Measurement: Angles - Practice the Skill 1 - FLASH-MAC

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About This Product

Measurement: Angles - Practice the Skill 1 - FLASH-MAC

As an educational resource, specifically designed for educators, this product enhances the understanding of angle measurements among pupils. Its versatility makes it a beneficial tool in various learning situations such as:

  • Whole group discussions
  • Small group activities
  • Individual homework assignments
Suitable for grade 3 to grade 5 Mathematics students specializing in Measurements.

Main Activity: Timing Drills

The primary focus lies on practicing timing drills whereby it is needed for learners to discover angle measurements using an inclusive protractor tool.

Promoting Engagement and Providing Feedback:

This resource promotes interactive elements and provides immediate feedback concerning accuracy and speed. Additionally, its accessibility extends by having both English and Spanish voice over and text options fostering immersive language learning experiences for every student.

Inclusion of Math Tools:

This educational resource includes math tools within its framework which assists teachers' navigation through currently evolving academic landscapes.

The product's software comprises one file only that is compatible with Mac devices allowing flexibility in instructional delivery mode either online or the traditional classroom setting. About conformity with State Standards:
This product perfectly aligns with Common Core State Standards along with STEM initiatives following NCTM guidelines, thereby giving confidence to teachers regarding its integration into lesson plans. This effectively supports student achievement while making preparation processes streamlined.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (Mac)

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