Number & Operations: Percentages with Fractions - PC Software

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Grade 3, 4, 5

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Number & Operations: Percentages with Fractions - PC Software

Number & Operations: Percentages with Fractions - PC Software is an invaluable tool for educators, responsible for transforming lessons on percentages and fractions into an enjoyable and engaging experience. This software's curriculum-based content makes it a seamless fit into your lesson plans.

Main Features:
  • The core foundation of this program is its ability to dissect the complexity of understanding percentages in relation to fractions, usually a challenging topic for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
  • A diversity of teaching methods ensures the inclusion of various learning styles present within the target grades.

An efficient way teachers can gauge students' comprehension levels prior to starting lessons is through the pre-assessment feature offered by this software. Consequently, this provides valuable insights instrumental in tailoring subsequent individual lessons.

  1. The package contains real-world word problems that encourage learners via relatable everyday experiences while enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  2. Timed drill activities add a challenging aspect aimed at keeping young minds both physically cognitively active as well as engaged throughout their coursework.
The software supports multi-lingual environments due to default English voiceovers along with optional Spanish translations. Other exceptional educational tools include interactive games – such as a memory match game and board game – plus several other mathematical resources designed at promoting retention. Furthermore, printable resources bundled within are valuable in extending learning beyond classroom borders or screen limits thereby efficiently catering to both traditional classrooms and supplementary education settings like homeschooling. Upon loading this zip file onto your PC system, educators are equipped with all they need to eliminate boredom from their math sessions; immediately replaced by enthusiastic learners ready for any percentage or fraction task – whether in whole group briefings, small group brainstorms, or even homework assignments.

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

fractions lesson percentages activity digital math numbers operations

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