Number & Operations: Base-Ten & Place Value - Practice the Skill 2 - FLASH-MAC
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Product: Number & Operations: Base-Ten & Place Value - Practice the Skill 2 - FLASH-MAC
An invaluable resource for educators teaching math in grades 3 to 5, particularly focusing on the area of place value. Complementing existing curriculum-based content, making a perfect addition to lesson plans tuned with Common Core State Standards and NCTM.
An invaluable resource for educators teaching math in grades 3 to 5, particularly focusing on the area of place value. Complementing existing curriculum-based content, making a perfect addition to lesson plans tuned with Common Core State Standards and NCTM.
Key Features:
- Understanding Base-Ten and Place Value concepts: The tool is designed to enhance students understanding of base-ten blocks and place value concepts within number operations, including interactive drill activities.
- Inclusivity: Tool comes with default English voiceover and text but also includes Spanish translation options, making it accessible for English language learners or bilingual classrooms.
- Versatility:Teachers can bolster lessons during in-person or online sessions; additionally, it can be used for homework assignments encouraging consistent home practice.
The skill-building software aims at developing budding mathematicians' understanding of fundamental arithmetic concepts while boosting their academic performance in mathematics.
Note: This product requires software compatible with Mac systems.What's Included
Contains 1 Product File
Resource Tags
Software (Mac)
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