4,493 products added recently
Sight Word Games
Improve your students' reading fluency with sight word games that make learning high-frequency words fun. This collection includes bingo, memory match, and online interactive games. By incorporating these sight word games into your teaching, you can support faster and more confident reading.
Homophone Car Race Board Game and Worksheets, 4th Grade ELA Printables
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Grade 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games, Activities
Homophone Car Race Board Game and Worksheets Add a dash of fun and variety to your ELA classroom resources with a board game and a set of themed worksheets that include a set of homophone-based jokes! Your students will get lots of practice reading, writing, pronouncing and spelling homophones, words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings , in this highly motivating collection of fun and funny homophone activities. The 32-page PDF includes: **** a Homophone Car Race Board Game , complete with Teacher Note s, Rules for students to read and play the game, the Homophones Car Race Track Board, race car player pieces , and 78 Sentence cards with missing homophones . The game is designed as a pair or small group activity and includes correct answers so that students can play on their own. To move around the race track board and make it to the Finish line, students must say and spell the homophone missing from a sentence with a race car theme. The Sentence cards can also be used on their own as practice Homophone Flash Cards. Print in color, then cut out and laminate the game pieces, or make the game prep a hands-on student craft activity by providing economical black-and-white printouts for students to cut out, color, and glue to cardboard backing. **** 6 NO-PREP fill-in-the-missing-homophones worksheets with answer keys , which are ideal for use as homework, seat work, and in centres or stations: Worksheet 1 has 4 pairs of easier homophones to be placed in 8 sentences Worksheet 2 has car race theme sentences similar to the ones in the board game Worksheet 3 has sentences with a skateboard theme Worksheet 4 has a skateboard theme and focuses on " it's, its, to, too, two " Worksheet 5 has skateboard theme sentences with " their, there, they're, your, you're " Worksheet 6 has jokes based on homophones which must be guessed and spelled Recommended grade level: 4th grade and higher
Author WorksheetsPlus
Tags Homophones, Homophone, Game, Worksheet, Fourth Grade, Printable, Activity, Vocabulary, Spelling, Fun
TH Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 26 phonic worksheets for the sound TH (as in this and cloth) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 26 TH worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 26 worksheets for the sound TH taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 1 colour-by-code picture for added fun! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. · Have only a little on each page as these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it! where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out! Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by using sound-it-out boxes for reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. Simply choose the pages each child needs and put them together to make a work book! We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common TH words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 26 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Dyslexia, Learn To Read TH Words, Spelling TH Words, Consonant Blends, TH Words, Learning TH
Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention - Growing Bundle
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Activities, Games
This is a pack of Bumper Pack of 14 (to date) books of phonic worksheets for the digraphs: L blends, CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA especially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? PDF's of worksheets each covering the sounds: L Blends. CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA , all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Over 180+ Worksheets: Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Some sounds contain print-and-go games to make learning fun. AR and A-E each contain a board game. Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. · Have only a little on each page as these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 12 worksheets: 1. See it! where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out! Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by using sound-it-out boxes for reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound (except the Consonant L-Blends) with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give this a week after we finish the book, to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included in most books. Phonic Games are also included for AR and A-E to make learning more fun! What is included? 10 PDFs totalling 150 + worksheets each covering the sounds: CK, SH, CH, TH, OO, EE, OR, AR, A-E, I-E, O-E, U-E, AI and EA , 2 PDF games for AR and A-E in full colour and black and white
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Phonic Games, Speical Needs, Special Needs, Ee Phonics, Or Phonics, Ar Phonics, A-e Phonics, Split Digraph Phonics
A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs
AI Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 18 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel AI (as in rain) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 18 AI worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound AI taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. · Have only a little on each page as these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 18 worksheets: 1. See it! where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out! Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by using sound-it-out boxes for reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common AI words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep AI games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Dyslexia, Vowel Teams, Spelling Ai Words, Ai Worksheets, Learn To Read Ai Words, Long A
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 10th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
10th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 10th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Games, Sight Words Worksheets, Sight Words Practice, Tenth 100, Color By Code, Rainbow, Fun Learning, Homeschool
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 8th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
8th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 8th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Color By Code, Coloring Game, Morning Work, Fry Sight Words, Eighth 100
