How to Write An Essay: What Is a Persuasive Essay? - FLASH-PC

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About This Product

About the Resource

The resource "How to Write An Essay: What Is a Persuasive Essay? - FLASH-PC" is specifically designed for educators teaching middle-grade bracket of Grade 5 through Grade 8. Primarily, it focuses on Language Arts and improving students' writing skills.

Critical Features

  • An informative 'chapter mini' that provides curriculum-aligned content;
  • 'Before you read' and 'After you read' questions to promote critical thinking and comprehension;
  • Pedagogical aids:
    1. Printables,
    2. Vocabulary flashcards,
    3. Different graphic organizers, and
    4. Interactive activities.

Educator’s Needs Addressed

This tool aligns with both the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ensuring the educational standards are met consistently across different regions. It also upholds the principles of Bloom's Taxonomy enhancing cognitive learning experience.


The tool can be implemented in either whole class instruction sessions or small group environments, thanks to its interactive nature. Additionally, it can equally be assigned as homework offering students valuable self-paced practice at home.

Add in some extra flexibility!

The software-based lesson plan is compatible with PC platforms making it easily accessible for everyone when needed.

In Conclusion: Feature Analysis
Given its wide array of features such as:
- Covering Language Arts,
- Specifically honing writing skills via understanding persuasive essays,
- Developing critical thinking capabilities among students,

How To Write An Essay : What Is A Persuasive Essay - Flash PC stands out as a performance-oriented educational resource for educators across the spectrum.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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