Lots Of Discursive Essays To Write: Pack 1 (9-14 years)

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ELA, Writing


Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9





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About This Product

Lots Of Discursive Essays To Write: Pack 1 (9-14 years) is a comprehensive guide designed to perfect the art of balanced argument writing. It's tailored for students in Grades 4 through 9, aiming to enhance their literacy skills and proficiency in English assignments and tests.


The pack's content highlights discursive writing, encouraging students to analyze pros and cons of various subjects relevant to their age group – ranging from healthy eating habits, fashion trends, societal issues, among others. The lessons lay a strong foundation for essay writing skills that can also apply across other curriculum subjects.


This teaching resource demonstrates how to create structured arguments by offering particular viewpoints backed with persuasive evidence. It helps students form compelling counterarguments that they can later refute using fact-based assertions; whilst expressing personal insights and opinions.

Persuasive Writing Techniques:

  • Utilizing figurative language
  • Incorporating emotive words repetition
  • Making good vocabulary usage and connectives
  • Varying sentence structures for added interest
  • Crisp pointers on spelling accuracy, grammar correctness & punctuation precision

Practical Learning Experiences:

Apart from theory concepts – model answers generated from real student work samples are provided. Practice questions are focused precisely on comprehension checks along with regular revision purposes. Common mistakes made by learners are also pointed out – enabling them grasp critical dos-and-don'ts of discursive essay crafting process.

This Detailed Resource Includes:

  1. A comprehensive understanding of persuasive Writing
  2. Detailed illustrations of how to maintain balance in arguments
  3. Argument-Counterargument building lessons
  4. Tips on adapting writing style according to the intended audience demographics

Conclusively, this 29-page pdf – an extensive compilation of key pointers, serves as a robust tool helping pupils achieve academic excellence in discursive essays or any other structured argumentative write-ups.


Primarily designed for Language Arts' Writing assignments/activities, this product can be used flexibly during whole group lessons or small group discussions. It could also be set as homework assignments. Its wide-ranging utility fosters a deep understanding and appreciation for formal writing

What's Included

29 pages

Resource Tags

discursive writing argumentative essays literacy skills persuasive writing balanced arguments

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