u-e Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 23 phonic worksheets for the Split Vowel U-E (as in true and tune) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 23 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons are covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. · Have only a little on each page as these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 23 worksheets: 1. See it! where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out! Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by using sound-it-out boxes for reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards and 23 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Magic E, Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Split Digraph U-e, U-e , Long Vowels
EA Phonic Worksheets for Early Years/Intervention/Special Needs
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
This is a pack of 30 phonic worksheets for the Long Vowel EA (as in eat) specially designed for those with special needs, including those with dyslexia or who may be suspected of being dyslexic but will work equally well with young learners in Kindergarten/EYFS/Y1. A pack of 30 worksheets with a variety of exercises to help build phonemic awareness and reading fluency. These sheets are LETRS and UK GOV requirements aligned. These worksheets also align with the most popular phonic programmes, including RWI and Letters and Sounds. What is included? 30 worksheets for the sound EA taking pupils from hearing the sounds in words to reading and spelling them at word and sentence level. all following my special method devised as I privately tutor children of all ages with profound special needs. Your phonics lessons covered! Tracking, fluency triangles, spelling, reading, games, comprehension exercises....and more! 2 PDF games to send home for extra practice included! Who are these worksheets for? I have written them for pupils who struggle with processing information - especially sounds. This includes children who are DYSLEXIC or have ANY other kind of processing disorder. Such children may have failed with other methods of teaching phonics. Such pupils need activities that: ·are highly structured - one tiny step at a time building on the one before using only a limited number of words to start with and only using words that the child has already learnt to sound out, with no nasty surprises. · Have only a little on each page as these pupils tire easily. What makes these worksheets special? I have a powerful three-step process which I use with my special needs pupils, which is worked out over the course of the 30 worksheets: 1. See it! where we focus on becoming aware of the new sound in words. This involves first hearing the new sound in words and then seeing it in words (tracking). 2. Sound-it-out! Having learnt to see the new sound in words, we learn to sound out these words to read and write them. We begin by using sound-it-out boxes for reading and spelling which help the child to segment the word prior to blending the sounds together. Once the child can read and write individual words, we work on fluency by building familiarity with the common words in the new sound family. Once the child can sound the words out to read and spell confidently, we move on to recognising them/using them in longer reading and dictation passages, as soon as the child is able. I provide 2 reading passages with comprehension exercises and one dictation passage, with a page in the workbook dedicated to it, with room for a picture, which again cements understanding. 3. Write it! Incorporated into the above two steps, we constantly write the new sound. This adds a multi-sensory dimension to our work - we see with our eyes, we sound it with our mouth parts and voice, and then we move by writing. All three steps work together to help the child feel in control of his/her learning and to become a successful, confident learner. We finish each sound with a dictation which culminates our work before we move on to the next sound. I try to give the dictation a week after we finish the work on the EA sound to act as revision. The dictation: Read this passage to your pupil, who should write it. Have the child read his/her work and check for errors. Make sure the writing is completely accurate before saying the child has finished, including full stops and capital letters correctly used. Flashcards are included of some common EA words. What is included? 1 PDF with flashcards, 2 easy-prep games and 30 worksheets
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Worksheets, Special Needs, Phonic Games, Print N Play Phonic Game, Ea Worksheets, Dyslexia, Spelling EA Words, Learn To Read EA Words, Long E, Vowel Teams
Ninja Syllables Puzzle and Game
ELA, Language Development, Spelling, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
This resource is a Ninja Syllables Puzzle and Game. Puzzles are included for 2, 3, and 4 syllable words. Students can write the words as they create puzzles on the recording sheets. These are perfect for small group or literacy centers . Two sorts are included for students to complete. Your students will have fun playing as they read words with syllables on them.
Author Literacy Life
Tags Reading Puzzles, Spelling, Syllables, Ninja, Small Group
Primer Sight Word Bingo
ELA, Language Development, Phonics, Spelling, Preschool, Activities, Games
Primer Sight Word Bingo A captivating educational resource specially created for kindergarten teachers and homeschoolers, this bingo-style game aims to develop students' comprehension and memorization abilities for sight words drawn from Dolch Primer's unique set of 52 words. Playing Benefits: Your students will enhance their ability to recognize each sight word, strengthening their language-art fundamentals just by playing. Game Setup: To begin, print out different bingo cards for each student along with word cards for teacher use. You can laminate them all to ensure longevity. Each gaming session begins by drawing cards from a bowl and calling out the sight words. Bingo Achievement: The aim is to get a five-in-a-row correct first, marking Bingo! This team-based or solo activity can also serve as a homework assignment aiding cognitive learning outside traditional school hours. What does the package include? An engaging classroom activity kit An insightful reading on 'What Are Dolch Sight Words?' An exhaustive primer sight word list A student record sheet 40 distinct bingo game cards that minimize repetition boredom during subsequent plays Corresponding 40 sight-word draw -cards The whole resource comes packed in a printable PDF spanning an all-encompassing 45 pages worth of quality content. , Besides being primarily geared towards enhancing phonics and spelling prowess among young learners; educators have found making learning fun boosts knowledge-transfer amongst children — That’s where Primer Sight Word Bingo stands tall as a delightful reading tool perfecting your pre-schooler’s early-stage English language journey.
