"World War II No. 2", Regents US History Short Essays,

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World War II No. 2, Regents US History Short Essays

The World War II No. 2, Regents US History Short Essays is an exceptional teaching resource designed to strengthen students’ historical document analysis skills. Aimed at secondary United States history teachers, it provides a robust platform for students to engage with historic texts directly.

New York State Regents examination format

These short essays are adapted from the structure of the tenth-grade Global Regents' 'CRQ', following the updated New York State Regents examination format for American History and Government.

  • Stimulus-Based Short-Essay Questions: The resource includes questions that require insights derived from paired historical documents.
  • Instructional approach: It encourages a historian's method of examining sources – placing them in their accurate contexts and assessing their reliability based on various factors like audience or bias.

Tasks Involved

  1. Evaluating Interrelation: The first set requires establishing the relationship between events or ideas found in two documents; themes include cause/effect or similarity/difference or turning points.
  2. Analyzing Credibility Factors: The second set prompts analysis of aspects affecting a document's credibility—factors involve audience, purpose bias, point-of-view etc,

Rubric Based Evaluation 

All short essay questions are marked on respective five-point rubrics—comprehensive grading criteria for educators as well as helpful self-assessment guide for students. 

Apart from essay tasks, 
this downloadable PDF file comprises an essential cover sheet and grading rubrics that underline this resource's pedagogical efficacy.  

Suitable for Grade 10, Grade 11 and primarily Grade 12 students studying social studies. Helps in effectively cultivating writing prowess along with critical thinking within students. 

Resource Tags

World War II Regents US History Short Essays Primary Sources

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