activities, Grade 9, Language
Are You An Optimist or Pessimist SEL presentation & Survey!
Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Presentations, Assessments
Are You An Optimist or Pessimist SEL Presentation Lesson Plan With Student Survey is a resource designed to bring educational lessons on optimism and pessimism directly into the classroom. Perfect for educators of grades 4 through 10, this tool is equally useful for both public school teachers employing enhanced teaching techniques and homeschooled students. This lesson plan revolves around a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation, offering clear guidance to students through each stage of the learning course. The content includes two embedded videos (located at slide numbers 9 and 10) which serve as visual aids to better understand the topic. The first segment features seven quick question image prompts intended to engage student thought processes - these can be conducted via stand-up/sit-down methods or simple hand raising. This is followed by an interactive survey where participants score their answers based on personal feelings, fostering open dialogue among peers about their choices. Detailed answer sheets are provided post-survey; these aim at easy comprehension by all participants, thus making life skill education seamless! The final slide inducts additional resources - links that guide students towards strategies employed for developing optimistic thinking over pessimistic attitudes. Furthermore, enjoyable GIFS strewn throughout ensure that sessions remain lively and engaging until the end! Note: This resource primarily uses Microsoft PowerPoint; ensuring a flawless backdrop for memorable lessons. Optimally designed for whole-class settings, small group discussions, individual activities or even homework assignments; its versatility makes it adaptable across various teaching scenarios needing minimal preparation beforehand (except printing survey documents). This is a wonderful lesson that students LOVE. They get to discover a bit about themselves as well as get to know the other students around them. For more products and resources like these to teach SEL and SEN lessons, please go to: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/jennifer-moyer-taylor You may also enjoy my lesson on introverts versus extroverts here: https://teachsimple.com/product/are-you-an-introvert-or-extrovert-lesson-with-kahoot-and-student-survey
Author Jennifer Moyer Taylor
Tags Optimism, Pessimism, Lesson Plan, SEL Presentations, Survey, School Counseling, SEL, Social Emotional Learning, Health, Social Skills
What is Coding? | Animated Coding Video Lesson
Science, Technology, Computer Science, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
What is Coding? | Animated Coding Video Lesson This 3-minute animated video serves as an engaging introduction to computer coding concepts for secondary school students. By watching the interactive visuals in this lesson, learners of all abilities can better understand the foundations of coding in a fun and memorable way. Educators may show this informative video to entire classes or small groups to spur discussions about programming languages and real-world applications. Whether used to introduce coding and computer science principles or to review core ideas, this lively animated lesson aims to get students excited about the creative potential of writing code. With vivid images and clear narration pitched at a grade 7-8 level, the video breaks down coding basics like algorithms, debugging, loops, conditionals, variables, and functions.
Author Educational Voice
Tags Coding Lesson, Computer Science, Computer Coding, Technology, Google
Would - Past Habits | Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Grammar, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, High School, Middle School, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
Would - Past Habits | Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan This upper intermediate English lesson plan helps students learn about using "would" to describe past habits or repeated actions. Educators can implement this resource in various ways, like whole group grammar instruction, small group practice, or as a homework assignment. The worksheet set focuses on improving students' understanding and use of "would" for past habits. It includes explanatory content, practice exercises, and an answer key. Completing these materials will help assess learners' comprehension of this grammar topic and let them implement their skills. This well-designed resource comes as a PDF document that educators can also access through Google Apps for additional flexibility. It aims to engage upper intermediate students while improving their grammar abilities. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards , a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher. Answers are included in the zip file.
Tags Habits, Reading, Comprehension, Past Habits, ESL
Business Organization & Management (Full Intro to Business Unit)
Life Studies, Social Studies, Finance, Business, Career, Economics, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Attention, business educators! Dive into the basics of "Business Organization and Management" with this teacher and student-friendly unit. This unit will give your students a strong foundation in effective leadership and organizational success! It's a great addition to your business curriculum, and the 6th entry into the Business Series! This unit includes 3 main topics: Organizational Structure and Design: How are businesses structured and designed? The layout of a company often drives hoe business conducted. Students explore functional, matrix, flat, network structures to parse out the pros and cons of each! Functions of Management (Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling): What does management even do? This question is explored through 4 frames: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. Students will gain an understanding of the key functions of management. Leadership Styles (Autocratic, Democratic, Transformational, Transactional, Laissez-Faire, Servant): Each leader has a unique style for going about management. One day, your students will embody many of these styles. This portion of the unit explores these styles and some advantages and disadvantages of each. This unit plan includes an embedded video, an accompanying video guide/ answer key for assessment, an engaging unit slideshow to visually reinforce key points, and a follow-along unit notes worksheet for students to actively participate in their learning journey. This product is part of a wider business curriculum. Be on the lookout for similar products in this store! Enjoy, and don't be afraid to reach out with questions, comments, or suggestions.