Author Simply Schoolgirl
Tags Sight Words, Bingo Game, Early Literacy, Dolch Primer, Language Development
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 9th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grade 3, 4, 5, Activities, Games
9th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 9th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Games, Morning Work, Homeschool, Fry Sight Words, Ninth 100
F, V or TH? Game Black/White and Colour version
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Phonics, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Activities, Games
Here is a simple phonic game to help children distinguish between the sounds F, V and TH. Many children struggle with the TH sound in speech and when spelling. In fact, part of this is the difficulty many children have in saying TH. This game can help. Objectives: ·to help the child to distinguish between the sounds ‘f', 'v' and 'th' in speech and in spelling Who can use the ‘f', 'v' and 'th' game? Any who have a child needing extra practice learning the initial sounds ‘f', 'v' and 'th' Teachers Parents Home educators Private tutors It is highly suitable for special educational needs pupils It can be used with ESL pupils What is included? 18 picture cards (6 of each initial sounds 'm' and 'n') 2 baseboards All components come in either full colour of black and white. The eco print, black and white version is ideal for sending home for homework. Simple to make 1.Print out the pictures and cut them into individual cards. 2. Print out the baseboards. To Play: Do ensure before you begin that the child can correctly say both the blowy TH (as in moth) and the hard TH (as in the). Let your child watch you as you say them, and look in a mirror as s/he says them. 1. Each player takes a baseboard. Vary it each time so that the players get a turn with both sounds. 2. Take it in turns to choose a picture card. Say the word. What sound does it start with? Help the child to emphasise the initial sound if necessary. Let him/her look in a mirror to see the position of the lips and listen for a soft 'f' or a hard 'v'. If the picture belongs on the player’s board it is placed in position. If not it is returned face down. Encourage the other player to try and remember where it is for his/her next turn. This helps in the training of the memory. 3. Play passes to the other player who does the same - until one player completes his/her board. Play then ends and that player is the winner.
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Phonic Games, Homelearning, Home Education, TH Articulation, TH Phonics, Digraphs, Th Digraph, Speech Therapy, Speech Therapy TH
Snakes and Ladders Game with Basic Code
ELA, Language Development, Spelling, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
This resource is a Snakes and Ladders Game with Basic Code. This game is a great way to practice segmenting and blending sounds. This card game works well as a whole group or small group game. There are 16 sets of sounds included.
Author Top Notch Teaching
Tags Basic Code, Spelling Games, Snakes And Ladders, Sounds, Literacy Center
Color by Sight Word Game, High Frequency FRY Words, 7th 100 - SET 8
ELA, Literature, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Grade 2, 3, 4, Activities, Games
7th 100 Fry Sight Words, COLOR BY SIGHT WORDS WORKSHEETS, COLORING PAGES Looking for a fun and engaging way to reinforce Sight Words in your students? What can be a better way than fun Color By Sight Words Activity? This resource includes engaging Coloring sheets for 7th 100 Fry Sight Words. The words are in order of frequency. This NO PREP Easy to Use Worksheet Packet includes 20 pages in total with 100 sight words. Each page contains five different sight words written in different vibrant colors. There are different shapes like square, triangle, circles and stars on the sheet with sight words written inside of them. Students have to Color every shape with the color of Sight Word written in it. These worksheets are not only perfect for enhanced recognition of Sight Words but are also perfect for developing Fine motor skills while learning their sight words. Teachers can use these worksheets in different ways. Teachers can create fun ways to use these worksheets more efficiently like, ask the kid to pick their favorite shape on the worksheet and the ask them to read the sight word aloud, along with spelling it out. This will not only help in enhanced recognition but also will help to build vocabulary and spelling mastery. Then after that ask the student to look for that sight word on the top of the sheet and tell the name of the color that sight word is written in. Then ask the student to color that shape with the color of the sight word. This will motivate students to recognize and remember their High Frequency Words in more effective way and also have fun while coloring the worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for morning work, individual work, group work, working with partners, home work or class work. These Worksheets can also be used for Assessment . When children have already learnt their sight words, use these sheets to assess their knowledge with these engaging activity. These are also perfect to include in Sight Words Book, and teaching collection. These are perfect for End of the year and also Back To School Season. These are also perfect for Home Schoolers. These are very easy to use. Just Download, Print, Enjoy and save your time with these high quality Sight Word resource. Download your copy today to give your kids some fun activity with learning. You Will Receive: 1 PDF 20 Pages US Letter Size ( 8.5 x 11 )
