Finances and Record Keeping Lessons | Life Skills Unit

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About This Product

Finances and Record Keeping Lessons | Life Skills Unit includes 7 lessons for basic finances. Have students create a Life Skills notebook to file away useful information for their future as you learn about necessary life skills.

Each lesson includes a page outline that can be used as a discussion guide or handout for students. Some lessons have a practice template or form for students to practice filling out. There are 3 homework sheets. Hopefully these will provide a good framework for your life skills lessons.

This resource was designed for high-school age students but have been used for younger students as well as adults. Hopefully these lessons will help you teach your students how to manage their money and budget responsibly as they enter into independent adult life!

How To Use This:

Just decide which parts of the lessons you want to use and print enough materials for each student. Use the lesson guides to teach or have the students study from. Then have them complete activities in class, individually or in pairs. Additionally, the activities can be sent home as homework.

You'll get the following lessons:

  • Filing important documents: Students will learn that there are certain papers and documents that you need to file and store in case you need to refer to them again. Some things you NEED to keep. Others you might WANT to keep.

  • Work and earning money

  • Spending money

  • Budgeting (with budget template for students to complete)

  • Saving (with saving goals template for students to complete)

  • Giving

  • Opening a checking account (with application form templates)

  • Writing a check (with check template and additional checks for students to practice)

Activities include:

Filing Homework

Finances Homework

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What's Included

1 zip file with:

-1 PDF with 19 ready to print pages

-Google Doc w/ product description

-Preview images

Resource Tags

money management finances record keeping budgeting lesson plans budget money save filing

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