Author Ed Dynamic
Tags Business, Business Management, Business Organization, Business Structure, Leadership, Leadership Styles, Intro To Business
Daily Marketplace Skills: Calculating Sales Tax - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Daily Marketplace Skills: Calculifying Sales Tax - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12 Resource The Daily Marketplace Skills resource is an ideal academic assistant aiming to establish an enhanced understanding of the value of money and its role in daily marketplace transactions. Created specifically for students from Grade 6 to Grade 12, provides versatile learning opportunities. An Ideal Companion for Educators Teachers seeking a seamless lesson plan will find this resource extremely beneficial. It promotes a hands-on experience with managing finances by simulating practical activities such as budget planning. Education continues more profoundly, with sections devoted to teaching how to calculate sales tax and tips – vital skills required in adulthood ensuring that learners are well-equipped both theoretically and practically. Beyond Conventional Learning The resource breaks from the usual approaches, including interactive learning tools like crossword puzzles and word searches which can help lessen math anxiety while solidifying their understanding of complicated topics like taxation. Suitable for group sessions or smaller breakouts. Homeschoolers may use it as a self-explanatory supplement Adept standalone homework assignment or test preparation aide. Pedagogical Approach Instructed using Bloom's Taxonomy approach, every learner's cognitive level is addressed: from simple recall through application and analysis, up until evaluation and creation stages of higher-level thinking. Using just one PDG file makes managing this teaching material more manageable, saving time usually lost dealing with multiple documents or software applications – excellent for both school teachers and homeschooling parents. This tool extends versatility by being relevant across the Math curriculum focusing specifically on Money subtopic supplementing much-needed depth contextually. To Summarize , this unique educational aid synthesizes traditional instruction methods with innovative strategies to endow learners with indispensable life skills like budgeting and financial management. The practical, hands-on approach fosters tangible understanding and concrete application of abstract concepts, transforming students from passive knowledge recipients into active participants in their learning journey.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Lifestyles ESL TEFL Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Resources for Teachers, Not Grade Specific, Middle School, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
Lifestyles ESL TEFL ELL ELA Upper Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan This upper intermediate English lesson plan helps students learn about different lifestyles through informative texts and engaging exercises. Educators can implement it in various settings like whole class instruction, small groups, or as a homework assignment. Students will read texts on topics like culture, health, and leisure activities. Afterwards, they will demonstrate comprehension via fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice questions, discussions, and an audio exercise. This versatile ESL ELA resource works for in-person or remote teaching. The answer key allows teachers to quickly assess student understanding. Overviewing unique lifestyles builds intercultural awareness while practicing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.
Tags Lifestyles, ESL, Language Arts, Audio, Comprehension
Self-Sustainability Skills: Stress Management Gr. 6-12+
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Self-Sustainability Skills: Stress Management Gr. 6-12+ This essential teaching resource has been created for educators who are passionate about giving their students practical life skills. The material is derived from the comprehensive lesson plan, "Real World Life Skills - Self Sustainability Skills", with a primary focus on stress management. With a design aimed at grades 6 to 12, the plan prepares students to become self-sufficient individuals by going beyond traditional pedagogy and nurturing imperative life skills such as personal responsibility. Possible Classroom Implementation The material can be used in various ways within classrooms or homeschool settings: Whole group discussion Small group learning resource An individual assignment Diverse Learning Tools In keeping with varying learning styles and interests, diverse tools are incorporated: Reading passages Graphic organizers Holistic Approach To Teaching Real-World Activities & Interactive Concepts This includes hands-on practice of life skills, engaging reinforcement techniques such as crossword puzzles and word searches. A comprehension quiz component enables educators to effectively gauge each student's understanding. Critical Teaching Areas Covered By This Resource Include: Fostering positive responses during setbacks. i iDealing with situations beyond control through adaptable techniques.t bThe handling of consent in maintaining healthy relationships.a tTopics such as mental & physical health stigmas, aand resources available locally for mental health support. Further Lessons Detailed Mastering the art of compromise for cohabitation & family life. Key tips on handling emergencies including self-defense options & first aid procedures, with detailed instructions on performing CPR. The product comes as a printable 29-page PDF with comprehensive content, and also a digital display option suitable for instruction. This aligns with state standards content written according to Bloom's Taxonomy, making it an ideal guide for educators in providing effective pedagogy aimed at enhancing the life skills of students in grades 6 to 12.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Reading, Comprehension, Graphic Organizers, Stress Management, Self-Sustainability Skills, Mental Health, Critical Thinking Skills, Writing Prompts
Future Perfect Upper Intermediate ESL ELL Lesson Plan Worksheet
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary, Grade 8, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Future Perfect Upper Intermediate Lesson Plan This upper intermediate English lesson plan helps students learn how to use the future perfect tense in speech and writing. Educators can implement this resource in multiple ways - as a whole group grammar lesson, small group activity, or independent practice assignment. The lesson plan explains the future perfect tense and when to use it. Students then complete exercises assessing their comprehension and practicing the grammar skills. Answer keys are included for educators. This resource works well for students 12 years plus including adult learners of ESL or language arts. The PDF handouts and Google Apps access make it easy to distribute to remote learners too. Students will gain a deeper understanding of verb tenses through this clear, concise lesson. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards , a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.
