South America: Place Gr. 5-8

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Grade 5, 6, 7, 8



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About This Product

"South America: Place Gr. 5-8"

Primarily designed for grade levels five through eight, this is a dynamic teaching resource focusing on South American geography. It blends cross-curricular topics such as environmental awareness and the diverse wildlife of the region.

Component Details

  • A part of a comprehensive lesson plan about South America, offering an intimate view into unique aspects of this world region like the distinguished tourist hotspot Caribbean Region.
  • Geographical comparisons within South America itself are made to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of different terrains, e.g., Andes Mountains and Pampas.
  • Learners get research assignments investigating globally renowned water bodies like Amazon River - enhancing their knowledge about aspects drawing worldwide attention today!
The Wildlife Organizer: A pre-planned feature introducing pupils to diverse life forms across varied landscapes - right from Andes mountainsides & Amazon Rainforests to vast expanses across Pampas grasslands!

The curriculum also brings urban aspects like subway transportation systems in specific cities such as Caracas (Venezuela) or Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Fulfilling Learning Process

This lesson plan can be used for whole group instruction or small group sessions; use it even for assigning related homework projects!

'Regions Change Over Time':An organizer-shaped tool aiding graphical representation between today's society against ancient civilizations. Added nuances to learning indeed!
  1. Geographical mapping exercises solidify learners’ understanding around topography, including countries and capital cities in South America.
  2. The package comes with state standards alignment and supplemental maps, making learning engaging and transparent!
Additional Features:
  • Crossword puzzles and word searches
  • A comprehension quiz for assessment
  • An answer key

Complete Package Availability:

This teaching resource of 41 print-ready pages is available as a downloadable PDF file. An educational package intertwining study & entertainment into one - made easy for you!

What's Included

1 PDF with 41 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

South America social studies geography assessment world map crossword puzzles

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