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Exploring the Ancient Silk Road: A PowerPoint Journey

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

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About This Product

Embark on a captivating journey along the ancient Silk Road with this informative 12-slide PowerPoint presentation.

Students will discover the historical significance of this trade route, which connected the Mediterranean to central China, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures.

The presentation introduces:

  • The famous explorer Marco Polo and his travels,
  • The various commodities traded along the Silk Road,
  • The challenges faced by merchants.

A detailed map allows students to visualize the vast expanse of the Silk Road. The final slide explores:

  1. Cultural customs
  2. Technologies that spread as a result of this vital trade network.

Fully editable, this PowerPoint is an excellent resource for bringing "the Silk Road" to life in the classroom.

Resource Tags

Silk Road Trade Route Marco Polo Commodities Cultural Exchange

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