Tags ESL Lesson Plan, Past Participle, Expressions, Grammar Exercises, Weekly Planner
Three Skeleton Key: Full Lesson Plan w/ PowerPoints & Graphic Organizers
ELA, Literature, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
This resource will give you everything you need to complete a full, comprehensive reading lesson plan for Three Skeleton Key text by George G. Toudouza. Files are offered as PDFs and Word documents. Included: -Three Skeleton Key Lesson Plan -Three Skeleton Key Worksheet -Three Skeleton Key Answer Key Graphic Organizers: Author’s Purpose Characterization Chart Figurative Language Chart Historical Analysis Chart Imagery Chart Peer Evaluation Sheet Plot Diagram Read for Detail Setting Style Chart Symbol Chart Symbolism Chart Theme Diagram Tone and Mood Diagram Universal Plot Diagram Venn Diagram PowerPoints: Characterization Imagery, Voice, and Persona Irony and Ambiguity Narrator and Voice Plot Structure Symbolism and Allegory Theme - How to Interpret Theme Thank You Bonus Stuff!
Author Quality Teaching Products
Tags Literature, Short Story, Reading Lesson Plan, Fiction Text, Three Skeleton Key Text, The Three Skeleton Keys, Skeleton Plan
Midsummer Night's Dream Manual: A Facing-Pages Translation into Contemporary English
ELA, Literature, Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The Midsummer Night's Dream Manual: A Facing-Pages Translation into Contemporary English This resource book for educators presents a comprehensive approach to understanding and teaching one of Shakespeare's best-loved comedies. Designed for Grade 7 up to Grade 12 language arts students interested in literature, the manual offers multi-dimensional resources that translate the world of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' into accessible, contemporary English. A Comprehensive Guide In-depth Background Information: Offers extensive details about William Shakespeare himself, his historical context, and Elizabethan theatre practices. Detailed Scene Summaries: Each act comes with easy-to-understand summaries, highlighting key themes and addressing potential areas of confusion due to complex plotlines or language barriers. Annotated Bibliography: An extensive list of suggested reading materials that teachers can use to further their knowledge. Pronunciation Guidance: Helps learners understand correct pronunciations of difficult names appearing within the play;} Tailored Instructional Tips & Resources The guide also offers practical tips for teaching 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream', easily adaptable across various learning environments. Teachers can leverage these resources in a multitude ways.— from facilitating whole group discussions on Puck’s antics or small study groups exploring Demetrius’ change in heart.—to forming homework assignments where pupils formulate responses to text-based questions or stage mock productions focusing on individual scenes. Add-ons Enhancing Readability & Comprehension An inclusive chronological timeline indicating major incidents from Shakespeare’s life aids in creating a rich, contextual backdrop for learners. A carefully compiled glossary explaining archaic terms enriches student's understanding of Shakespearian language besides reducing any confusion caused by unfamiliar vernacular expressions. The contemporary facing-page translation format of this resource book enables educators to bring the world of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' closer to their students whilst deepening their own expertise on the subject. Please note that this resource is available in PDF formate!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
All About Coding Words | Animated Coding Video Lesson
Science, Technology, Computer Science, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
All About Coding Words | Animated Coding Video Lesson All About Coding Words | Animated Coding Video Lesson is a compelling learning tool designed to inspire an interest in computer science among high school students (Grade 9-12). This animated video lesson makes the process of learning coding simpler and more enjoyable for students. The educational video, which is 3 minutes long, introduces learners to the essential components of coding words. The explainer video acts as both: An introductory guide for fresh learners, and A short review module for those seeking revision or consolidation of their understanding. This MP4 file expertly demonstrates complex coding concepts in an understandable format. It's not just about learning; it engages students interactively making each minute meaningful and fun. The blend of animation and informative content simplifies computer science subjects effectively. Teachers can easily incorporate this all-inclusive resource into their curriculum planning. A whole group may benefit from it being shown during class time, igniting comprehensive discussions around coding words. Alternatively, Educators could utilize the animated lesson into small group work or individual assignments to supplement classroom instruction further. For homeschooling parents, this video chapter serves as a brilliant teaching aid. Incorporating this into regular lessons will help enhance their child’s understanding while keeping them engaged at home. In essence, All About Coding Words | Animated Coding Video Lesson is more than just another digital resource – it's innovative education made accessible and enjoyable through engaging content animation perfect both for public school teachers and dedicated homeschoolers alike fostering interactive learning experiences that resonate with today’s technology-driven generation.
