Holly Jolly Holiday Digital Planner Stickers

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About This Product

Holly Jolly Holiday Digital Planner Stickers Overview

As a festive and engaging resource, Holly Jolly Holiday Digital Planner Stickers seamlessly integrate into your academic planning. These hand-drawn doodles can serve as a delightful addition to your digital planner, journal, or notepad.

Diverse Presentation Formats

  • The set comprises two different formats for flexible usage: individual PNG files numbered for easy reference.
  • Ready-to-use pre-cropped GoodNotes file, accommodated neatly on a horizontal planner page.

This dual-format approach ensures easy importation and application in your desired journal or planner app.

Versatility & Convenience in Teaching Methodology

Teachers can incorporate these Holly Jolly Holiday Digital Planner Stickers digitally in slides or documents to amplify their educational content during the holiday season. The ability to resize, rotate and reuse brings added versatility and convenience; tailored specifically for educators advocating digitized education solutions.

Festive Fun for All Grades!

  • No matter which grade you teach - from kindergarten children excited about their first Christmas school party to high school seniors preparing for end-of-year evaluations amidst festive decorations - these graphics themed digital planner stickers strive towards integrating joyous Yuletide vibes into educational environments effectively.
In pursuance of promoting increasingly digitized methods of education – resources like Holly Jolly Holiday Digital Planner Stickers advocate this transition while also embedding much-needed novelty within everyday teaching methodologies.

What's Included

What you get:

- 1 Zipped File consists of high-resolution 37 individual PNG files.

Resource Tags

holiday stickers digital planner festive resources interactive learning Yuletide vibes

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