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words Practice, Sight Words Activities, Games, Color By Code, Color By Sight Words, Coloring Game, Rainbow, Fry Sight Words
U-E Activities Pack
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
This U-E activities Pack is designed to help children learn to sound out words with the u-e sound and differentiate between u-e and ‘u’ , a common cause of confusion amongst young learners. This pack will give children much practice, which will, in turn, help them become more confident at sounding out such words. Who is the U-E activities Pack suitable for? All phonics learners, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /u-e/ sound will start to make every /u/ into a long /u-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this U-E activities Pack has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound u-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /u/ and some have a long /u-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. What is included in the U-E activities Pack? 2 games of lottos, one with 6 pictures and one with 12 - differentiated to meet the needs of all children, supplied in both colour and black and white. Picture/Word cards to make a game of Snap! or to use for word sorting 'u' or 'u-e' in both colour and black and white. Word sorting activities - as above or words only. These cards can either be placed or written on the supplied recording page. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!
Author Lilibette's Resources
Tags Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs, U-e, Split Digraphs
Free Interactive Memory Game to Practice Animals
Life Studies, ELA, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Games, Activities
Practice Animal Vocabulary with this Free Interactive Memory Game Introduce young learners to a variety of animals with this entertaining digital memory game . Students will see the name and image of 12 different animals. Their task is to flip over two cards at a time to find matches, exercising visual memory and concentration. If the cards don't match, they flip them back over and try again. Once all matches are made, press the "start again" button for more vocabulary practice. This self-checking activity can be played independently or as a whole class game projected on a smartboard. The vibrant slideshow stimulates engagement while building animal classification skills. Differentiate by allowing lower grades to match pictures only and upper grades to match Spanish vocabulary words. Download this versatile 12-slide PowerPoint today!
Author ShapeUp-N-Matematicas y Lenguaje
Tags Animals, Animal Names, Vocabulary, Domestic Animals, Zoology, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Mammals, Small Or Whole Group
Pre-Primer Sight Words, Playdough Mats
ELA, Reading, Language Development, Spelling, Vocabulary, Kindergarten, Preschool, Activities, Games
Pre-Primer Sight Words, Playdough Mats Pre-Primer Sight Words, Playdough Mats are an essential teaching resource for educators seeking to encourage early reading and literacy development. Key to this learning process is the recognition of sight words - frequently used words children learn to effortlessly recognize, reinforcing their fluency comprehension in reading. This product provides a unique way for students to interact with these integral sight words: playdough mats. The mats foster an engaging learning atmosphere where students shape their own understanding of each sight word. Each mat displays a distinct word in easy-to-read, bold letters. It also has a separate area designated for handwriting practice. The set of Pre-Primer Sight Words Play dough Mats serves teachers and parents striving for a dynamic yet educational experience when helping children learn to read. Each mat is designed with attention-grabbing visuals and simplicity, making reading easier and enjoyable for early learners. The versatility of these playdough mats can be easily adopted into the classroom environment as well as the home setting. Tailored For Classroom And Home Use Teachers can integrate them into their curriculum during group activities or independent work stations within Language Arts subjects like Reading, Spelling and Vocabulary targeted primarily at Preschoolers and Kindergarteners. Parents can introduce this creative method as an enriching at-home exercise that aligns perfectly with schooling expectations while promoting positive familiarity towards reading and writing tasks. Sight Word Range: The words featured within this PDF file resource vary from basic yet fundamental ranging from 'a' to 'you'. Fostering Foundational Literacy Skills In summing up the value of Pre-Primer Sight Words Play Dough Mats, they foster foundational literacy skills using an exciting approach that captures young learners' interest while enhancing fine motor skills development.