Author Educational Voice
Tags Coding, Computer Science, Educational Video, Interactive Learning, Homeschooling
Practical Life Skills - Independent Living Gr. 9-12+ - Canadian Content
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Practical Life Skills - Independent Living Gr. 9-12+ – Canadian Content is a resource that equips students with transformative abilities to lead independent lives. This tool suits: Public school teachers Homeschoolers The focal point of this teaching resource is educating students in Grades 9-12 on important life aspects such as: Familiarising with the costs associated with living individually/li>Navigating bus routes for efficient travel b>> Preparing a fire route plan and imparting knowledge about energy conservation b>>lt </ol> This curriculum extends beyond offering practical intellectual growth opportunities e.g., housing and transit navigation, it prioritises student safety too. It caters to diverse learning settings: <liParticular assignments tailored for small groups or homework tasks/ligt</ul> assessment .) iReading passages/i/projects>/bulleting graphic organizers/i/li Post-class activities like crossword puzzles and word searches. -/ul> <p priprioritizingquality while ensuring convenience this resource can be downloaded as a PDF file facilitating anytime access sans physical storage! Schools across diverse geographical locations would be standing within all legal norms courtesy - reproducible content aligning well w standardized Provincial Standards (Canadian content.) Posted on teachsimple.com.</ P
Author Classroom Complete Press
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By Any Other Name: Full Lesson Plan w/ PowerPoints & Graphic Organizers
ELA, Reading, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
Mastering Literary Analysis: A Full Lesson Plan for "By Any Other Name" This comprehensive reading lesson plan for the short story "By Any Other Name" by Santha Rama Rau includes everything educators need to guide students through close reading and analysis. With detailed lesson plans , graphic organizers , worksheets, answer keys, and PowerPoint slide decks on topics like plot structure, theme, characterization, and more, this resource supports whole-class instruction, small group discussion, and independent practice. Written for middle and high school students, these materials help teachers model literary analysis skills that students can apply to any fiction text. By engaging with this diverse story through multiple modalities, students will build interpretation, critical thinking, and writing abilities that meet 7th-8th grade reading standards.
Author Quality Teaching Products
Tags Reading Powerpoint, Reading Lesson, Short Story, Graphic Organizer, Imagery, Theme Of By Any Other Name, By Any Other Name By Santha Rama Rau, By Any Other Name Santha Rama Rau Questions And Answers, By Any Other Name Short Story, By Any Other Name Santha Rama Rau, By Any Other Name Story, Lesson Plan Graphic Organizer, Santha Rama Rau By Any Other Name
Basics of Business (Full Intro to Business Unit)
Life Studies, Finance, Business, Career, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Attention, business educators! Elevate your business curriculum with this comprehensive teaching package tailored to engage and empower your students. Let's dive into the core components: This unit includes 4 main topics: Defining Business: A section explaining the what exactly makes for a business, and what the key parts are. Understanding Business Structures: Helps students understand and identify how various businesses are structured, and what the advantages and disadvantages of those structures are. Navigating the Business Cycle: Introduces the business cycle, and how businesses try to navigate that cycle in order to be more profitable and enduring. Exploring Business Ethics: Finally, the unit explores business ethics and what it means to act morally and ethically in a business setting! This teaching package includes a handful of resources – from a dynamic class slideshow to impactful embedded videos, student-friendly follow-along notes, and a comprehensive video worksheet with an answer key. It's a practical, ready to use toolkit designed to make your classroom experience both engaging and impactful. This product is part of a wider business curriculum . Be on the lookout for other products from this series! Enjoy, and don't be afraid to reach out with questions, comments, or suggestions to tristanjbernhard@gmail.com !
