Plan And Write A Story Called 'The White Fox' (9-13 years)

An educational teaching resource from Guinea Pig Education entitled Plan And Write A Story Called 'The White Fox' (9-13 years) downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

Plan and Write 'The White Fox' Story Pack for Ages 9-13 Guide students through planning and writing a creative short story with this complete resource. Includes an example story to read aloud, then have students plan their own story with characters, setting, plot, climax, and resolution. Practice key elements like introducing suspense, writing strong introductions and conclusions, using vivid vocabulary, and varying sentence types for flow. Pack comes complete with grading rubric, sample student stories, practice questions to reinforce learning, and tips to earn top marks. Use for whole-class modeling, small group instruction, independent practice, or homeschooling for ages 9-13. Builds essential creative writing skills to strengthen literacy and prepare for standardized tests and essays. Engaging resource saves teachers' time while giving each student the tools and confidence to draft imaginative, well-organized stories independently.

What's Included

27 pages

Resource Tags

Creative writing writing English Story story plan

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