Measurement: Measuring Weight - Practice the Skill 2 - MAC Software

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About This Product

Measurement: Measuring Weight - Practice the Skill 2 - MAC Software

As an incredible digital resource for educators, this software aims to foster a deep understanding and application of 'Measuring Weight'. It is designed specifically for students spanning from Preschool to Grade 2 and comes in a convenient, compact zip file compatible with MAC software.

The goal of this teaching module is to help students gain an instinctive grasp of weight measurements. It includes skill practice drills integrated into its design. These drills are framed as timed activities, where learners choose suitable units of measure for various objects. The objects are represented by relevant real-world images.

Additional Math Tools Integrated

Educators will also benefit from the math tools bundle included in this software package. These additional features enhance the comprehensive teaching experience by encouraging logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Dual Language Options

This software caters to both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking student groups equally as it offers voiceover assistance and written content in both languages.

Educational Standards Alignment

  • CCSS:The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) emphasizes key areas such as geometry, algebraic thinking etc., which are reinforced by this product.
  • NCTM:This product corresponds well with standards set forth by the National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM).
  • STEM Initiatives:The product integrates seamlessly with STEM initiatives aiming at promoting student interest in Science Technology Engineering Math dimensions alike.

Learner Engagement Adaptable Format

  1. Ideal for whole group sessions where individual efforts coalesce toward collective learning goals.
  2. Flexible enough to be effective in small group learning dynamics targeting specific skill gaps.
  3. A perfect source for challenging homework assignments.

In conclusion, the ultimate purpose is not just to ‘Practice the Skill’ but rather make that practice make perfect!

What's Included

1 zip file with MAC software

Resource Tags

math lesson plan digital math digital measurement math skills measuring weight

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