How to Write An Essay: What Is a Persuasive Essay? - FLASH-MAC

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How to Write An Essay: What Is a Persuasive Essay? - FLASH-MAC

FLASH-MAC is an indispensable teaching tool for educators aiming to effectively impart essential writing skills. This resource meticulously targets aspects of persuasive essay writing, churning out a potential winner for both public school teachers and homeschoolers.

Educative Resource:

As an educative resource, it artfully conjoins curriculum-based content with reading passages themed around 'how to write a persuasive essay.' To ensure comprehensive learning, the package includes insightful 'before you read' and enlightening 'after you read' questions. The aim here is not just about teaching how-to's but rather about igniting thought processes, helping students understand the core elements of crafting persuasive essays.

Printables & Vocabulary Flashcards:

To reinforce the learning journey further, "How to Write An Essay: What Is a Persuasive Essay?" brings along printables that aid in solidifying learnt concepts. Additionally, there are vocabulary flashcards that aim at enriching students' lexical repository - an essential tool when attempting persuasive essays.

Inclusion of Graphic Organizers:

To assist visually inclined learners or those who find organized visuals more comprehensible than blocks of words, this package also provides graphic organizers. Using these tools can help learners structure their thoughts more logically and convincingly on paper.

  • Interactive Activities:The engagement doesn’t stop there – interactive activities are also incorporated into this valuable resource! These fun-filled tasks make the daunting task of essay-writing enjoyable while solidifying newly-acquired skills.
  • Group Sizes Compatibility:This tool is practical for varying group sizes - whole classes can benefit from ground sessions utilizing this educational gem while smaller student clusters or individual students can use it as reinforcement tasks or homework assignments.

"How to Write an Essay: What is A Persuasive Essay?" aligns perfectly well with Common Core State Standards ensuring your class is keeping up-to-date with expected skill levels for Grades 5-8 Language Arts/Writing classes. Moreover, its contents are crafted adhering to Bloom's Taxonomy adding another layer of depth to student learning.

Easy Integration:

The resource comes in a convenient Mac compatible software, making it an easy-to-integrate tool in the digital class environments of today. So, educators, if you're looking to make persuasive essay writing easier and more interactive for your students, this teaching tool could be just what you need in your teaching arsenal!

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Contains 1 Product File

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Software (Mac)

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