Author TeacherYouWant
Tags Sight Words, Playdough Mats, Literacy Development, Early Reading, Fine Motor Skills
SAMPLE Grade 4 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Grade 4, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Games
Sample Grade 4 Vocabulary (McGraw-Hill Wonders) Week 1 of Units 1-6 Teaching Resource This comprehensive resource is a perfect fit for fourth-grade teachers or homeschoolers focusing on language arts - particularly ESL, spelling, vocabulary, and writing. It thereby ensures a balanced learning experience. Components: Vocabulary Lists: Each list includes the word’s definition, part of speech and an example sentence that ensures learners grasp not only the word's meaning but also its usage context. Vocabulary Test : This two-part test challenges students to write down vocabulary words based on definitions in Part1 and form sentences in Part2. Word Search: A fun engagement tool promoting interactive self-learning. An excellent addition to homework tasks or group activities! Answer Keys: Included for grading speed post- test administration. Remember when printing to only select pages one through three! The resource structure applies consistency across weeks one through six with changing unit themes thus stimulating continued interest amongst learners whilst aiding retention at smoother rates. The vocabulary includes varied terms such as 'brainstorm', 'flattened', 'jumble' - hence holistically nurturing the Grade 4 linguistic lexicon. We are open to all queries, comments & suggestions! Explore this valuable teaching resource that promises enriching sessions teeming with diverse language discovery.
Author Tom's Talk
Tags Vocabulary, Language Arts, ESL, Spelling, Writing
Animated Game: Beat the Clock Word Game VI
ELA, Language Development, Spelling, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games
The Animated Game : Beat the Clock Word Game VI This is a meticulously designed educational resource that invigorates language arts learning for Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 students. Engaging for both small group activities and whole class interaction. Game Features: A step-by-step game where students practice with letters while trying to determine a mystery word. An exciting learning experience as children compete against time - an element of thrill and competition added to their study time. Potentially revolutionary for home-based studies without straining young learners making it an enjoyable homework assignment. Highly Interactive: This game serves as a PowerPoint presentation with embedded animations following each point being read out loud offering "Interactive Visual Aids" . This greatly enhances the comprehension level of learners’ reading and writing skills. It can be displayed on large screens such as interactive whiteboards or TVs using Apple TV or smaller platforms like computer monitors or tablets via Microsoft PowerPoint apps - making education accessible no matter what technology you have available at hand. Inclusive For All Learners: Sensitivity towards children with Visual Impairment (VI) is taken into account in this unique tool by including high contrast graphics using white or yellow text on black backgrounds, targeted animations promoting movement focusing on target objects, adopted melodies supporting shared concepts, integrating sound effects – promoting < inclusive education > . This game was developed keeping educators' daily challenges in mind; serving not merely as another academic chore but rather enacting an enlightening educational journey that enhances spelling skills amongst other aspects- transforming education into uniquely memorable experiences!
Author Bloom Resources
Tags Educational Resource, Language Arts, Interactive Game, Visual Aids, Inclusivity
Bingo Game: Latin Roots
ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grade 4, 5, 6, Games, Activities
Latin Roots Bingo Game Make learning fun with the Latin Roots Bingo Game. This educational tool is perfect for Grade 4 - Grade 6 students , providing a fun way to review or check their understanding of Greek and Latin roots and derivatives. It's suitable for educators in a traditional or homeschooling environment. The game includes 40 Greek and Latin roots, from "aer/aero" to "ver/vers/vert" . Everything is tied into our other educational resources like the Greek and Latin Roots and Derivatives: Reference Cards and Card Sort. The Bingo Package Includes: 30 ready-to-play game cards, Calling cards that mirror each root used, A clear answer key for easy verification of winners. You just need to print out the bingo game cards (and laminate if you'd like them to last longer), gather some marker chips, such as plastic discs or dry beans, then you're ready! Fostering associative thinking, students listen carefully when definitions are called out ("clues") that relate to specific root words on their card. Someone shouting "Bingo!" when they've marked off enough clues correctly across their card can create an exciting atmosphere! And remember - more rounds are possible after a winner emerges! Suggested Use: We suggest educators use this resource with other materials like our Bundle: Greek and Latin Roots; Greek and Latin Prefixes. Spelling drills feel less daunting equally impactful with this engaging bingo game as part of your lesson plan! Note: Covers Language Arts Subject Focus Area – Vocabulary enhancement & Spelling improvements activities The resource comes in high-quality downloadable PDF format Ideally suited for Activities Type discipline within educational curriculum
