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Stoplight Speaking Signals SEL Boom Cards With Audio

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Life Skills


Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4



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About This Product

Stoplight Speaking Signals SEL Boom Cards With Audio: An Engaging Teaching Resource

The Stoplight Speaking Signals SEL Boom Cards With Audio is an engaging and practical teaching resource designed for students from Kindergarten to 4th Grade. This educational tool centers on improving communication skills, primarily aiming to teach young learners how to take turns effectively in conversation.

  • Perfect for both group activities and individual practice
  • Incorporates 20 distinct task cards that offer varied learning opportunities
  • Each card features an audio component, ensuring inclusivity for all reading abilities
  • Ideal for reinforcing classroom etiquette or enhancing life skills sessions
  • Promotes parent-child involvement through homework assignments

Easy Access and Utilization

This boom cards deck can be used anywhere as long as there is Internet connection. It is ideal for both traditional classroom settings and homeschooling, compatible with popular web browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Edge versions. A Boom Learning account operated by an adult will be necessary to use these digital task cards.

'Fast Pins' For Quick Assessments

The 'Fast Pins' feature offers instant student assessments by providing educators a quick glimpse into the performance of the learners.

The Stoplight Speaking Signals SEL Boom Cards With Audio: An effective teaching tool that combines intuitive design with dynamic learning experiences centered around essential life-skill development.

What's Included

A PDF with a paid link on the image.

Resource Tags

speaking skills communication turn-taking social-emotional development interactive learning boom signals

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