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You Decide Their Fate-3 Different Friendship Problem-Solving Adventures

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Life Skills


Grade 4, 5, 6, 7



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About This Product

You Decide Their Fate: Exploring Friendship, Problem-Solving & Consequences

Presenting 'You Decide Their Fate - 3 Different Friendship Problem-Solving Adventures', an innovative educational task for Grade 4 to Grade 7 students. Adding a unique and engaging component to your life skills curriculum, utilize this resource effectively.

This adventure-style interactive deck allows students to navigate through real-life scenarios and decision making. They will interact with three different characters each offering their own friendship dilemma which requires resolution via student decision-making. The choices students make will directly influence the outcome of each character's situation thus providing clear understanding on managing consequences.


  • A boy
  • A girl
  • A gender-neutral monster

The inclusion of diverse characters fosters inclusiveness. Furthermore, it transforms learning into an enjoyment by positioning itself as an interactive game encouraging players to resolve friendship issues thereby fostering empathic perspectives among learners.

Possible Usage Scenarios:

  1. Whole-class instruction: Engage all students in problem-solving activities collectively. 
  2. In smaller study groups: Facilitate collaborative problem-solving activities. 
  3. For homework assignment: Extend learning outside the classroom for individualized pace and deeper insights into practical aspects related to friendships during these developmental years.   
    13pt_WyFdV_mXinDSXXF1.png">You can switch back anytime you want in the top menu.Please try again and reenter this information correctly."No recent data, try another city. 

    These tasks are delivered through internet-connected Boom Cards, compatible with choice browsers like Chrome, Safari Firefox and Edge. They offer instant feedback via 'Fast Pins', allowing students to self-grade their answers escalating motivation levels but also engaging them into the intriguing problem-solving world complimented by exciting adventure aesthetics!

    Whether you are seeking resources for conventional classrooms or for homeschooling schedules this product straightforwardly fosters comprehensive understanding around relevant life skills themes which play an important role in molding robust characters. The responsive nature of learning allows learners navigate day-to-day interactions resulting in enhanced personal growth achieved through engaging activities.

What's Included

A PDF with a paid link embedded in the image.

Resource Tags

friendship problem-solving consequences decision-making interactive game

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