Author Virtually Montessori
Tags Latin Roots, Bingo Game, Vocabulary Enhancement, Spelling Improvement, Active Learning
SAMPLE Alphabet Flash Cards - 2 Digital PDF Activities + Printables
ELA, Language Development, ESL, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Common Core, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities, Games
SAMPLE Alphabet Flash Cards - 2 Digital PDF Activities + Printables An expertly designed educational resource aimed at promoting a dynamic and interactive learning atmosphere for educators in both traditional and homeschool settings, specifically crafted to assist students in getting comfortable with the alphabet while also expanding their vocabulary. Interactive Flashcard Activity A digital game with a single button, suitable for preschool age children. Each letter's introduction is followed by identifying three associated words, fostering memory retention of each letter's visual representation. Printable Flashcards Mirrors online content enhancing offline pattern recognition and recall mechanism development. Available in two sizes (A5 & A6), offering versatility based on teaching circumstances or preferences. Alphabet Flash Card Presentation & Cheat Sheet A fun alternative way to introduce these seven letters (A-G) prior to delving into linked vocabulary exercises. An easily accessible cheat sheet is also available providing necessary reference material related to each alphabet letter. Note: This versatile teaching aid can be used for class-wide instructions or smaller group settings. Aligned with Common Core Standards (CCSS)RF.K.1d & RF.K.3, , this material imparts knowledge relevant across multiple language arts disciplines like ESL training, Phonics studias well as Reading lessons structured around Spelling & Vocabulary building exercises. Enjoyed this sample version? You can easily transition over to exploring enhanced features across the whole alphabet aboard FULL version .
Author Tom's Talk
Tags Alphabet Flashcards, Interactive Learning, Vocabulary Expansion, Digital Activities, Printables
Word Scramble Game
ELA, Language Development, Spelling, Common Core, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games
The Word Scramble Game An engaging teaching resource tailored to ignite a student's interest for language arts through a fun, interactive game. This tool is not age-specific and provides enriched support for both traditional education and homeschooling. Challenging the conventional notion that learning can't be full of pleasure, the Word Scramble Game fuels elements of excitement and investigation – pushing learners to outperform themselves or their peers in identifying words. This inventive approach promotes a purposeful combination of education and entertainment – edutainment . The Walnut Creek Game Features: Ten differentiated word confusions showcasing letters on a 5 x 5 grid – offering students abundant opportunities across varying complexity levels. Scoresheets associated with each puzzle - motivating students with points aligned with the words they identify e.g., three-letter words earn three points; four-letter words are worth four points, while five or more lettered-words land five points! Note: The game doesn't impose play within rigid limits but instead allows flexibility so educators can customize it according to diverse classroom environments. Nifty Applications: An educational activity at centers encouraging team building amongst early finishers during regular school hours; A compelling content for homework packets; An intriguing party activity as well as an exciting family game! This multipurpose tool comes in easy-to-print black-and-white PDF format enhancing convenience to its users. The Connection with CCSS (Common Core State Standards) The Word Scramble Game expands beyond mere spelling skills by providing indispensable foundations touching upon crucial areas like reading science involving word recognition strategies. Teacher Notes & Practical Use Enhancing its compatibility with teaching is its inclusion of guiding notes for educators along with tangible ideas for usage, thereby strengthening this resource's standing as a vital tool in promoting active learning and a fascination for the English Language Arts in an enjoyable manner.
Author TeacherWriter LLC
Tags Word Discovery, Language Arts, Interactive Learning, Edutainment, Reading Science
Sight Words Fluency Learning Game | Fry's 2nd 100 Words
ELA, Language Development, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities, Games
Fry's 2nd 100 Sight Words Learning Game This engaging sight word game helps students build reading fluency with Fry's 2nd 100 high frequency words. Laminated word cards allow for durable game play. To play, an educator says a word and students race to swat it first with their flyswatter. The fast-paced competition encourages repeated exposure that helps commit these essential words to memory. Use velcro on the swatters and cards so successful swats “pick up” the word. Or play without for an even quicker, less expensive option. This game is easily adapted for whole class, small group, or independent practice. With multiple ways to play, this activity promises to be a classroom favorite that improves word recognition and reading confidence.
Author Brian Johnson
Tags Fry's Sight Words, Fluency Game, Learning Game, Learning To Red, Sight Words, Frys Game, Fry's 2nd 100