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Math, Numbers



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About This Product

As is known by many educational agents, children love puzzles, and thanks to them they can cut, think, paste, use rubber and then proudly show off their new masterful work: having managed to put together their puzzle!

This in turn allows them to experience the famous law of learning-error. Thus they realize that they should not give up on the first failed test, but rather that they should think again, conjecture hypotheses, discard certain solutions until they manage to fit the correct piece with the other.

On this occasion, I have made this fabulous puzzle of the numbers from 1 to 10, so that your children can practice this fabulous learning and with the basic theme of apples, I know that many children are taught mathematics with apples. Well, someone of you will like it. I offer it for free so download it now. All my love for these resources to help children see mathematics in a fun and interesting way.

1. Title of the pedagogical resource:

"Puzzle of numbers from 1 to 10, through drawings of little apples"

2. Topic to work on:

The numbers from 1 to 10.

3. Area of knowledge where it should be applied:

This resource can be applied in mathematics for children.

4. Number of pages contained:

This resource contains 5 simple pages, ready to be printed and used.

5. Is it available in color or white/black?

This pedagogical resource is in colors so that it is much more striking for your students.

6. Editable/Not Editable:

This educational resource is not editable.

7. Age at which it can be applied:

You can apply this resource to children of 3,4,5,6 years old, whose age is perfect for introducing and learning about the first numbers.

8. Tags or keywords that describe the content:

numbers from 1 to 5, numbers from 1 to 10, number puzzles, math puzzles, number puzzles from 1 to 10, puzzles for children.

9. Ways to print:

You can print this document in A4 format, and I suggest it be in color. This way your children's learning experience will be more fun and interesting.

10. Forms of application in class:

You can apply this document preferably individually to your students.

Resource Tags

numbers 1 to 10 numbers 1 to 5 math puzzle puzzle math

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