Story Squares #3 for Grades 5-6: Multiple Learning Styles for Reading Comprehension

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Grade 5, 6



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About This Product


Story Squares #3 for Grades 5-6: Multiple Learning Styles for Reading Comprehension is a dynamic teaching resource designed to heighten the effectiveness of reading comprehension lessons.

Main Objective

Crafted diligently with an aim to instill a passion for reading in students, this tool cultivates essential skills including Language Arts, Writing, Higher-Order Thinking, and Creative Arts.

Versatility and Flexibility of Use

The material's flexibility allows its use in various settings such as whole group activities, small group study sessions or individual homework assignments. Its content offers students the chance to respond to reading tasks using a broad range of their developed skills.

Incorporated Literature Works:

  • "Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy"
  • "Out of the Dust"
  • "Fever 1793"

Around each novel revolves a concise story summary supported by an assortment of twenty activity choices that lean on both cognitive and creative abilities.

Educators' Benefits & Grading Rubric Included


This all-inclusive tool shuns monotonous learning methods by introducing innovative strategies that promote avid reading habits among pupils. It features a grading rubric facilitating objective task evaluation alongside academic growth tracking.

Glossary Scheme & Packet Format:

  • A glossary containing essential terms provides further reinforcement towards comprehension enhancement.
  • The Story Squares #3 packet comes as one easy-to-use PDF making it ready-for-print on sixteen pages.


Primarily intended for fifth and sixth graders submerged into Language Arts—with focus on comprehension—this versatile teaching resource manifests itself as an invaluable addition to modernized educational plans accentuating advanced yet simplified pedagogy principles.

The adaptable nature along with its multi-layered benefits render Story Squares #3 an optimal selection fulfilling greater operationality while motivating students towards enjoyable literature exploration.

What's Included

1 PDF with 16 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

reading comprehension complete sentences compare and contrast brochure proper nouns

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