Author Ed Dynamic
Tags Business, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Business Cycle, Business Structure, Business Ethics, Career
Technical & Legal Language Advanced ESL Lesson Plan
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Vocabulary, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, High School, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
This is an advanced lesson plan worksheet set for Technical & Legal Language. This educational resource provides an advanced lesson plan focused on improving reading comprehension and grammar skills related to technical and legal language. ESL students will read informational texts about current events, analyze article structure and features, discuss meanings of vocabulary in context, and complete exercises assessing their understanding. With answer keys included, this versatile resource can be used flexibly for whole-class instruction, small group work, or independent practice in middle school and high school classrooms or homeschool settings. An audio component helps build English listening and speaking abilities. Overall, this content aims to boost literacy and engage learners' critical thinking about technical and legal language. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, grammar rules, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 30+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.
Tags Language, ESL, Group Work, Matching, Legal System
Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills Gr. 6-12+ - Canadian Content
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills Gr. 6-12+ - Canadian Content This exceptional resource is designed to support students from Grade 6 through Grade 12 in obtaining essential knowledge to confidently navigate the financial landscape. This consists of a collection of unique modules focusing on practicality and real-life situations. Significant Emphases: Deep understanding of bank loans and potential pitfalls associated with credit cards, crucial as students start their financial journeys. In-depth appreciation of income and expenditure for intelligent management of assets and debt. Negotiation skill enhancement by providing a detailed roadmap for effective purchasing practices, which helps students to attain value-for-money experiences in real-world scenarios. Additionally, an insightful analysis is provided comparing different credit scores alongside tips for improving personal credit ratings - an integral strategy for individual financial growth. Special Segments: A segment related to car ownership explaining key aspects like maintenance costs and depreciation values. A broader outlook on responsibilities associated with property ownership promoting fiscal responsibility amongst learners. Detailed information on taxation types catered toward assisting responsible paycheck management. Economics In The Fast-Paced World: Incorporating lessons relevant to Global Economics explores topics including cryptocurrency and currency conversions – offering learners' insights into emerging global economic trends. Versatile Settings And Formats: The versatility allows flexibility for educators; can be utilized in various settings such as whole group instructions, small group discussions or assigned individually as homework assignments. This downloadable PDF file includes enriched reading passages with graphic organizers; practical real-world activities are coupled with word searches & crossword puzzles contributing to an engaging yet fruitful learning experience. All content aligns precisely with Provincial Standards and strictly adheres to Blooms Taxonomy ensuring comprehensive understanding of these important financial skills. The interactive nature ensures teaching and learning financial literacy is effectively and enjoyable for everyone involved.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Taking Time for Teamwork: Tower Building
, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Taking Time for Teamwork: Tower Building A hands-on and versatile teaching resource, aimed towards students from the 4th to 12th grade. Designed to incorporate into various curricular areas, enhancing the development of critical thinking skills. About the product: Each activity presents a unique challenge to construct towers that meet certain criteria. Challenges include height requirements, utilization of specific materials or supporting particular objects. This practical approach encourages cooperative learning as students work together, communicate effectively and solve problems creatively. Purpose: Promotes academic growth by exercising higher-level thinking skills Promotes effective communication and teamwork skills required beyond classroom environments. Resource includes: Clear Instructions: With each activity including a detailed list of necessary supplies, set requirements, testing guidelines and scoring goals. Teacher Notes: Included for guidance as well as suggestions on diversifying or adapting activities based on class size or ability levels. Ideal for use in small group settings due its emphasis on collaboration; it could equally prove beneficial when employed during independent home assignments pushing learners outside their comfort zones urging them towards innovative problem-solving methods. Its broad age suitability makes it an excellent tool not only for traditional classrooms but also homeschooling environments where mixed age groups commonly combine efforts. Distribution details: This single-product file type is distributed as a PDF document ensuring compatibility across multiple digital platforms. Note: An investment in enhancing teamwork dynamics with Taking Time for Teamwork: Tower Building merges fun-filled practical tasks with educational objectives heralding impactful long-term benefits!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF