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Human Body Systems Unit

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Human Body


Grade 4, 5, 6, 7



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About This Product

Human Body Systems Unit

A versatile and comprehensive educational resource designed for an interactive learning experience. Ideal for grades 4-7, this product offers a multifaceted approach to the study of human body systems.

Main Features:
  • Seven detailed CLOSE Reading nonfiction passages covering introductory information about the body and specifics on various systems like respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, skeletal and muscular.
  • Seven sets of vocabulary cards tailored to support each passage for improved student comprehension.
  • Engaging research report activities focusing on three major systems: the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.

Tailored Teaching Support:

The unit incorporates vital teaching aids such as a PowerPoint (or handout) explaining CLOSE Reading steps and anchor charts for student annotation during discussions. Additionally it includes thoughtfully created text-dependent questions sets alongside each passage that can enhance critical thinking skills in your students.

Diverse Use:

The Human Body Systems Unit encourages diverse use – whether you'd want to carry out lessons as whole or small group instruction or even utilize parts as homework assignments - it’s customizable for educators’ needs!

Add-on Features:
  • Common Core Essential Questions that can be used as writing prompts
  • A Cognitive Content Dictionary serving as personalized vocabulary playbook,
  • Multiples graphic organizers,CLOZE worksheets,
    • Venn Diagrams,KWL charts etc keeps learner engagement high!
In Conclusion...

This resource provides pathways towards achieving curriculum objectives while managing classroom differentiation successfully creating operable knowledge-filled experiences. The Human Body Systems Unit stands out as an indispensable tool in any educator's arsenal driving targeted scientific understanding laced with proper language skill development.

What's Included

This unit contains the following elements:

• Seven CLOSE reading nonfiction passages:

1. Introduction to The Human Body

2. The Respiratory System

3. The Circulatory System

4. The Digestive System

5. The Nervous System

6. The Skeletal System

7. The Muscular System

• Seven sets of vocabulary cards with definitions, one for each CLOSE reading passage to scaffold and support vocabulary

• CLOSE Reading Instructions PowerPoint (or handout) explaining the steps of CLOSE Reading

• Anchor Charts for student annotation and Discussion Topics for CLOSE Reading

• Seven sets of “Text Dependent Questions”, one set for each CLOSE reading passage

• Common Core Essential Questions (these writing pieces can be put on your writing wall to keep writing current and visible as you incorporate writing into your science unit of study.)

• Cognitive Content Dictionary (to be made into a “book” for student vocabulary words, definitions, and pictures.

• A Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast

• KWL Chart (you can use this at the beginning of the unit to ascertain what they may already know about the human body)

• A Tree Map Graphic Organizer (a grammar component for students to analyze the words in the passages and their parts of speech)

• CLOZE worksheets (a fill-in the blank) worksheet and answer sheet to assess vocabulary attainment and your students’ ability to utilize context clues. There are seven worksheets and answer sheets included to match the seven close reading passages.

Resource Tags

human anatomy body systems close reading research report science literacy

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