Number & Operations: Counting & Ordering Objects - FLASH-PC

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Math, Numbers


Grade 1, 2

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Counting & Ordering Objects - FLASH-PC

This is a highly effective teaching aid that simplifies understanding of complex math concepts for Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. It primarily focuses on the ‘Number and Operations’ subject and promotes proficiency in counting and ordering objects through engaging activities.

Main Components:

  • Pre-assessment
  • Lesson plan
  • Real-world word problems
  • Timed drill events
  • In-depth math tools
  • A focused teacher guide

The included printables feature memory match games , enhancing retention among learners. Engaging board games encourage mathematical growth, whether in group or individual settings.

Diverse Learning Scenarios:

An exciting spinner game additionally diversifies learning scenarios, driving increased involvement and comprehension among students.

Standout Features:

The software includes a SMART Response assessment module explicitly designed to measure student progress over time. This enables teachers to continually adjust their instructional strategy based on individual learning curves.

The resource supports bilingual classrooms with Spanish voiceover options in addition to its default English setting.


It is incredibly flexible for varied educational needs, fitting seamlessly into whole-group classroom instruction, smaller breakout groups, or for assigning individual tasks as homework.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

Resource Tags

Software (PC)

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